New (?) stash

Wow, I hit pay dirt today. My mom has been cleaning out her home in anticipation of a move next year. And deep in the storage area she found a big box of Red Heart yarn!! The receipt in the bag says it was purchased in 1991 from Woolworths. Remember that store? She gave it all to me! There are greys, corals, green and maroons inside. I am thrilled!

Now the question is...what to make! And since I have the next 3 days off, I can't think of a better way to spend my time.

I have started on a clothes pin bag. I am using the coral. And yes, I still hang clothes outside in the spring and fall. Do you?


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Diane, what a nice surprise for you ! I think 'found' yarn is much nicer than 'bought' yarn.

I wish I could hang my clothes outside - there's nothing like the smell of clean clothes when they come in from the clothesline.

Rusty from CT and Dusty the Dog

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I love to hang my clothes out. We had a lovely warm spring day last week and I was so thrilled to hang them for the first time.

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norma woods

Enjoy your yarn! I love to hang my clothes out on a line, especially my bath towels that I don't even use fabric softener on because they absorb water off me much better that way. Kimela

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Chuck and Kim

OH, wow, Diane, how wonderful! I remember Woolworths, and probably have yarn that was bought there, too. I like to hang clothes outside, but don't do it as often as I would like.


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A nice afghan for yourself??? Lucky girl - and enjoy your new stash!!


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Hi Diane,

What a lucky girl to get all that yarn from Mom. Yes, I remember Woolworths, in fact a label I have in my knitting basket is from there, so it's really old. Enjoy whatever you decide to make with it.



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You are so lucky that you got all the yarn. Enjoy spending the time working on it.

Darlene in Toronto

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Craftkitten (Darlene)

Wow, what a cool find and lucky you to get it all too! :o)

Can the pattern for the clothespin bag be found on the internet? And yes, I definitely hang clothes out... spring, summer, fall (when I'm feeling up to it) and I even used to hang them out in the winter and bring them in frozen stiff to hang and thaw indoors. Love that fresh air smell. :o)

Peace! Gemini

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Matthew Hollands

Hi, Yes, the pattern is on the internet. I got it from

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web site. Click on free patterns and then on miscellaneous. Scroll down to clothespin bag. Here is the link, although since posting tru google not sure if the links show up clickable.

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is simple and a quick design to follow. Hope you enjoy it. diane

ps. cant' beat the fresh smell of clothes hung on the line, if we can just tell the beetles not to land on the clothes, well, than THAT would be grand!

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Thanks, Diane. It doesn't look too hard (I knit a lot but am teaching myself to crochet)

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I hang my wash out to dry as well, my clothes pins are in a little empty icecream bucket. I am not always able to hand our wash out, but it is great during the summer months.


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Els van Dam

My clothes pins are in a plastic tub... have been for quite a few years now. I do remember when I was little that my mom had this apron type of thing that she wore on laundry day. It had a huge pocket (I think the entire width of the apron) that she held clothes pins in and it was very convenient for her to just reach to her tummy to get a clothes pin rather than walk to the stand holding a tub of pins. I could likely sew one of those up if I wanted to. It would have to be by hand though (like all my sewing is done), as I still haven't had anyone look at my sewing machine to see if it can be fixed.... another day for that I'm afraid, when there is enough money on hand to pay for any needed repairs. For now... until I either knit/crochet/sew a clothes pin holder, my plastic tub works.

Looking out the window... even if I had any laundry done today I doubt that I'd hang it out, it looks like it will rain any minute. That's okay too as I really don't have the energy to do laundry today. I caught up on last night's dishes and am taking a rest now... if I have more energy in a while, I'll sweep the floors or sort some laundry to do later in the week.


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Matthew Hollands

My mother used the same kind of apron as yours did. It would be very easy to make one with a machine. But I have no need. Living in the heart of the city, my clothes drying is done in a dryer or bathroom.

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Tante Jan

Gemini, you can usually find a carpenters apron in the local dollar store. My mom used one of those for her clothes pins, and swore by it.

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norma woods

I've seen the carpenter's aprons in the stores. They're close and pretty neat, but not exactly the same as the big apron my mom used to have when I was little.


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Matthew Hollands

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