Introductions! OT

My neighbor Erica did that. She lived with her grandma (who I swear was the same age as my mom) because her mom was off living whatever kind of life she was living, and she had her first baby when she was fourteen. By the time I had *my* first baby, Erica's baby was having a baby. Erica's grandma, who couldn't have been more than 60, was raising her great-granddaughter and her great-great granddaughter. Erica was off living *her* life by then, having dumped her baby with Grandma. Unbelievable.


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Kathy N-V wrote:

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Kalera Stratton
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Yes, but they also died very very young. In cultures where life expectancy was greater, it was more typical for women to hold off on having babies until they were older, and also to space them out by five years or so.


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Lee S. Bill> >

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Kalera Stratton

This is true. I actually think there are many advantages to becoming a mother at a younger age, among which are fewer aversions to "wasting time" (I have a huge problem with that) and more stamina. Had I the power to create my personal "perfect reality", I would have started having kids at around 18 or 20. I do have a friend who turned out to be an amazing mom, and she had her first child when we were 20. She would have been a great mom even if she'd done it five years earlier, and some women are just like that.

My actual reality is pretty close to perfect, so I ain't complaining!


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Candace wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

Hee hee... is it time to revive the "Meanest Mommy in the World" thread? :)

I am currently the Meanest Mommy in the World because I have informed them that they absolutely may not watch television during daylight hours or mealtimes, except on Saturday morning. This is in addition to All the Other Mean Rules I have about health and cleanliness! I also make them Play Outside, which is clearly wicked!


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Candace wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

uh huh...I recently went to the OB/GYN that I've had for the last 20 yrs, and complained of perimenopausal symptoms, and he snorted and said that I can't be having those before 50 (hear me snort?), and offered to help me "deal with my stress".

I'm interviewing two new GYN's this month. Time to move on!

The Blessed Fiddy, Patroness Saint of the Disorganized LC in Sunny So Cal Personality Development Specialist (Full-Time Mom!)

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LC aka Fiddy

That's our household too! Our dd never watches the network TV either. She gets select shows on select stations, and lives with it! (And, I don't let her see any movie over a PG rating), and she's 9.

She complies and actually thanks me for helping her decide what to see and what not to see. She has friends who are piercing their "whatevers", and wearing skimpy clothing, and all...(at age 9), and she's a rough and tumble tomboy, thank GOD!!!

Although, I do worry, because she wants to be a tall african-american man when she grows up so she can play in the NBA. I think I'll keep steering her toward Aikido! ROFL....(which she also loves, btw!!)

Sitting in MeanMomVille...

The Blessed Fiddy, Patroness Saint of the Disorganized LC in Sunny So Cal Personality Development Specialist (Full-Time Mom!)

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LC aka Fiddy


Good one, Margie!


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Margie wrote:


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Kalera Stratton

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Kalera Stratton :

]I am currently the Meanest Mommy in the World because I have informed ]them that they absolutely may not watch television during daylight hours ]or mealtimes, except on Saturday morning. This is in addition to All the ]Other Mean Rules I have about health and cleanliness! I also make them ]Play Outside, which is clearly wicked!

and i made mine do chores!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the republic which it established, one nation from many peoples, promising liberty and justice for all.

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.comnospam (LC aka Fiddy) :

](at age 9), and she's a rough and tumble tomboy, ]thank GOD!!!

Jamie was, too. she wanted to be the "next Jerry Rice". she might have done it if she hadn't been thoroughly sick and tired of the "male attitudes" that went with trying to get to play.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the republic which it established, one nation from many peoples, promising liberty and justice for all.

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Marisa, your website is gorgeous! Hello! Why have I never seen this before? Why is it not in your sig line? WHY WHY WHY?


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Marisa Exter wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

Shout out to Helen! Are you, perchance, on the MKP group? Or is that another Helen?


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Helen C wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

That's the day St. Helen's blew up! An easy date to remember. It's also election day here.


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Beth wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

My husband's family wasn't big on birthdays, but my family is... we always make the whole day that person's very special day. We're not celebrating them turning another year older, we are celebrating a wonderful, special, magical thing; the anniversary of the moment someone we love entered the world. He was so flabbergasted when I insisted on making his day special. The kids get to pick a restaurant or a meal or an un-meal, and no matter what it is, that request is honored. Even if it's Chuck-E-Cheese.

I think it's important to celebrate birthdays, and I would celebrate the day that gave me my loved ones even if they didn't.


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starlia wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 18:47:05 -0400, Kalera Stratton wrote (in message ):

Where? My bro lives on 110th Ave.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

A note: I am fortunate to have one of Kerry's necklaces, and several of her beaded beads, and OH MY! They are stunning!


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armand v> My wife Kerry is the bead artist,


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Kalera Stratton

On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 19:30:40 -0400, Kalera Stratton wrote (in message ):

I am the Meanest Wife in the World as well as Bad Mommy of the Week. I win, without even hearing the rest of the competition.


Because Bob has the girls for the next eight days, by himself. He took them to our usual Spring Break spot in Carolina Beach, NC. (We rent the same condo, right on the beach, and it's gorgeous) He's called me eleventy-seven times since Friday - apparently both girls are PMS-ing, acting their age (14 & 15) and driving him out of his flipping mind.

Usually, they go fishing every night off the pier: this year the girls think fishing is yucky. Usually, they get hot donuts at Britt's every night: this year, they're way too fattening. DD forgot her flip flops - she called because she wanted me to Fed Ex them to her: I refused, and apparently there are no acceptable flip flops in all of North Carolina. P/T D has decided to "go vegetarian" this week, and the sight of meat disgusts her. The only suggestion they've liked thus far is to go to the funky car wash with the colored foam. And there are "too many" steps up to our condo, (third floor) so they can't possibly tote anything up from the car.

Have I mentioned that they're BORED? The girls have told Bob how bored they are about a million times apiece. (But all his suggestions stink) He's just about ready to pack them up and drive the fifteen hours back to Boston.

Oh yes, I've been home beading, and I've had ice cream for dinner every night since they've left. Sophie the Wonder Dog and I have had about eighteen naps apiece, and I stayed up to watch movies all night. And I'm still in my jammies. heh, heh, heh

Kathy N-V

P.S.: They don't pull this crap with me, because I'm the "mean one." Bob is the "fun one," and he rarely has to do anything in the discipline area. I give it another day, maybe less, before he blows his stack and hollers the kids into behaving.

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Kathy N-V


Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! LMAO!

Tink Rent-A-Tink Info via Latest Work is here:

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I'll try to make this brief (Ha!) as I am still moving... also dying....the techie comes tomorrow to move the computers so I may be off-line awhile, we shall see...... Anyway, I've been suffering with a chronic pain condition for over 8 years. I've been to 15 drs. I have lost count of those who tried to put me on anti-depressants. Not to mention those who tried to tell me that it was all in my head....mostly because I'm female. Which makes me nuts just "because" all women are crazy. I finally got a pain specialist. He listens. Of course I'm now addicted to pain killers, but I'm not in pain. I can work (sometimes). I can do things. Oh, and the depression I did have (I was ready to die, the pain was too much to bear) has cleared up all by itself. Anti-depressants wouldn't have helped. I would still have been in pain. Of course, when I told the other dr.s that, they just rolled their eyes. And I got up and left...... Barbara Dream Master

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If you want to make God laugh, tell him your future plans. Woody Allen

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Barbara Otterson

Sorry, not me. Lurk elsewhere but that's not one of them. What does the MKP stand for again?


Helen C

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Helen C

On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 21:33:49 -0400, Helen C wrote (in message ):, one of the successors to I was an active participant in there many years ago (when DD was a baby and toddler), but fled due to constant wars over breastfeeding, spanking and a surgical procedure often done to newborn boys. (I won't say the name of the procedure because some people have web crawlers to search for that word, and I don't need any more hate mail than I already get).

I was the organizer of the third (or fourth) photoalbum, back in

1994, and attended the very first get-together was back in 1991. I still have pictures of a two year old DD playing with the other kids, and we are still in contact with a lot of those same people. (The first crop of them are graduating college. Ay carumba!)

It was a w You're ROTFL at the CTTS on, but OTOH, YMMV. Everyone knows what that means now, but back in the day, I got some very, very odd looks. Oh no! I just realized that is now mostly defunct, and it was right after I got the tee shirt! I killed a newsgroup! Arrrrgh.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

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