OT: Easy way to install a wireless security system

Spew warning!!!


Hate high priced security systems?

  1. Go to a second-hand store, buy a pair of men's used work boots, a really big pair.

  1. Put the boots outside your front door on top of a copy of "Guns and Ammo" magazine.

  2. Put a dog dish beside it. A really b-i-g dish.

  1. Leave a note on your front door that says something like:

Bubba Big Mike and I have gone to get more ammo. Back in 1/2 hour. Don't disturb the Pit bulls. They've just been wormed.


Reply to
Joan E.
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Reply to
Dianne Lewandowski

This is going directly to my dog's groomer. She raises pit bulls, most of which are sweet and loving and I know she'll roar with laughter.


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Just as long as Puffy-poo isn't sitting on the porch munching on the contents of the dog dish when the burglars arrive.

Reply to
Karen C - California

Now there's a picture that would make any self respecting burglar go into hysterics. Can't you just see that bundle of white fur sitting there scaring anyone witless.

But even a wimpy, little guy can be a watchdog. He was sick this week and my Vet was off so I took him to the replacement guy. This was an old, cranky, chubby, clumsy old geezer who probably knows his medicine but has lost his patience, assuming he ever had any. When he tried to pry Puff's mouth open to see if his throat or tonsils were sore, my little sweetie, who I call the wimpiest dog I've ever known, closed his jaws with the speed and strength of an alligator. He did this without a sound or a movement of any other part of his sweet little body. lol

He scared the poor old guy s**tless, so I opened his mouth so he could look in. Now I discovered that the doctor was the wimp because he wasn't going anywhere near my under 10 lb. tiger. I had all I could do to not laugh because I'm always saying this dog will let anyone do anything. I guess I was wrong.


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"Lucille" ,in rec.crafts.textiles.needleworkwrote: and entertained us with

Good for him! He has to draw a line somewhere lol

Most little dogs were bred as watchdogs and the breeds tend to bark a lot, as does Puff. There is a difference, a Rotteweiler is a guard dog, bred to take people apart, a Peke, a Maltese are watch dogs, bred to alert the humans that something is amiss.

Reply to
lucretia borgia

Love it! We have "Beware of the Cavaliers" on our door. It doesn`t say that they`ll just LICK you to death!

Pat P

Reply to
Pat P

The cats will simply TRIP you to death. "Let me figure-8 around your ankles till you feed me. We can do this while you're walking toward the kitchen."

Reply to
Karen C - California

One of the most effective signs I've seen said something like: Warning! There are dogs in the house. They will not bark or make any noise, they will let you in, they will let you take or do anything in the house. They are only trained to attack if you try to leave.

Who'd want to take the chance? Not me!!! :)


Reply to
Joan E.

Some friends of mine had a Police trained German Shepherd. She never grew large enough for Police work though, but she was the sweetest, friendliest soul, and she knew me very well, as I used to take her for long walks most days and could do anything with her.

When I babysat one night, they warned me that she wouldn`t let me out, though, and of course I had to test it! She looked very embarrassed, but she sat in front of the door when I "tried to go" and cried and growled at the same time, and then held my arm and pulled me back into the room. When I dutifully sat down she was SOOO apologetic - but still wouldn`t let me "go"!

She would also let the milkman leave the milk, and would be very friendly with him - but she wouldn`t allow him to take the empty bottles!

Pat P

Reply to
Pat P

And I have know people in the past who have had dogs just like that. Actually, my best friend's dog is that way, unless he knows you. However, considering the size of that dog, I don't think many people would try to test it. Where did you see that sign-I'd love to get it for her!

-- Carey in MA

Reply to
Carey N.

My friend had a big boned German Shepherd that would go out to the back yard to watch the neighborhood kids play and wouldn't let the parents take their kids home unless my friend came out and told him it was okay. Since he weighed about 125 lbs., no one ever questioned his authority.


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Sorry, it was a hand-written note on the door and it was more than 20 years ago when I saw it! It is a great deterrent, thought, donchathink? :)


Reply to
Joan E.

I certain think it should be! I know I'd think twice if I saw it. (Back away from the door....) I may just suggest see if she wants to put up something like that. The humor and truth of the sign might just go along with her sense of humor; you should hear her with cold-call mortgage companies!)

-- Carey in MA

Reply to
Carey N.

We had a golden lab like that. Anyone could come in the back fence and play with her, but there was no way she would let you leave. A friend of my son's spent 3 hours in our back yard, waiting for him to come home so he could finally go home! Yeah, a GREAT watch dog! Barbara in SC

Reply to
Bobbie Sews More

Just do it on your computer and get it laminated.

Pat P

Reply to
Pat P

We have bright yellow stickers, supplied by the Police, saying "We do not buy or sell at this door. You may be asked to wait while we obtain confirmation before being admitted." I always have a supply of these as we`re Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators. We find that they work very well! It must cause the occasional double-take in Arizona, where a friend has one on her door.

It gives you great satisfaction to point to it and ask "can`t you READ?" to doorstep salesmen (particularly double glazing reps.)

Pat P

Reply to
Pat P

I have a joke I tell my tourists when we've been to Kirstenbosch Botanical gardens, but only if I think they'll catch it. It about an old guy who was never burgled, and when he was interviewed on the radio about it, he was asked how he managed that. He said he had a sign in the window. When they asked what sign could possibly so effective a deterrent, he said the sign said: Beware of the Agapanthus.

Catherine PS For those who didn't catch that, Agapanthus is a very pretty flower, indigenous to South Africa. PPS I do a better job of telling the joke in person! :-)

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Catherine Milton

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