OT: I Say!!

"What right do I have to violently take snow from its rightful resting place? Snow has rights: each snowflake is a unique individual, and I have absolutely no right to do anything with it. Let the snow decide for itself what it wishes to do, and then if it wishes to be shoveled, I will do so humanely.

DW - Says, "Shovel!"


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No snow here to shovel (thank goodness!)

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Bruce Fletcher (remove denture

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lucretia borgia

I could be gruesome, I think she ran out of ammo when the wondrous, sparkling snow covered up the beautiful red, yellow and tan colored leaves that were on the lawn and in the flower beds.


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lucretia borgia

Unless your or your dw absolutely MUST leave the house today to go somewhere, just leave that snow right where it is!! It will all be gone by June anyway. Alternatively, you never know, some kind neighbor with a snowblower, or a boy with a snow shovel and a desire to earn pocket money, might just stop by and offer to move it for you.

We had snow in New Orleans this a.m. Major news event - never had snow this early before. We last had a very light dusting on Christmas Day in

2004, but it only lasted ten minutes. This is real snow. The forecast said there was a slight possibility of sleet. Unlikely but possible. I woke up this morning to hear it hitting the windows, then, around 8 a.m while we were having our coffee, I saw real snow coming down. It stuck to the tress, grass and tops of vehicles, but not to the street, thank goodness. However, big panic. All elevated portions of streets and roads closed, schools and colleges closed. Courts and courthouse closed. Local radio could not get NPR news - presumably snow on the satellite dish. Suddenly, my broadband internet access vanished.

However, the most incongruous thing to my mind was the sight of palm trees covered - nay, weighed down - by snow.

It stopped coming down around 10 a.m., and now at 2 p.m. it is gone except for a few patches here and there on the lawn. However, all the news programs on radio and tv are warning us not to go out tonight as the roads are still wet, so if it freezes again we wil have black ice. Of course, here in the Deep South people do not normally have snow tires, or chains, or any expertise in winter driving.

Olwyn Mary in New Orleans

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Olwyn Mary

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