Re: Dear Red States

You KNOW you're supposed to put a spew warning ahead of remarks like that !!!

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lucretia borgia
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Jinx Minx

Not to mention Cucumbers..... lol And Snails (Escargot) being classified as *Land based Fish*

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Britain is doing its best to outdo Europe in this area! See the Tax Payers' Alliance website especially the "non-jobs" page

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Bruce Fletcher (remove denture

Lol ! Next time I see a snail I will tell it that it should be taken down to the harbour !

Reply to
lucretia borgia

Did you ever think there's a possibility that the smart, sophisticated, well read, well educated, well rounded women just don't want to hang out with someone who believes that the sun rises and sets depending on her health and welfare, and her interests, are the only important things to talk about.

I have dozens of acquaintances that I spend a bit of time with, sometimes just because we can have an inane conversation about nothing important.

Then there are the closer friends that I can talk to for hours about politics, or baseball, or fashion, or our pets and dozens of other subjects, both important and trivial.

Different people, different subjects--all important at the moment.

Oh and what the heck does being a native Californian have to do with intellect or interests. Have you been spending too much time reading silly gossip magazines or do you actually know these people?


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Social Security is unfair all across the globe, I imagine. There`s an enquiry going on over here now about the "Carer`s" allowance. John`s my carer, but because he gets a pension, doesn`t get a Carer`s Allowance. It`s worse for those on basic DSS pension only, of course and for those in particular it would be such a help as if you`re disabled there are a lot more expenses just to live and to get to where you have to be!

Even those who DO get a Carer`s Allowance only get one allowance (Only £50) and there was a case mentioned of a woman in Wales who is looking after a permanently disabled son as well as a disabled husband. £50 allowance for that seems measly when you think how much it costs the Government to look after someone in a care home.


Reply to
Pat P

I should think not! A child at least needs to be RAISED in a normal (heterosexual) home - whastever it decides is is sexuality later on should at least be uncoloured by anything but the norm.

I`m afraid it`s the same old story these days, people just will not admit that if they take a certain course of action, there will be something they just can`t have.



Reply to
Pat P

Oh good - at last someone else who realises that the UK is NOT European.


Reply to
Pat P

Mayne that`s why I had a couple of perfectly straight Honduran King Prawns yesterday! They`ve started on the prawns, too!


Reply to
Pat P

That didn't make me spew at all. Just nodded my head and went "of course."

Elizabeth (lol!)

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First, there is no scientific evidence showing that children raised by a heterosexual couple are any better off than children raised by anyone else. Second, it's not as if the choice were between heterosexual homes and gay homes. The choice is often between being adopted by a loving couple with the time and money to raise a child and languishing in a foster home. I don't agree that the latter is better.

Third, people don't DECIDE what their sexuality is. Their sexuality decides for them. It's not a choice.


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I agree..... experience is all !

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I'll admit to having the odd conversations about fashion - but along the line of what idiot designed it and why did she buy it.....

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Cheryl Isaak

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Cheryl Isaak

Am I the only member of this group that actually loves fashion? I'm not obsessed with it, but I like reading about it, looking at it and thinking about it.

My wardrobe now that I'm a senior and retired consists about 85% jeans and t-shirts, 10% slacks and jackets and 5% skirts and blouses, but in the days that I was a married lady, who worked and went to parties and fancy dinners, etc., I had a ton of dress clothes to choose from.

Does that mean when we run away to our island I can have most of the closet space???


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You've got it, honey! I live in shorts and sandals 99% of the time. (A shirt too).


Reply to
Gillian Murray

I'm glad you added that you wear a shirt too. I wouldn't want you to go too native.

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Nah...the mammaries aren't as perky as they were. LOL

Reply to
Gillian Murray

Plus our island has to have air conditioning and nekkid might be a little uncomfortable.

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