While you stitch - who's watching the Olympics

You don't know they are, anymore than I know they are not. I merely pointed out that most Chinese women are far smaller than their NA counterparts. So because these gymnasts look too young, it doesn't mean much in talking about Chinese women.

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lucretia borgia
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Mine's been popping since I was 17. I don't let THAT make me feel old.

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Karen C in California

In a sport dominated by extremely short people, one of these looks extremely short compared to her teammates. She looks extremely young compared to her teammates who are supposedly the same age.

And, as the article points out, there was an article on China News Service saying that she's 13 which suddenly disappeared from their website this morning. Someone has also found her name in a birth registry which would also make her under the legal age to compete.

The issue is that there are legitimate reasons to believe that they were using at least one underage gymnast, and therefore, should forfeit their medals because they broke the rules.

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Karen C in California

Oh, it's been popping since I was 20 something. It's just now it hurts different and just keeping moving isn't always an option.


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Cheryl Isaak

Actually, the foliage of both potatoes and tomatoes are toxic, but not AS toxic as dats and brugs. D. stramonium is not that prevalent here. Our version is D. inoxia. Currently, I have D. wrightii and D. metel in two colors. The wrightii are huge and attract hummingbird moths at night. I near fainted the first time I saw one of those huge moths! Sphinx moth, Hawk moth are a few.

Oh yeah, they can take fingers off with very little trouble.

Parrots live long and depending on the species can live over 100 years. So, my Mika (me ka) is not as long lived, but has a life span between 50 and 60. I hope I live that long.

I wish people would do one siimple thing, be kind. Is it that hard to be kind to an animal?

One of the first phrases I taught to her is "gentle beak." So, when we say that she knows. She freaks at the strangest things. Scissors, for example. She will fly clear across the house if I have scissors in my hand and attack them. So I taught her another command, "niiiiiiiiice, niiiiiiiiiiiiice" and this seems to work. Another item she attacks is the can opener, but usually gets ME! I rub my finger on it like a mental saying, Niiiiiice Niiiiiiice then she does the kissing noise. What a nut.

They are so beautiful the literally look like sculptures and are rarely seen. Only when the dreaded Nandina bloom do the come around. They also love the berries of the Yaupon holly and mistletoe.

Definitely not pet material! I do go with shovel and bucket under the bridge and harvest the guano. I wear a face mask and have everything covered up and nitrile gloves. I add it to the compost and that stuff gets it HOT fast.

Fortunately for me, Mark is just like me. He loves the critters and goes out at night for his rounds and he finds all sorts of night things creeping about. Our favorites are the opossums. There are four babies and they are so adorable. I have to read up on them. I'm not sure if they are solitary or live in a pack and I think their mom is not around. We haven't seen her in over a month. I don't want to do a disservice to these babies so I'll find out what to do.co\

Small yes, long showing, yes also. Orchids are nice for that reason. The blooms last a very long time.

People. Don't get me started. I'm supposed to be a practicing Buddhist and I suppose a way to describe a big part of that practice is kindness. People, not so much YET.

Yes, I can understand. We have the same plant problems with the Pampas grass, especially in California. The biggest problem pest is purple loosestrife

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bad, it's such a pretty thing.

Ya got me. One of my friends has a 3500 square foot house with five bedrooms and four bathrooms all for two people. The vacuum in my moms house is built into the wall and the canister is in the basement, but she lives way up on Long Island which is thousands of miles away.

Well, off to do the day. After I water outside I plan to stitch all day and night. Have a goodie.

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One thing I've learned after too many years of ranting about people is that most of them *just don't know* about the natural world. Only those brought up on farms or trained from youth to look closely at living things have the faintest clue about it all. I never ceased to be amazed by how little people notice around them. Today, while our tree was being chopped down (Hooray!!!!!) an Australian Hobby (falcon) flew by, hot in pursuit of some poor bird or other. Of the eight people in our yard, I was the only one who noticed it swoosh by! Not one other person even looked up to the flurry of its wings or the loud cry it was giving.

So don't be too hard on people. Just teach them when you can.

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> Too bad, it's such a pretty thing. It *is*! We have one with an equally romantic name. In it's native UK, it's called 'Viper's Bugloss', which I think is a hoot. Here in Oz, we call it 'Paterson's Curse' because it's not too good for the cattle. Over in South Australia, though, they call it 'Salvation Jane' because it saves the sheep from starving during drought.

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a pretty thing, IMHO.>

Holy Dooley, I could make great use of such a large space. All our stuff has to be packed in boxes and tubs. If you need to get at anything, it's like playing Chinese Puzzles. Then again... that vacuuming... Naaaaahhhh... LOL!

I'm sitting here at 2.30am listening to Rammstein with my DH and watching the Olympix on and off. I might toddle off to bed! Enjoy your stitchin'!

'night! ;-D

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Trish Brown

Funny, something like I was thinking

Ellice, also rdh

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Maligned again while in my dotage lol

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lucretia borgia

Dotage, my ass!

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Dr. Brat

I can only hope to be as feisty as you in *my* dotage! LOL


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Joan E.

I had my dental check this a.m. and when I was leaving the receptionist said to me "All well?" and I said "Yes, healthy again, if anybody is waiting for me to die they are shit out of luck so far" this poor man in the waiting room nearly passed out laughing.

That's what left for us old 'uns, catch you young 'uns unawares :) (rare Canuck smiley)

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lucretia borgia

Good for you, you gotta keep them on their toes.

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We should all have such dotages.....

(don't faint - I think that's a compliment)


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Personally, I like being called an old crone more. At least in some circles crones are reveared. Unfortunately, Mark calls me an alta cocker with all the hoisting I have to do in order to stand up these days. I wish this knee would totally heal already. Getting there.

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