Oh, Martha!

Now she's acting like she just discovered the Rolodex!

OK, I'll grant you, I have never had one as pretty as the "card caddy" she's demonstrating, but I've had a Rolodex on my desk since I started working in offices lo these many decades ago. And I'll bet Lucille had one on her desk while I was still in pigtails!

I really thought she was going to talk about the nifty plastic sleeves you can put business cards in so you don't have to punch holes in them, or the stick-on tabs you can put on the back for the same purpose, but nooooooooo, she was focused entirely on the container.

This post copyrighted 2010 by KMC. Not to be distributed beyond RCTN under penalty of law. If you are reading this post on any other website, please notify me of the copyright infringement.

I need the $200 minimum fine for each instance of copyright infringement by websites such as SewGirls.com!

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Karen C - Calif
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"Karen C - Calif" .

Oh Karen! Be patient. You KNOW she is going to cover a pencil caddy and pencils, notecube holder, and index card file to match. And it will be......a good thing!

Dawne, who kinda likes Martha

Permission to display this email on sewgirls.com is expressly denied until they change their ageist sexist name

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Dawne Peterson

And it will all be done using a glue gun, some left over wrapping paper and just a tad of glitter. I like her too.


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LOL - while I do admire her amazingly bottomless pit of energy, etc - the lack of perspective for over the top is just bizarre. When I lived in ABQ I got to be quite friendly with a local caterer - who had moved there from California, but was a New Englander originally. And somehow in her career had actually worked with the Martha, the families had been friends, etc. So my caterer friend said that the big issue at this time was that Martha had just gone so extreme it was ridiculous - with the raising your own geese, your own chickens, etc - that had caused some estrangement in the family (daughters I believe were at that time not talking with her) and made it impossible to work with her.

OTOH, I got a fab recipe for chile cheese corn muffins from the caterer. I think she did most of the catering for the Gruet family (the vineyard was close to my house), and had some great stuff.

So, sewgirls can use the unattributable gossip - I make no claims. But, not anything else.....


Reply to

"Karen C wrote

I dunno---a couple of apartment chickens might be good company. I am a bit fascinated by the very fancy ornamental chickens (see the cover of any month's Practical Poultry for specimans) and think coordinating a chicken or two with your decor might be fun. And if you cannot find just the right shade of chicken, you can always knit it a sweater (i.e. slipcover it) Dawne

Reply to
Dawne Peterson

"Karen C wrote >

I dunno--I am a bit fascinated by the various fancy chickens (see the cover of any issue of Practical Poultry), and think coordinating a chicken or two to your apartment decor might be nice. And if you can find just the right shade of chicken, you can always knit it a sweater (i.e. slipcover it). Dawne (This post is on sewgirls.com without my permission, because I don't condone the language used in the name. come on--how about sewpersons.com???? )

Reply to
Dawne Peterson

Where there's a gluegun, there's a way! Probably Aleene's makes a glue just for slipcovering lucite.

Well, I can understand why they are not sewers.com---that might attract plumbing hints (stay tuned for Martha's hand made felted plunger cover---coming soon. Still love her) Dawne (sewgirls is a sexist name, so if this is posted there, I don't approve. Equal respect for seamsters.)

Reply to
Dawne Peterson

Sorry about the double post--my 'puter did something odd, and I assumed it had swallowed the first post and wrote again.


Reply to
Dawne Peterson

I want the recipe!!

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

I think she is doing pretty well for herself.........compared to most other ex-cons.

just me, Cathy from KY in CA

Reply to
Cathy from KY in CA

To me it is amazing that she went to jail for a lie - when you think of all the CEOs who did far worse than lie, who killed off many pension funds for a start, seems ludicrous.

MS is a smart cookie, she has made a lot of money, it's such a shame that women are amongst the first to try and pull her down !

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I am in total agreement.

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I have never seen her talk down to women nor suggest her way is the only way.

I don't think there are enough hours in the day for her to do it all - I have heard her credit people who work with her for great ideas, how to suggestions, recipes you name it.

I know I have some prized recipes that came from her, many useful techniques, some amusing, quirky ideas. I don't believe it was her idea that you slavishly follow every suggestion she makes, you are supposed to graze and take what interests you or is useful to you.

One I noticed the other day - you can put a kitchen cabinet handle on the wall to secure blind ties out of the way of kids. If I had blinds/kids, I would go for that.

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So am I in complete agreement. Everyone who teaches us and encourages us to be creative or just to value learning new things needs some kind of help. The more ideas a person has, the more help they need just to deal with time constraints. Cooks have sou chefs, teachers do lesson plans in advance using reference materials, needlework teachers often reference a book or a person who help them.

Personally I admire the fact that coming from the lower middle class, she has done so well for herself.

By the way, she served her time without incident, said she was sorry for making a mistake and has made a comeback. Don't you agree that's a good thing.

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Yes it is and I also liked the fact that instead of dragging it out to the last minute (the way the men usually do) she told her lawyer to quit and she would get it over with.

I don't think I have ever heard a man say how sorry he was he brought his family into disrepute as she did, not even the one who ran the Ponzi scheme !

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Martha, as far as I know, has never entered into the unfortunate sport of working mothers vs stay-at-home mothers. I like that she has made care of the home an important thing (and my home looks not one bit like Martha's). I think her show, which talks about cooking, gardening, crafts, care of pets and the like is a much more productive use of time than the floor of gossip and "reality" shows. (Who would you rather know, Martha or Snooki/Kate plus

8/any of the Real Housewives???). Gilding pumpkins or raising chickens isn't realistic for me, but I don't feel like a lesser person because I don't do that (can you say that after watching the promos for all those weight loss bootcamp type programs.) Dawne, a Martha fan
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Dawne Peterson

Don't stab me with stork scissors!!!!!.....that was supposed to be a funny, sarcastic remark!!

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Cathy from KY in CA

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