OT Update, cat & job hunting

Well I haven't posted a personal update in a while, so here goes:

The cat seems to be recovering nicely. If you didn't see my original post buried in a reply somewhere to somebody about something else... cat had an injured/infected ear that he scratched the dickens out of, got a hematoma and had to have an operation. His ear had to be stitched together and he's wearing one of those lovely plastic collars. Poor thing, he still can't get the hang of NOT bumping into everything. He's usually an outdoor cat b/c I'm allergic, but he's abiding in the basement for now. My allergies are having a field day! hahahahahhahah He goes back around next Wed. to get his stitches out. Hopefully that will do it.

So far no job, thought I had one, and then they decided NOT to decide whether they even had the opening yet or not, after they had advertised it and gone thru 2 rounds of interviews. I made the 2nd cut and that's all I know so far. Sigh... wish someone would hire me and put me out of my misery. I HATE job hunting!

Personally I don't seem quite as depressed as I was... I know you have to walk through grief... I know I have to be patient with myself... but it's yucky. Bad thing is lawsuit coming up Fri... credit card company... don't know how that's gonna go, but I sure can't pay them! Will be glad just to get the hearing behind me. Can't afford a lawyer of course, so I'll just have to throw myself on the mercy of the court, hopefully they have some... Any thoughts, prayers, vibes would be appreciated.

I AM glad I have you all to talk to anyhow.

Hugs, Karleen

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Vibrant Jewels
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Absolutely, you need to give yourself the kindness you would love other people to give you too! It's easy to be hard on yourself.

Take documentation about everything regarding the credit card, and then show them that it's a combination of circumstances. Many credit card companies simply write off debt, they must somehow see you as a 'soft touch' so they're playing mean.

Make them look like bostiches. It's not hard to do. And good luck!


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HUGS back!


Bead & Polymer Clay Votary

There is a very fine line between a hobby and mental illness. (Dave Barry)

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Barbara Forbes-Lyons

HUGS to you Karleen. Shoot I got completely depressed over losing someone I used to DATE -- so don't be hard on yourself for feeling sad. How else would you feel?

love, Becki

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You are all sweethearts in this group! I mean it!

Got the lawsuit postponed... cuz my car is stalling out on me... trying to get all the paperwork in order. Thanks for all the kind words, thoughts, prayers and vibes. It helps!

I know it's OK to feel sad... I'm just tired of doing so. I want to run away somewhere, ya know? On my budget that wouldn't take me far. hahahahahahaha Otherwise I'd be knockin' on yer door, Becki!

OK they say things come in threes: my aunt, my mom and my hubby died of cancer. My oven, my cat and my car broke. Ain't that enuff? LOL

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Vibrant Jewels

I found out yesterday that I did NOT get the receptionist job - but I did sell a necklace for $50, plus the office mgr wants me to come back closer to Christmas and have a jewelry party of sorts! I told her - just say WHEN! She also told me that she wanted to hire me, but some of the others didn't because I am a free clinic patient. So it's OK to remain a free clinic patient forever, and bad to want to better myself? Sheesh ... go figure...

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Vibrant Jewels

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