New space for quilting

Howdy folks!

It has been awhile since I posted to the group... years even? I sure have missed you, but just had too much on my plate to participate.

To be honest, a lot has happened since my last lurk... and unfortunately, quilting was not part of the happenings.

The short of it is:

  1. My mom was diagnosed with MS and had to retire on disability in Louisiana.
  2. I got laid off--- but found my dream job at the end of that...
  3. Katrina
  4. Sold Mom's house - bought her a condo in NC and moved her up here to be closer to me a year ago
  5. My 21 year old quilt inspector (the purry kind) had a major stroke and we had to say goodbye
  6. Mom went downhill.
  7. Mom moved into an assisted living community, at age 63.
  8. Sold the condo, moved all of mom's stuff to my garage.

So, since I am moving family heirlooms and furnishings into my house, my hubby decided I needed to get a quilting room of my own. I had been regulated to the corner of the bonus room on a beat up old dining room table. We donated the table to a thrift store for pet adoptions... and hubby bought me an Elna for our wedding anniversary....

Great bookcase my mom used to store her fabric is now in the 2nd Bedroom (now called Elizabeth's Quilting Room), and I am in the process of picking out a cabinet for the machine. To go from having a clunky Singer on a tiny RV dining table to a new Elna on a selected by me cabinet is really exciting.

So, my question for you is... do you have any suggestions on brands or places to buy? I have 3 criteria and looked at one yesterday that met them... Before I commit, I thought I would ask you all.

I am looking for

  1. A drop leaf on the back to hold the quilt after it passes the machine.
  2. A lift system
  3. Cabinet designed so i am centered in front of needle when seated... not the center of the machine.

It is great to see familiar names here... even if you don't remember me!

i look forward to more postings.

Elizabeth in Clayton, NC

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Elizabeth in Clayton,NC
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I love my Horn, quitter's edition. Gen

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I bought a Sylvia designs table last fall and I really love it. The model I got is the 1600 which I liked because the sewing machine area is wider than most so you can sit centered on the needle. Also it has more foot room - some are pretty squishy. The back has the drop leaf so you have a fairly large sewing table when it is fully open. The lift works great and you can order inserts for different machines.


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Marcella Peek

Oh Elizabeth, I have few comments or advice on the sewing cabinet you are looking for, but my heart is aching for you to go through this with your Mom. She must have progressive type MS for all that to happen. Our son has the same type, but is only 40, and although in a wheelchair, is not in need of assisted living, or even close to it. It is a very tough road to travel, isn't it?

Good luck on your new room, and welcome back here. Karen in NWPA

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Karen Antalek

Sorry I can't help you with cabinet suggestions; but welcome back Elizabeth. Sorry for all the tough 'life interruptions' you have had. . In message , "Elizabeth in Clayton,NC" writes

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Welcome back! Hugs to your Mom, congrats on your sewing room, and machine, no advice here on a table, sorry. Just a big welcome back. : )

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

Just an observation from me, Elizabeth. I noticed on my recent trip to an SM dealer that the tables they were using all seemed to bow down in the middle from the weight of the SM. If your new treasure of an SM is a heavy one, you will want to be sure that the cabinet is hefty enough to support the weight. Polly

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Polly Esther


Hi Elizabeth! i'm new here, too, so i hope we can be of help to each other! oh, what a tough road God makes for some of us. i have aging parents and understand the dilemma of putting them in a home. your situation is much more difficult i'm sure. and so sorry to hear about your Q I , {{{hugs}}} all around to you! i saw a Horn table at a quilt show recently, it was awesome, but you may want to test the weight of the machine as suggested by Polly. i have an old White 999 myself, (bought in 1980 and h e a v y!) wouldn't part with it, but a new machine would be very appreciated. sounds like you have a great DH! =) why is it we allow ourselves to wait for anything we deserve to have? i know it took me 10 years to make a place for my sewing/quilting. of course.....i had to kick the hubby to the curb....but that was a minor consession, believe me!! LOL amy

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I can't help with your cabinet selection, Elizabeth, but I thought I'd say hi and welcome back! :)

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On Thu, 6 Sep 2007 18:26:58 -0500, Elizabeth in Clayton,NC wrote (in article ):

Don't have any suggestions for the cabinet (I'm a lucky dog and had my giant quilting table custom made and I've got the entire basement apartment for my studio), but I am happy dancing for your new quilting room.


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Maureen Wozniak

Do you have pics of your grand table online for us to see? Debra in VA See my quilts at

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On Tue, 11 Sep 2007 17:09:29 -0500, Debra wrote (in article ):

Not at the moment, but there are some that I can get online when I get back from my weeklong business trip to Chicago.

What a pain it has been (and probably will continue to be).


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Maureen Wozniak

Hi Elizabeth, I'm Elly (an Elizabeth too) and new on here too. You seem to have had been through quite a bit . I hope your mum is settled and comfortable and your life a load a little lighter. Your interest in quilting will help you through undoubtedly. I have a Horn 'quilters delight' which comes with a seperate chest of drawers that can slide under it (if it wasn't stuffed with boxes of fabric under there) the back lifts up for quilting or can be set down to tuck the table nearer the wall. You can see, a rarely seen tidy version, of my sewing corner in my photos on the link below. You wouldn't want to see it at th moment...:) Elly

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