OT: Interesting times

I'd sure like to know Jean's rationale for opting to prorogue Parliament given that now nothing of any import can be accomplished for two months, and I doubt very much that the simple passage of time will increase anyone's confidence in Harper. I can see not calling yet another election, but I wonder what she thought would be wrong with a coalition?

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"flitterbit" wrote

There is some good possible out of it. Harper has to return with a throne speech, and has promised a budget, which I presume was part of the deal. So, he either comes back with things that the whole Parliament can work with, or he is voted down. It is his choice, and he can decide to continue his nasty partisan efforts or live up to the navy cardigans and play nice,

In the meantime, the breathing space should give the Liberal leadership candidates the chance to broker some sort of deal, since the leadership of Dion is one of the big question marks about supporting the coalition.


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Dawne Peterson

The Liberals should move their leadership convention into the next month, forget the frills, just do it. I liked Dion but he is not a leader and should go back to being a professor. When Parliament is back, they need a new leader in case of an election.

It would look like the GG did not just consent to the prorogation but gave Harper some options he maybe did not like. When they come back, hopefully he will not cling to power by declaring a State of Emergency, but anything seems possible with that a*****e.

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lucretia borgia

IMHO, there are two major things to consider. With respect to Harper, can the leopard change it's spots? No matter how stupidly he behaved, he has brains, and maybe, just maybe, he will use them. The other key man is Jay Hill, the Leader of the House. It is how job to baragin with the other "Leaders" of the other three parties; you scratch my back and I will scratch yours. If he is up to the job, and it will not be easy, it is just possible that things may go "smoothly" in late January.

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F.James Cripwell

Good points all; I confess I've allowed my visceral dislike and distrust of Stephen Harper to colour my perceptions of the current situation.

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My distaste of St Harper stems from the fact that he bragged about being good to seniors. When I was down $200 odd last tax time an accountant friend of mine pointed out that was because he was only kind to seniors still married, allowing them to share pensions. If through no fault of your own (death of a spouse) you were single, too bad, so sad, shit out of luck, pay more.

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lucretia borgia

I wasn't aware of this; it doesn't strike me as being fair in the least.

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