Semi-grippy, pointy circs with good joins?

Hey y'all, I'm at a loss. I'm planning a lace project using Jaggerspun Zephyr (50/50 wool/silk). The stuff is moderately fine, fairly splitty, and slippery as all get-out.

I managed to swatch on 4mm rosewood DPNs after I pointed the tips rather severely with 600-grit paper and then waxed the heck out of the needles.

BUT. My 4mm rosewood circ isn't doing the trick, mostly because of the join. I pointed the tips, waxed the needles, and moved my swatch onto the circ to see how it would go. I have to horse the stitches up over the join on the needle and that's a PITA and slows me down substantially. This is the standard Susannah's join, so getting a different circ is probably not going to solve this problem.

When I put this yarn on Addi Turbos the stitches just jump off the tip of the left needle because there's NO GRIP at all. Plus, Addis are rather dull and tend to split the yarn more often than not.

As nearly as I can tell Inox Express needles are no pointier than Addis, but I only have a couple of Inox examples on which to base this opinion, neither of them the correct size.

I do have a Phildar circ the correct size and it is VERY pointy. I don't like the curve at the base of the needle tips, however :(

I tried bamboo needles, and they're almost OK except the joins are not consistent even on the same circ: my 4mm 24" circ has one very smooth join and one that isn't. My 30" 4mm bamboo circ has two crummy joins, and my 3mm (wrong size!) 24" has two perfect joins.

I don't think I have any other options, but I'm open to suggestions. Help!


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I have a set of 4.3 mm by 29 inch long, one piece nylon circular needles with very smooth joins and rather fine points that I got in box of stuff long ago. Sounds like they might work. I do not think that such needles are still on the market, so if you want them, send me your snail address and I will send them to you at no charge, but with no warranties.


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AARON! Wooly's nntp server has gone blotto, she didn't know about your message, except that I just happened to be IM-ing her. Please email ME at n o r e e n DOT j AT g m a i l DOT com, And I'll give YOU HER private email. Noreen

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Glad I could help! Noreen

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