Calling out Kalera & Tink

My PayPal has the most money it's ever had or will probably ever see for many years. I've been putting all my glass funds aside for the new kiln.


Kalera - What were you thinking when you designed the perfect Starlia bracelet! Egads, it's all I could do to not BIN when you posted it.

And Tink - The pinks are killing me. I normally don't like bubblegum, but I am loving all your pinks.

Ladies, please just shoot me now and let me be pain free. I know the new kiln is worth it, but dang I'm having a hard time.


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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "starlia" :

]Ladies, please just shoot me now and let me be pain free.

i'm right there beside you!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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...and new beads going up right this very second. No more pinks, sorry to say.

I do have a cartoon blue rendition of the "Jane" bead though. No pics of it yet. Haven't decided whether or not to cap it, though I think I will.

I'm up tonight working on image files from which I'm having slides made. I'm really dealing with a learning curve here, as there are all kinds of things I don't know/understand about what I need to do with the files to make them suitable for transfer to slide format.

When you see the images, you'll notice black bands on part of the picture. Those are there as "filler" between the size of the picture (which varies) and the size of a slide (4096 x 2730). I guess you're supposed to fill that gap with black so that when the slide is all lit up the blank areas don't blind everyone. LOL!

Go>My PayPal has the most money it's ever had or will probably ever see for

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I changed my mind about posting the slide images as-is. I removed the black bands as I didn't like the way they looked on the page. Bleah. I am SO not feeling like doing this. Stresssssssssssssssssssssssss.


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Don't stress. If you can, walk away and try it later. A stressed Tink is never good.

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Tinkster :

]Bleah. I ]am SO not feeling like doing this. Stresssssssssssssssssssssssss.

then do something else. can it wait? where's Prarieson?

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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I have to get the images ready to upload to immediately! I have to have them in my hot little hands in time to get the whole package of stuff to Penland no later than 5 PM on Friday the 13th. EGADS! I didn't even make the "Friday the 13th" connection until this very minute. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!! Bleah!

Initially, I was only going to apply for scholarships that didn't require slides of my work. The ones that you need slides for are based upon jurying (or something similar) to determine whether or not you have exceptional talent. Double bleah. I hate stuff like that. Oh, and I am pretty sure if I remember correctly that the Dinah Hulet class requires slides, too. So I had to bite the bullet and do this.

Prairies>vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Tinkster

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Tinkster :

]I have to get the images ready to upload to immediately! I ]have to have them in my hot little hands in time to get the whole ]package of stuff to Penland no later than 5 PM on Friday the 13th. ]EGADS! I didn't even make the "Friday the 13th" connection until this ]very minute. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!! Bleah!

DARN! sorry i can't help, babe!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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Thanks, sweetie! I think I'm at the point where I do need to sleep a couple of hours though. Working any longer tonight will just be counterproductive.

*waving goodnight to everyone*


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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "roxan" :

]Most people have no idea how much time we spend trying to keep a business ]going.

no kidding!!!!!!!!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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Exactly!! I spend so much time on the computer researching and doing administrative work it's pathetic. I *wish* all I did was make beads and jewelry. :)

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Kandice Seeber

LOL! You are so cute! OK, I'll try hard to be good (sitting on hands, whistling innocently).


starlia wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

I know... I was discussing this with Moxley earlier today. Working at home on our own businesses essentially means we NEVER get a break. He works from seven AM until midnight or one, and I do the same, plus managing the household, the rental, and ferrying children about and feeding, clothing, comforting, loving, and generally raising them, and then there's the yard, which I'm not ready to talk about.


roxan wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

I just can't imagine how people with kids can find the energy to run your own businesses. I *don't* have kids, and I find myself never having the time to make my yard look even remotely presentable. Especially during the

9-month rainy season we have here. I take care of the house (and sometimes let that slide as well). Someday I am going to have enough money to hire someone to do that kind of stuff for me. :D Someday...... ***sigh***
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Kandice Seeber

Yeah, but they're Oh-My-God gorgeous!

So, what did I miss? What is the application for? A teaching position?


T> ...and new beads going up right this very second. No more pinks, sorry > to say. >

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Kalera Stratton


Why do I never finish reading threads before asking my silly questions? Especially since I already know my server fetches messages out of order?


T> I have to get the images ready to upload to immediately! I

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Kalera Stratton

Friday the 13th has always been a "money" day for me. I hope it will be for you, too!


T> I have to get the images ready to upload to immediately! I

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Kalera Stratton

Fri the 13th can be a good day. In 1981, my divorce was final on Friday, February 13th. Of course I didn't know that until Monday or Tuesday when I received a postcard from the court. Damn! Missed celebrating that whole weekend!

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JL Amerson

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