OT: Sadness, my Kitty Pharaoh has passed

We had to have our half-siamese cat put down this evening. He would have been 15 in Dec, and was experiencing kidney failure.

He belonged to my oldest daughter, she received him from a friend of the family when she turned 2. He loved people, and would demand attention from both family and visitors.

He was my model for Kitty Pharaoh during his prime.

He will be missed.


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So sorry to hear of your loss. A peaceful end and/or release from pain is the last, greatest gift that you can give to your pet - and the most difficult to give.

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I'm so sorry!


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Cheryl Isaak

Me too. It`s always hard and doesn`t get any easier as you get older, I`m afraid.


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Pat P

Even tho it about killed me (emotionally I was a wreck) I insisted on being with him, so he wouldn't be with strangers. I saw his eyes go flat, I'm not sure I'll be able to do that again for the rest of the furbabies I'll have in my life.


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SO sorry, Caryn.


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{{{Caryn and family}}}

It's a hard thing to do, staying with a well-loved pet until the end. It does show the respect you had for Kitty Pharaoh's place in your family.

Donna in Virginia

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We were with each our GSDs (Targa, Frank, Sam, Mick, Wolfie) at the end of their lives. Very, very difficult but to us it was very necessary so that they knew they were not alone at the end.

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Don't take this wrong, but I hope you will. I see it as a last kindness to a loved one to be there as the lights dim.


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Cheryl Isaak

Cheryl, now you've made *me* cry - just thinking about being there with Belle or Monte at the end (and may it be many years away!), the trust and love in their eyes as they know I'm doing that one last thing for them . . .


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Cheryl Isaak

((((((((Caryn & family)))))))))) He had a good, long life! I know he will be sorely missed.


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Joan E.

I insisted on being there, on scritching him under the chin the way he loved. It was just hard when the eye contact went like that. Hopefully I'll have a long long time before I have to go thru it again.

5 more cats in the house, oldest of which is now 10...so we should have a while!


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But it`s such a comfort to actually see how very peaceful it is, isn`t it. I only wish they could (no, WOULD) do that for people.


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Pat P

Oh Pat, I am so sorry for you. I know what its like to lose a pet, our oldest dog passed last August. You are very brave and such a wonderful owner, well done on being there at the end. The only time I've seen my husband cry was when Bramble was put to sleep.


Carol Leather

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{{{{caryn & kiddies}}}} - he was a sweet kitty,


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It's so hard - I did that for my Lhasa, Scoobie. It seemed better to be holding him while he faded away. The other two, the XDH was with them - brought them home from the vets, let them eat all the pasta they wanted, cuddled a lot, and then took RhoVee back to the vet so XDH held him (I was out of town). It's always a hard thing - I know I still think about that.


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When our vet confirmed that Frankie, one of our German Shepherds, had cancer he encouraged us to have a "long goodbye". This was a period of

2 or 3 days during which he could do anything he wished, I think his greatest joy was to have "real" meat and gravy - his pancreas problem meant he was not normally allowed such treats. And as we said goodbye to him, both of us stroked him and talked to him as he lay on the vet's table. Difficult to do but rewarding in some ways
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