OT: Sooz...will you?

Now thats what Im talking about... casual, yet doesnt look like you slept in it. Fast, but not 1950s housecoat fast. Now I just need to find my own personal version of your look, and Im set! Diana

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Diana Curtis
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OMTP ~~ Sooz

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Dr. Sooz

I'm really thrilled. It will give me a much longer day! (DSL) ~~ Sooz

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Dr. Sooz

Fresh is divine! Any is great. :-* ~~ Sooz

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Dr. Sooz

The natural fibers part is perfect, but the style is more like aging hippie woman grows up and gets classy.... funky belts, unique jewelry, but in styles and cuts that will show that I still have a figure. Peasent blouses are so pretty, but they pooch out at the waist, and gathered waist skirts tend to make waistlines look non existant. What I did figure out from that mock up of me was that clothing with more seams for fitting will help. Picture a caftan in shirt length, and with seams running vertically up the front.. princess seams I think their called. Skirts that billow and flow, but leave off the bulk in the waistband seem likely candidates too. I wouldnt put it past me to use tie dyed materials either. How about a nice fitted jacket, slightly fitted, out of quilted fabric? Im getting a clearer idea what im after now, thanks to all this talk. I just cant verbalize it well.. Diana

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Diana Curtis

Yes, thats it! When we value ourselves we make our choices of makeup, toothpaste, et al, based on much different criterea than if we do it from a position of shaky self worth. I think thats when we impulse buy, based more on what we saw and believed from comercials and ads. There is no makeup that will make a person sexier. A woman who is confident in her own sexuality may choose to wear it because she likes how it looks on her, and thats quite healthy. I dont pamper myself much, with clothing, or perfume... but .. when it comes to fabric.. look out! When I feel good about myself I buy more fabric, and then use it. Jewelry too. (I have MUCH more expensive tastes since hanging out with you guys) :-) I own Less jewelry now, but like it much more. Im worth it. Diana

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Diana Curtis



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Christina Peterson

Well, of course it's different now that I'm married... I can have my cake and eat it too!


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Diana Curtis wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

I hafta go look now...


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Stephanie wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

It's so funny how even the littlest things can count! I buy two different toothpastes; mine and DH's. I am not so crazy about fennel toothpaste, he loves it and it makes him feel special that I remember.


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~Candace~ wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 4:19:52 -0400, Kalera Stratton wrote (in message ):

Fennel toothpaste? Is that some natural brand? (I had an anaphylactic reation to some Tom's of Maine toothpaste, so it's banned from our home)

Cracks me up because we have a family saying that "Fennel is the evillest if all the spices."

Manda, of course, made it up. Bob was bringing home a lot of sausage for us to try, in an attempt to decide on a primary vendor. Manda loves sausage and was really, really enjoying this time. (I was sick and tired of sausage after 3 consecutive dinners) So, we were all surprised when Manda cast a very suspicious eye on Bob when he came in with that day's sausage.

"Is that sausage with fennel? If it is, I won't eat it, because Fennel is the evillest of all the spices."

Bob and I cracked up. We asked how a spice could be evil, but Manda could not explain, yet insisted fennel was pure evil. Since that day's sausage did indeed contain fennel, we gave her something else to eat.

The phrase, of course, has passed into family folklore. All sausage must be carefully examined for the "evillest of all the spices."

Yeah, I know it's strange. Maybe Zeebree told her to avoid it.

BTW, does anyone else's family have such weird phrases? We have a bunch of them. One is "mice have no bones," which is attributed to my late MIL, who really believed that was true. "Alex Trebeck is Buckie's real father," is another one, made up by me, when I recognized the remarkable resemblence between our elderly Cairn and the host of the Jeopardy game show.

And always, always, the answer to "where is my "x?"" is "If it was up your butt you'd know." Amazingly, this was proven wrong just yesterday when someone in my house was sitting on her new and expensive eyeglasses and didn't realize it. Fortunately, the glasses were undamaged.

Our newest term is referring to my purse as the "KTM." (As in "Kath Teller Machine.") Both Bob and Amanda know that I always, always have cash in my purse, because I feel uncomfortable without some money - even if I plan on staying at home. Lately however, I've been finding post-it notes in my wallet instead of money - "I took $X - Love [insert one of their names]" Apparently, it's easier to swipe money from me than to go to the ATM.

Yes, I make them go to the ATM to replace the money when I start to run low.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

Fennel IS an evil spice, and I won't eat it knowingly. *shudders* Never have liked it, never will. You know those Totino's party pizas? Won't touch one with a ten yeard stick--loaded with fennel. Blech!

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Food touching is pure evil. I'm still like a kid and I hate my food touching still. Zeebree totally agrees.

We have basically the same saying about lost items. Of course it's usuallly me that can't find XYZ.

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It's also a weed.... Dang stuff is awfully hard to get rid of, once it gets established, too. However, I tolerate a few clumps since it is home to some neat butterflies (black & yellow swallowtails), and to those parasitic wasps (the adults need nectar from small flowers).

This weedy sort is not the "gourmet" type that you stir-fry (no "bulb"), but I'm not sure if it could be used in cooking otherwise. I tolerate it in small quantities in stuff, but am not enough of a fan to deliberlately add it to anything. Kaytee "Simplexities" on

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Yes. It will give you much more time, and if, like me, you do

*everything* online, like shopping and etc. it will really change how to go about things. No more getting up to go to the bathroom while a page is loading!


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Dr. Sooz wrote:

Reply to
Kalera Stratton

It is Toms of Maine Fennel Toothpaste with Neem and Peelu or some other such hippie-sounding concoction.

I like Colgate Tartar Control Paste.

Although our household does not regard fennel as the Evillest of All Spices (LOL!) we do have similar random sayings and proclamations, such as "It's hot like a centipede", "Do it, Mommy! Dance!" (coined by Juliet when she was 2) and, related to your "If it was up your butt you'd know", we have as a response to any unreasonable request for something that doesn't exist, "Oh, SURE. Let me consult with the (fill-in-the-blank making) elves that live up my butt!"

There is also the old-time favorite, "EAT IT, OR YOU'LL GET IT THE OTHER WAY!" which makes Sam crack up every time.


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Kathy N-V wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

You are worth it! Sooooo much, and then some!


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Diana Curtis wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

We all are. :-) Its my fervent wish that everyone has that epiphany some day in their lives. Sooner, rather than later in life. Diana

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Diana Curtis

OMG -- are you spying on me? Haw! ~~ Sooz

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Dr. Sooz


~~ Sooz

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Dr. Sooz

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