OT: hair cut

I had 12 inches lopped off today and now wondering what hubby will think when he gets home! I have a cute little bob now. So much lighter for the summer ahead. Now I know how sheep feel!

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Did you donate your shorn locks?

I did almost the same thing last year (16"), on my husband's birthday no less, and I'm loving the shorter 'do.

--Mickey Mansfield, MA

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Surely did. Although it was dyed and they are less interested in that.

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My hairdresser constantly wants to cut off my long hair. I've been battling a physical problem that has made my hair a mess. She insisted I needed to cut off so much weight and suggested a length which she insisted would allow me to "bun it up" in the back.

I was livid when I got the results. So, I'm not going back there for three years or more until it grows back. I'll whack the top myself. :-) Just kidding. Sooner or later I'll have to have her fix my crown area. There's only so much whacking I can do myself before it won't do anything nice.

As for my gray hair: my husband thinks it's blonde and I'm not going to burst his balloon.


P_B snipped-for-privacy@cox.net wrote:

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Dianne Lewandowski

I hope you enjoy it!

I have to go get shorn - a few inches off - it has to stay long enough to put in a pony tail.

DD is after me to let her get her hair cut - it is about half way down her back and thick. Last night I had to get her new hockey pants and she complained about her hair in front of the young man (16 or so) that was helping us. " Oh no - don't get it cut, you have the most beautiful hair." The rest of the way home, she kept trying to look in the mirror. Wonder how long until she tells me she wants a hair cut again. :)


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Cheryl Isaak

Hee hee I can relate!

I had 40cms lopped from my locks yesterday as well :) Much cooler and with my MS lots easier to lok after - a big step for me - I have always been a bit precious about my hair (not my words - someone elses)

Also I turn 40 this year and really wanted a change......so length removed first and then perhaps before my birthday in December a BIG style chaneg ;)

What did your hubby think? My little bloke at home (DS) LOVED mine :)

Blessings Tannia (Melb, Aus)

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"Dianne Lewandowski" wrote

My once blonde mother announced at some point during her sixties that she "didn't have much grey hair for someone her age". My son whispered to me, completely confused "What colour does grannie think her hair is?????" Dawne

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Dawne Peterson

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