Need for Speed?

Isn't that enough?? :-) It would probably be different if they were closer in age, but they're 19, almost 15, and almost 8 - both have birthdays next month - and trying to coordinate everyone's schedule is a huge chore, and sometimes requires a 3-dimensional graph to get it right. If you include the husband and the cats I have 6 children

I have a sign right inside my front door that says "My house was clean last week. Sorry you missed it." My house is in a constant state of disarray, but at least my laundry gets done, the dishes are clean, there's food in the house, and the bills get paid on time. I do my best to tidy up, but it's hard when I'm the only one who seems to be able to throw things away, even obvious trash, or pick up stuff that isn't mine.

Beginning of the year is the time for dental and optometry appointments for everyone, plus my annual physical. Working this around everyone's school schedule...I need that 3-D graph right now.

Thank you! I used to just watch TV, but I need to be doing *something* constructive during this time. Knitting is easiest for me if I want to follow a TV show; I tried doing cross-stitch while watching TV for many years, but it just doesn't work.

Generally if I can't see the mistake I leave it, but my mistakes are generally of the kind that even Stevie Wonder could find, so I need to frog it back and fix them.

I do, too, but unfortunately the last couple things I've made have involved a large portion in ss. At least my current Noro sweater has the striping yarn going for it; got back and fronts done, and one sleeve is up to the cap shaping.

Thanks! Since I don't have any real roses I do what I can

The Other Kim kimagreenfieldatyahoodotcom

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The Other Kim
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Well I am a newbie...joined in Sep with a good friend. Every meeting which is once a month they have a information thingy...updates on our charity knitting, show and tell...stuff we made or are in the process of making.....always a a neat lady showed us how to knit flowers....I kept this comment to myself but thought jeesh what a bunch of would be easier for me to crochet the dang things. Last meeting we were shown how to knit socks on 1, 2 and 4 needles and 2 socks at the same time...nothing real detailed but enough to give us an idea if we wanted to try something new. What I think is neat is women [no men so far] from all age groups attend and from different backgrounds so as I enjoy meeting new people that is a real treat and also seeing all the different ways people knit.

Oh woolworks has a listing of Knitting Guilds by State and also in Canada:

formatting link
have websites which give information about the Guild. I see lots of replies in this thread so if the link has already been provided sorry

Well I have a few fave shows and none require complete attention so I can knit and listen, also myself and a few girls at work have started taking our knitting to our once a month meeting.....we have around 500 workers and the meetings are boring so at least we are doing something to keep us from falling asleep.


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Oh hell I didn't notice she was from the UK.....Sorry!


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LOL you go girl and Hugs back!


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You girls are cracking me up.


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thanks JJ for your reply....I agree about what I call the hustle and bustle....cell phones come to mind...I have one for emergencies and would be highly irritated to have one stuck to my ear everywhere I went......and it's not just the kids but everybody...while driving, dinning in a public restaurant and while shopping.

D> My suspicion is we live in a "immediate gratification" "competition

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I mostly knit hats and started knitting no seam baby sweaters and when I get to parts that require my attention I turn everything off until I get past the hard parts.


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---------------- Snipped ----------- The reason I knit/crochet is because it is relaxing and therapeutic. Knitting fast holds no sway over me. I have had to finish a project for a present and I hated that experience. I now give the item I wish to give when it is done...

Padishar Creel

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Padishar Creel

Hi Aaron...I have read with interest your posts about knitting sheaths....I hope my memory is right and it was you I have RA [Rheumatoid Arthritis] and have tried the Continental style of knitting because I read it was less stressful to wrists, but my fingers are too stubborn and went back to using my right hand.

D> I am one of the prime offenders when it comes to talking about speed.

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My comment is, "If you're coming to see me, come anytime. If you're coming to see my house, make an appointment!"

LOL JJMolvik

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Yep I ran out of time knitting Hats for Christmas and only finished 5 so now I just knit one inbetween other projects for next year.


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JJMolvik spun a FINE 'yarn':

Come in, sit down. Relax, converse. The house doesn't always look like his Most times its worse!

JM2C, Noreen

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Mary Fisher spun a FINE 'yarn':

;) Noreen

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DAB spun a FINE 'yarn':

We DO have our fun! Which makes this group FUN! Noreen :D

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DAB spun a FINE 'yarn':

In the past various 'bosses' used to reprimand me and tell me to slow down, I was making everyone else look bad. I just do things fast. But I do NOT drive fast, Don'll tell ya, I drive like an old lady. Heck, I AM an old lady, LOL! Hugs, Noreen :D

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Lately i meet more and more women , who `come back to knitting`,,,, when they say they are gald there is `still a shop that sells wool ` around [ in fact there are some new ones as well] , i can`t stop myself from saying Lucky for YOU we kept those shops alive !!!! I am amazed to find that some of those Newly found Knittiing urge,,, are the most competitive , one said to me on the train ,,, that she knits a child sweater in a day ,,,, i said to her i have no clue how long it takes me , when i finish i finish ,,,, when she pushed for an answer , i said `l have some CLOSETS full with my handcrafts ,,,, i am in no hurry to make some before the trend changes ,`,,, mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Other Kim , you reminded me of the time mine were at home as teenagers ,,, everything was as you described it , i was IMA where is ??? even if i wasn`t the one misplacing it? ,,,, i cooked cleaned, made order and did other things ,,, in those times i wished i had 6 hands , might have been quite useful , only hinderance is that i might have to knit 6 sleeves to each sweater :>:>:> mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Some people start to appologise for their house`s looks , i immidiately , Say : Hallo house , How are you ? most women understand and loose their tenseness about it ,,,, i used to be like that ,,, stopped ,, i just can`t do it ALLLLLLLL One neighbour once came in while i was talkig with another , She commented about me having some dust on a shelf , the one already talking to me said [ to her ] You might have Dust on your mind !!! mirjam and me have more important things ... i dust once a week or if it is needed , and that is that ,,, i wash floor [ by hand ] windows shutters etc,,, thus i have a circular method ,,, mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

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