Ot remarks abouyt embroidery

Yesterday i stood half a day in an exhibition [ Haifa Artistic Dolls`s Festival]. I am in a room with a friend , who meticolousely embroiders covers every thing with stiches , beads buttons the work ..." A very stout woman , full of Airs ....." : aren`t you bored to do this Craft ?" friend ;" It is an ART lady that comes from the heart" lady What has your heart to do with your craft ?" Man , jeans , skinny ,... looks has a BIG smile ,,,, 'Wow ,,,,,You have a Special Machine that makes this ???? ,,, friend : Only my hands ? Man ; "But you have only two!!' . All in all we get lovely reactions ,,, mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen
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However hard they keep trying they`ll never make a machine to replace hands!!!

Pat P

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Pat P

My husband teaches a museum materials culture class at a university. He brings in different artifacts for the students to identify. One of the artifacts is a doodle cloth I did while learning to do hardanger. It's three hardanger squares and an open work border. Unless a student has a mother or other relative that does needlework, the students can't identify the cloth as handwork, they all insist it is done by machine.


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Barbara Clements

How about the reaction I often get "Oh, you must have a lot of spare time on your hands". Well, no, not really. Between a (diabetic)husband and a large house to care for, cooking everything from scratch, laundering everything at home because I hate drycleaning, I could be quite busy enough without designing and making my own clothes and embellishing household linens. On the other hand, I NEED my fiberarts to feed my soul.

Now if I could just come up with a design for the padded wallhanging I need to make in order to stop the sound from the tv from going up the stairs.

Olwyn Mary in New Orleans.

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Olwyn Mary

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