While you stitch - who's watching the Olympics

My point is more that IMHO sports is supposed to be about sportsmanship. Using a cute kid who can't sing, instead of a not so cute kid who has a great voice is trickery and I believe in an odd (yes) small way related to performan enhancing, which is a definite no-no.

Oh yeah--I do think cute does make it easier. Not very fair, but unfortunately very true.

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Life in China is totally different to ours and likely always will be. My friends are all 'one child' people and I can tell you, it really makes you think on as you see the real consequences of the one child.

I have often asked myself, had it been us would any of our governments have had the balls to say one child and mean it ? I doubt it, but the Chinese totalitarian government did and it's the reason we have not drowned in a yellow tide and their economy is starting to stagger to its feet. I can't see that a democratic government would have done so well by them, harsh and dictatorial, but very necessary.

My father always used to say that the problem for the mainland Chinese with a communist government was that they never had a chance to laugh and Chinese people love laughter. Watching people in the background now, I see some laughter, so they are on their way.

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lucretia borgia

I didn't say you said Olga got a ten. I was objecting to the idea that "you could get a ten," which phrased like that made it sound to me like lots of people did. Comeneci's achievement was huge.

And I'm pretty sure that they were both tortured through childhood. Certainly Comeneci was. Who needs parents when you've got communism.


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Dr. Brat

My right knee has a side to side horizontal incision whereas the left has an inner vertical incision. Same op on both, done in the mid 50s

- came off me hoss lol

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lucretia borgia

I believe it's Bela Karoly.

Elizabeth (it's a Hungarian name, which means he probably got rotten treatment in Romania)

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Dr. Brat

Putting its own journalists in jail is a little different than killiing someone else's. Perhaps shouldn't be, but is.


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Dr. Brat

I found two spellings - wonder which one was correct... Not going to lose sleep over it.


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Cheryl Isaak

What does side to side slash mean? My incision goes from a few inches below my knee, to a few inches above my knee. The scar is about 8 inches long. Big honker. My surgeon said they can do small incision replacement surgery, but it is not perfected and he has not seen enough data one way or the other yet. So I got the big honker.

When I was nine years old I wore a bra. Several years ago have reduction surgery and I wish I would have done it 20 years ago. When THAT surgeon asked me what size I wanted to be I said, "boy." He gave me a B from an I. I as in eye, wow. And one of the main reasons I wanted to do it was so that I could do sun salutations in hatha yoga! Have I done any yet? That would be a big NO. My mid year resolution is to start to do everything I want to get done and finish it.

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I suspect the Chinese govt could manufacture a reason to jail a Western journalist. Once you're in there, what are the chances of getting out again?

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Cheryl Isaak

Sounds like fun! I just have the restricted wrist action thanks to the "hoss" ! But, also with your surgery being done that long ago - the horizontal incision. It's really unusual in the last 30 years. Or, like yours, is with a vertical. Just anatomically for most things it's easier to do the manipulation, get to what needs to be gotten.

Ellice (who has figured out how to watch gajillions of CEU DVDs on the MAC while also browsing her mail, etc)

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Now that's an image


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Cheryl Isaak

I don't have kids either, but I am educated enough to know the undisputable fact which tells me not everyone wins! It's okay to lose, it's part of life. I don't know how old someone has to be a Gen Xer, I'm 52 - 1/2, okay, 3/4! I still know everyone doesn't win. I would think the growing mind would be much better off learning how to deal with losing graciously than to be told otherwise.

Am I a baby boomer?

Gotta go, water polo is on, YAY not.

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I heard all of this today and became very disenchanted. Wow that money could have paid for a lot of food for starving people IN CHINA! Am I a tree huggin, pinko liberal? Yes, I am. By the new definitions, I certainly am. I won't get into the display our president gave. I hope this discussion doesn't go down in flames! LOL. I'm trying so hard.

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Cheryl, Cheryl, Cheryl! Don't make me fly up there!

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LOL - not so bad. But, I have to get a bunch of these done and sent to Richmond so that I can get my variance to test in Sept without my certs expire. Some of the DVDs are okay, but, most of this is stuff I know - although the presentations can be interesting. I can only do 10 CEUs by "media" - i.e. The DVDs. So, there's a "review" question sheet, and you have to put the answers on a computer scan card for each class. The nice lady at the state Dept of EMS reminded me to fill in the answers - evidently a bunch of people do the answers on the test question sheet, then fill out the scannable card with their info, but not the actual answers. So, it's kind of a question of having the DVD running and listening for any keys that I need to answer on the CEUs. The Trauma from the Patient's POV was interesting - a program from the regional trauma I center where survivors go and talk to EMS classes about their experience of being rescued - what they remember, what helps, etc. Right now I've done the Behavioural Emergency test, but the end of the DVD is a bunch of interviews between a psychiatrist and actual patients suffering from mental illness - asking about their situations, what would be helpful for handling of them by rescue folks. Interesting, but....For the most part - this is a little mind-numbing.

Evidently the state guy that has to sign my variance would not look kindly upon my not having most of my CEUs done by the time I ask for it. So, I'm hoping to finish a bunch of these to mail in tomorrow, to go along with the web stuff I've done. So, I need some kind of diversion. I was hoping they'd play on the TV DVD so I could stitch - but not the case - got them on the MAC so it's browse a bit, mail, or play some game.


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Back before arthroscopic (sp?) surgery, they actually opened up the whole knee. More commonly they did it with an incision from side to side, like the bikini cut for a hysterectomy.

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lucretia borgia

They could, but it is highly unlikely they will. What they do to their own citizens is something we can do little about, but should they do it to an American, the adverse publicity would be too bad, they are not about to do that.

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lucretia borgia

It should not go down in flames, it is perfectly possible to have very variant opinions but one accepts others have different opinions and just expresses ones own. No need for acrimony.

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lucretia borgia

Reverse it. How would America feel if the Chinese sat in judgement about how they spend the money ?

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lucretia borgia

I would hope America would accept that kind of criticism graciously since we pride ourselves on Freedom of Expression. That doesn't mean we would have to be happy about it, just that we could accept it.

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