
I'm new to the newsgroup and, after reading some of the posts, pretty limited in what I do. :P I first began crocheting when I was pretty young. Probably seven or eight. I limited myself to chains. Looooooong chains. Maybe a couple of very basic (and lopsided) doily-like items. My only noteworthy project happened when I was around 15 and we had a few days notice of a large and protacted blizzard coming. My mother went to the store to buy some yarn for herself and I ended up getting enough yarn to crochet myself a variegated purple afghan in a zigzag pattern. (I still have and use that afghan, too. :) ) That was it until earlier this year, which is almost 30 years after the afghan.

I moved to Hawaii about 4 years ago and started seeing crocheted leis around and kept meaning to check in to classes on how to make them. Early this year, I bit the bullet, bought a book, some ribbons, a crochet hook and ended up with a lei that evening. Ever since, I've been crocheting leis (different colors for different outfits, you know :P), anklets, wrist- lets, headbands, hatbands, scrunchies, hair clips and other hair accessories with the different specialty yarns and ribbons.

I plan on expanding a bit into crocheted wraps/ponchos/etc., to try and outfit our daughter with unique clothing items but that will have to wait until I get caught up on the terminology of patterns. :)

No more afghans though. We don't really need them here. :P


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On Mon, 05 Jun 2006 02:57:43 GMT, Tracey spun a fine yarn

Welcome, Tracey! Hugs, Noreen

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Haven't found the one I am looking for yet - but check out this one.

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looks like it might be suitable for Hawaii - though this particularone is for adults, it shouldn't be too hard to make it smaller. JCT wrote: . I will see if I can find the

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Welcome Tracy! Nice to meet you. I have started doing Hawaiian dancing this year and would love to see a picture of your leis. I think it would be fun to try to make one. What book did you get?

btw, I knit, crochet, hardanger, sew, and now dance

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Thank you very much. :) I will try and get around to those two soon. In pink though. Daughter is a pinkophile. :P


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I have a digital camera so am able to take pictures but no place to post them. :(

I actually have 5 books now spaced out over 3 series.

Crochet only (well, mainly. I think a few items also entail a little cutting of ribbons and sewing, but mostly crocheted)

Making Eyelash Crochet Leis by Coryn Tanaka and May Masaki (at least 3 books in this series) Crochet Lei-Making in Hawaii: A Step-by-Step Guide by Judy Dela Cruz (2 in this series)

Another series is Handcrafted Leis & Flowers and there are nine or more in this series, IIRC. I've never been to their site but they have a web address of

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These books have a few different ways of making leis. There are a few crocheted, a few sewed with ribbons or feathers, some made with flowers made out of clay, etc. More than just knitting and crocheting. In the volume I have (volume VII), I found a pattern for a cute puppy dog lei with the puppy heads made out of pompoms with pipecleaner collars. Our daughter loves it. :)

I was looking around on eBay the other day and saw many of these books for sale, too.


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two of the series are in that link. For my own preferences, Idon't particularly like the Fancy Hawaiian Lei in Crochet series,but, like I said, that's my own preference. Materials used arethe different eyelash yarns, grosgrain and/or satin/polyester 1/8 or1/4 inch ribbons and some of the leis use rattail. The concept is (as you'll see if you buy a book) to make the leis represent or resemble different flowers. They're usually worked in 3 or 4 rows with (usually) at least one row of some kind of green to represent the foliage and the colors to represent different flowers.

As I said, it isn't just the leis though. Smaller ones make cool anklets or wristlets (I make them in sets, a lei and an anklet.) Or get some of the covered elastic ponytail holders, crochet around them and make scrunchies. Or, an idea I like and I see a lot that looks *really* nice (IMO) are hat bands for the straw hats that people wear.

I've also bought hair barrettes and crocheted the eyelash yarns on them and banana clips and crocheted them, too. They make pretty and fairly inexpensive hair accessories.


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Oh, yeah. I don't knit but crochet the things I've already mentioned and recently got back in to crosstitch. I also picked up a book on needlecraft at a used book store so am messing around with needlepoint/petis point/tapestry/whatever it's called. Hehe.


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Welcome, Tracy. I don't crochet much, but I do have a crochet lei that someone made me. It is quite nice.

Higs, Katherine (In Labrador, where we *do* need afghans!)

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Whoops! Sorry, that should have been "Tracey". Sorry.

Higs, Katherine

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