Introductions! OT

MAN! I can relate. My problems have included bipolar, back stuff (which I still have, 16 years later), migraines, and neurological problems (mine is chronic sever pain). Sounds like you and I are sisters in illness. ~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz
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I got mad at all the doctors cause the meds made me a zombie and added 10 lbs. So I said to heck with it and went off it all. Took a year to detox. But now that I'm breaking down I have to very very carefully go back on some of the meds. But now I know which ones to stay away from . Like Depakote. I packed on most of my weight from that one. Yuck!

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Debbie B

I know. I've got an extra 25 on right now. It's not so bad, but I'd love to lose 15 of it......But the meds, I can understand what a burden they are. I never took Depakote, but had a friend who did, and it wasn't good for her either. (I was on lithium for about 15 years.) I think a lot of docs like to throw Rxs at patients, especially with the drug company reps constantly bombarding them with visits and samples and other crap. :-( ~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.comnospam (Kaytee) :

]"squirrel shooting" is a local ]sport that is actually useful. There even are contests on who can get the most ]during a specific time period (collect tails for proof), followed by a barbeque ]party (not barbequed "squirrel").

okay - even knowing the "whys", that might seriously freak me out. [shudder]

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the republic which it established, one nation from many peoples, promising liberty and justice for all.

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My husband has been disabled with back pain for 3 years now. The only thing that makes any significant improvement is deep tissue massage. I can't remember the name of the school of teaching, but it's an uncommon one. Workers' Comp flies him in to Anchorage and puts him up for a week at a time for this.


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Christina Peterson

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Christina Peterson" :

]Workers' Comp flies him in to Anchorage and puts him up for a week at a time ]for this.

you have MUCH better Workers' Comp than i did! i'm impressed! [and good for Pete!]

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the republic which it established, one nation from many peoples, promising liberty and justice for all.

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My name is Roxan and I live near Harrisburg Pa. I have 2 dogs Andy and Toby, one Amozon blue front parot called baby and a husband. I am a hairdresser by trade and an artist. I have been beading for about 12 years which is just another expression on my art. I enjoy this NG because I hear about the lastest things going on in the bead world. Since I don't have a bead store near me I attend a lot of show to shop. I am a big animal lover and devote a lot of my time doing work at shelters and helping wildlife back into nature. My birthday is January 25th. and I am 59 years young. Roxan

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They want to put me on lithium and I said no not right now. I meant to say

100 lbs not 10. I wish it was only 10 LOL.

I think you are right about throwing Rxs at patients. Then when you really need something, they don't give anything.

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Debbie B

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 13:11:27 -0400, Barbara Forbes-Lyons wrote (in message ):

I think we were both good little doobies - I know I put my birthday on my bio. :-)

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

Lol! I'm Nov. 29.

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Oh yeah.. I forgot mine too... May 18th

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My name is Beki. I was born in 1961. I have been married for almost 22 years (July 5th) to Shawn. We have 4 kids. Two of each. 21, 19, 18 & 13. Right now we have 1 dog, Oscar de la Hotdog, a Dachsund of course, Miles the pound kitty, and Rover, a female Goldfish that was won at the fair by tossing a ping-pong ball onto her head. She will be 2 this July.

I have been beading since I was 8, when I spent summers with my Grandmother. I do most any type of beading. Basically whatever strikes my mood at the time. I also love all beads, with Crystals & Seedbeads being at the top of my list. I am also a bead collector.

I have owned my beadstore, Out On A Whim, for almost 18 years now. And I have had an online catalog of beads,, for 8 years now.

I also enjoy cooking and reading.


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Hi my name is Beth. Born and raised in Iowa, I'm 32 and work in the field of accounting. Married my DH September 1999. No kids yet and no pets due to allergies. I am an extremely proud aunt to 6 wonderful nieces and nephews, soon to be 7.

Frustrated by the stress at work and trying to deal with my father's condition after a diagnosis of Lou Gehrig's disease in 1998, I found bead stringing as a stress reliever and creative outlet. I appreciate the instant gratification that stringing brings. I love working with semi-precious stones and sterling silver and am beginning to discover the awesome beauty of lampwork thanks to this group.

I met a great gal January 2004 who owns a small shop locally featuring her own artwork (non-bead related). I've been selling my beaded jewelry in her shop since. Turns out she works with a publishing company in their crafts division and two of my pieces will be published in one of their upcoming books. I wonder how I got so lucky to have this happen and cannot figure it out. I just chalk it up to fate and I feel fortunate that I've been rewarded for doing something I love.

Birthdate: October 6

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Beth IA

Nope! That would be me or Helen. I'm 22 for a few months more. :-)


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Check out my site for the RCB Member Links! E-mail me for details on submission!

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It's true, I swear! I've seen the cutie pie in person! :-D He's also the Most Well Behaved Baby on the *entire* planet too.


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Check out my site for the RCB Member Links! E-mail me for details on submission!

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OMG! Haw! You are SO right! ~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz

Hi, I'm KathyH. I live in Wisconsin where I work at a private university in the admissions office. I have a Husband, a 15 year old daughter and 2 cats (one fat cat, one thin cat). My husband is an engineer and an artist. My daughter is a very cool person; very bright and unique. I love hiking in the woods and have always enjoyed nature's beauty. I'm 44. I love to read and I love to learn new things. I especially love history and science (basic science, that I can understand, no mathematical theories). I love childrens illustrated books. "Where the Wild Things Are" is a Fav. There are many fantastic, magical childrens books out there. I like to believe that there is magic in the world.

I try to live by the golden rule of treat others as you would want to be treated. Also I love to laugh and to find the humor in my every day life.

My bead work is mostly "stringing" larger beads. I do wire work and have done some peyote stitch. I have tons of beads. I could open a bead store with my stash. I especially love working with Bali beads, freshwater pearls and semiprecious, carved beads. Lapis is my favorite stone. I don't have a favorite color. I like all colors, with the exception of Pepto Bismol Pink. My birthday is January 16th.

I have been coming to Rec Craft Beads for at least 4 years now and love it. I find it to be a great source of entertainment, information and support.

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Well lets see here....

I'm Kathy K, currently in Asheville NC (where apparently nature is not sure what season it is - there was snow on the mountain tops today). Birthday is

5-17-66, and yes I can be stubborn like Taurus:) I live with 2 cats Calybe and Lilea (sisters). I have had them almost 2 years now. (one is currently in my lap and the other is front of the computer screen). I have a DBF in north Atlanta that I met online (yes I moved from Atlanta to Ashveille so I can meet someone from Atlanta - go figure!)

I've been beading off and on since I was a kid - thanks to my arts and crafty and very creative Mom. I found RCB a little over a year ago and WOW - have I learned a lot! I had never heard of lampwork unitl then - now i buy it like crazy and am learning to make my own. I do mostly stringing work - necklaces, and earrings, and every now and then a bracelet. i work with seed beads, lampwork, stones, semi-precious, silver and Austrian crystals that are made by a family business that sounds like twarovski :) (actually I think I'm addicted to the crystlas - mmm soo sparkly). I am very slowly working on selling my work - have a web host, but no page yet - should be up soon. I also work with PMC (precious metal clay) and like to incorporate it into my work.

I love the outdoors and like hiking and white water kayaking. I also love reading - particularly historical romance (hee hee), but I'll read most anything! Guess that's enough for now - gotta keep some mystery about me :)

Kathy K

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I guess I'll break down and do this, too...LOL.

I'm Jalynne, AKA Jennifer, born Nov. 23, 1971. I have been married to DH 11 years on May 24th of this year, and we have a DD who will be 7 on May 1st. I'm into music (was a vocal performance major in college), quilting, scrapbooking, and started playing with beads when I was in high school. I'm currently recovering from a hysterectomy, but in the fall I will resume my online college courses to obtain my B.S. in Psychology, and then move on to law school, where I want to train to be a research attorney. I'm also toying with the idea of a Master's in Psychology for Marriage and Family Counseling, perhaps before law school, since I'll have to work my way through school.

Right now, we live in Tacoma, Washington, but since DH is in the Navy, we move to a new station every 3 years or so, and our time will be up two years from now. We don't know where we'll be, but this group will always be accessable, so I can carry my friends with me!

Beading has become the ultimate creative outlet for me, second only to quilting. The possibilities are endless, with colours and form, to express whatever I happen to be feeling at any given moment. I can use beads in all of my craft endeavors, so I definitely like the versatility of the art. I do have several friends IRL, but one can never have too many friends, and I am glad that I have found this group to make my world a little bigger. I've learned so much here, and have been encouraged to jump off the high dive, and have the confidence that I can do whatever I put my mind to. I'm definitely a beginner, and tend to have lots of questions, and want to experiment with lots of different techniques before I find my "niche". My style tends to be more traditional and classic, and I prefer colours and styles that stand the test of time.

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Alright, since everyone else is doing a short bio I'll give it a go.

My name is Starlia Klopman and I currently live in Leander, Texas after living in Alaska for several years. I'm happily married to my best friend Dan. We've been married 11 years and we'll celebrate our 12th anniversary on May 28th! My DD's live in Alaska with their father, but they are great.

We have three dogs in our lives. Trinkett is mentioned most often and she is a 2 1/2 year old blue chihuahua. Smudges is a 2 1/2 year old lab. Tolak, the great hunter, is a 3 year old German Shorthair. Trinkett runs the household and she runs it with an iron bark. LOL

I have been beading for about 4 years now and began making lampwork beads in June 2003. I really enjoy working with hot glass and it's my second artistic outlet. I've been oil painting for 24 years now having started at the tender age of 11. It's still my passion, but there is something to be said about playing with fire.

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