OT - It's Sunday! - Weather Report from Southwestern Ontario

It started snowing (very fine stuff) on and off yesterday. I don't know if it continued on throughout the night... or if it started up again early this morning... but when I got up and looked out the kitchen window on the way to the bathroom, I could see that it had been accumulating. It looked fluffy and light on the lilac bush outside the kitchen window, so I thought when I went to let the dogs out that I would take the big shop broom outside and just quickly sweep the van off (even though it's still snowing the very fine stuff like yesterday). I got my coat, scarf and mittens on and replaced my cane with the broom (as I can lean on the broom when necessary) and opened the door. Decided right then and there that I was going out *before* I let the dogs out or they would be underfoot. I swept a bit away from in front of the door so I could step outside and shut the door behind me.

Well... once I got out there I could see that there was a LOT more snow down than I had first thought by looking at the lilac bush. I managed to sweep off the small upper deck just outside the door, and also the one step before the lower and bigger deck. There was no way that I was even thinking of sweeping off the entire lower deck anyway... I was only going to push a path to the next steps that go off the deck to the ground, then toward the gate so I could get to the laneway and sweep off the van. Not gonna happen, I can tell you that! Once I got to the lower deck I could see what I was facing.... we had approximately 8 - 10 inches of snow, and it wasn't as light and fluffy as it looked. I *did* sweep a path off the deck and to the gate... but I am not going further than that.

Matthew is having a bit of a sleep-in this morning (after playing online games with his best friend most of the night), but this is going to be one of those clean-out-the-laneway-in-about-four-attempts things again like we had a few weeks ago. He will be in and out of the house most of the day once he gets up, shovelling out the laneway in sections. And it's STILL snowing. The plow went up and down our street three times within the first hour after I got up.

Oh well.... before we know it, it will be summer and people will be moaning about the heat. LOL


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Hi Gemini,

Oh yes, the looking out the window at the snow is nice, but when you get out there, surprise. We had about four inches of light fuffy snow yesterday and more overnight, but at least the sun is out today. Now to wait for spring and the flowers to come up.



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