Vegan - So DMC Instead of Wool

There's a boy after my own heart.

When I make a BLT sandwich, I leave off the L and the T -- I eat bacon on bread with horseradish mustard -- I see no reason to clutter up perfection with rabbit food.

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Jere Williams
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Mayo. What's wrong with you?

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Miracle Whip.

Elizabeth (I just had to do it, I couldn't help myself)

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Dr. Brat

I like both (though not at the same time). I understand liking both is one of the 7 deadly sins.

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I can't remember EVER having had Miracle Whip in the house.


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Cheryl Isaak

Mayo on sandwiches, MW in salads


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Thanks for all your replies. I think I will stick to making smaller items with DMC. I don't think using acrylic or larger gauge cottom will work because of the difficulties in matching shades to Appletons. I can't do all that creative, match by eye stuff; I need to follow the rules :-) No biggie, it's not as if I haven't got a lifetime's worth of other stuff to do.

As for why a vegan gives up wool (and also leather, silk, honey etc) please have a quick look at this link:

formatting link
Itcertainly opened my eyes.Many thanks


PS Of course, I could just do my larger pieces using DMC and hang them up instead. I get to follow the rules, make larger pieces and I don't have to frame them! Woohoo!

Reply to
Rachel Grier

Hello Rachel,

I know many people who raise sheep, goats, llamas, alpacas, and rabbits for fibers for themselves and friends. Some are rescued animals, some are rare species being saved from extinction (the animals, not the friends ). These very expensive animals are well-treated pets with names and distinct personalities. There is fierce, but friendly, competition among spinners to get the sheared wools and fibers from favorite animals. I am lucky to have a sweater from "Bubba", my best friend's ram. Bubba was a rescue sheep and is spoiled silly.

Most people who raise animals for personal use consider them more than just a financial investment. It takes dedication and love. They certainly don't follow the mass production practices outlined in the Vegan Society link. Nor do they butcher valuable animals for food. (I just realized the last two sentences sounded rather aggressive and I didn't mean it that way.)

Perhaps you could locate people like this who would be happy to include you in the circle of friends who receive home-raised and hand processed fibers. Often you can trade for the wool. My Bubba sweater cost me a bag of feed and lunch on shearing day. I've also spent a weekend or two babysitting while my friend was out of town.

I don't wish to dismiss your dedication out of hand. This is just a suggestion, offered as a possible solution. You may be able to continue using wool and help rescue animals as well. You can check online for rescue societies. You may be able to find someone at Spinning, Weaving and other Fiberarts Guilds, Groups and Online Sources.


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LET THE MAYO WARS BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!! There is NO substitute for MAYONNAISE, specifically Hellman's aka Best Foods. WHat is horseradish and who would eat anything named after a horsie? Mustard IS a necessary sandwich staple -- a GREAT addition to Mayo but never in place of it. And we won't even consider that horrid, nasty, vile, ultimately noxious Miracle Whip drek!!! Mayo RULES -- there is NO substitute -- We are the MayoBorg -- you will be assimilated!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)) CiaoMeow >^;;^<

Reply to
Tia Mary

BACK, BACK I say, spawn of the Devil and culinary imbecile -- I,A,Y,P upon you and your progeny and I HOPE you aren't teaching your sweet doggies that MW is acceptable in polite society????? CiaoMeow >^;;^<

Reply to
Tia Mary

And here I thought you were a reasonable, rational member of the world, with decent taste bud no less?!?!?!? OY -- the pain :-(((. CiaoMeow >^;;^<

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Tia Mary

Cheryl, you imperil your immortal soul by even mentioning the product in polite society. MW is the **only** way true believers should EVER refer to that Devil's condiment!!!! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

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Tia Mary

NO -- NEVER -- that vile slime should be destroyed and never produced again. That drek will still be around after a nuclear holocaust and it should NOT be introduced into a person's stomach. There is still hope for you, Dear Jessie -- give up the MW and join the Force for the good of mankind's culinary salvation!! MAYO RULES MW

-- damn, I can't think of anything bad enough to say about that drek that rhymes with "rules" -- LOL! WAIT -- I have it -- MW makes STOOLS (and I don't mean the kind you sit on at the kitchen counter) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

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Tia Mary

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Lucille I redeem myself if I say I like mayo on frites?

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Oh no -- honey mustard is the condiment du jour here at my house....

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Jere Williams

Reply to
Dr. Brat

At my house, DH eats miracle whip, and I eat canola mayo -- when mustard isn't appropriate.

My mom didn't like mayo much, so she would put a thin sheen of it on sandwich bread, and spread mustard on top of that -- even on hot dogs. We all learned to eat that way.

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Jere Williams

Reply to
Brenda Lewis

I much prefer melted cheese or malt vinegar on my fries! Cheryl

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Cheryl Isaak

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