new-to-me Featherweight!

I just got a Featherweight! It runs beautifully, and has all attachments, the book, and the button-hole kit. I just oiled and cleaned it up, put in a new needle, and have run it to check the tension. What a treasure! It was made in 1950, looks very, very good, and was apparently very well treated over the years. The case is a disaster and not worth fixing -- with dried glue, etc., there is no way I would ever trust it. However, I have a new case on order, and will move the foot-pedal holder from the old case to the new one, and should have it in my hands in a week or two. Meanwhile, the machine is waiting patiently on a table, covered with a tea towel. I am delighted! It joins a White treadle machine that was my grandmother's (the one she taught me to sew on many years ago) and a wonderful Singer 99K.

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Congratulations, Mary! I hope you get as much use and pleasure out of your FW as I do out of mine.

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Carolyn McCarty

Congratulations, Mary! I hope you'll enjoy yours as much as I do mine. :)

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The new case just arrived for the featherweight, and it is great! I am going to transfer the footpedal holder fron the lid of the old case to the lid of the new case -- it works perfectly, so why not? And the new case has a plastic box attached to the side of the box at the upper left, so if the screws are in the right place I'll move the old metal box to the new case, too. Any advice about all this from all the experts out there?

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