Now it's a race........

I'm a lousy friend. Sylvia has been fighting breast cancer as long as I've known her -- about 18 months. I never though to make a quilt for her. Suddenly, she's gone from fighting to losing. They moved her to hospice yesterday. Now it's a race to see if I can make her a quilt before she's gone. It won't be a "real quilt" -- it will be fast and big squares of the brightest reds and flowers I have in my stash, sewn together fast and tied to a silky backing. If there are goddesses of quilting, may they speed my work and help me finish this quilt before my friend is gone.


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You'll do it, Sunny! . In message , S writes

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Sunny, don't be so hard on yourself. You're a great friend! You'll do wonderful with the quilt due to all the love you're putting into it. Take care of yourself.

Carole Champlain, NY

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Phyllis Nilsson

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Pat in Virginia

Best of luck, Sunny -- to you *and* to Sylvia. I hope that, if it's truly the end, it's an easy one for her. I know she'll appreciate the quilt you're making for her -- and yes, it *will* be a "real quilt", made with love and care.

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Sandy Foster
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Thank you so much for the prayers and good wishes and support. A situation has arisen that I never imagined. My friend has developed a bacterial infection and been moved into an infectious ward. We have to gown up, put on masks and gloves before going in. There is a chance that if I give her a quilt, it will ahve to be destroyed as it can't come out of the room. My red stash is gone, I have cut up pieces of "favorite" fabric that I was saving for that "special" project. Sylvia deserves the best. But now my selfish self is raging......I had imagined her husband would save the quilt, or maybe one of her daughters. But destroyed??? I'm trying to get something definite, but this is making me cry. And the kicker is I'm not supposed to go back to see her again. Because of my health problems I'm on immune system suppressants. Going to the hospital at all is a no-no for me, but going into the infectious control unit is like playing Russian Roulette. I went today -- my DH is out of town hiking or I could never have pulled it off. She was so very glad to see me. She woke for a bit and we talked and laughed and promised not to cry. Now I'm sad and sadder and don't know what to do.

Sorry for posting such a downer. I'm posting a couple pictures of some of the blocks I've made. I'm crazy quilting -- fast and dirty without hte pretty stuff that usually goes on top of a crazy quilt. I'm just throwing Sylvia's favorite colors together fast. Wish I was a better quilter.

Love life while you have it! Sunny

Tricia wrote:

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Sounds to me like you are a great friend.......

I know nothing about your situation so I can't help there.....but you have my prayers as does your friend.

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Laurie G.

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Even if it is just something small, like a cloth she can put up to her cheek and nuzzle into, not even worrying about covering her whole body. As long as it comes from your heart and she can feel it even when her eyes are closed....

My heart is aching for you Sunny. Take care of yourself, would you?


Taria wrote:

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Prayers for you and Sylvia on the way!

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Donna in NE La.

{{{{{{{{{{Sunny & Sylvia}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Whip together something soft and cuddly, whole cloth for her and give the crazy quilt to her family as a remembrance? Just a thought . . .

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TerriLee in WA

I agree with TerriLee. Even just a piece of fleece with blanket binding. And you can have her family take pictures to her of the quilt as you make it.

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I've added pics of the quilt to my spot on I took Sylvia several of the blocks sewn together on the last day she really had of awareness. Now I have put them all back together. I'll give it to her husband. Now our time with Sylvia is just holding her hand and telling her how much we love her. Terrilee -- where in Wash. State are you? I'm in Wenatchee. :)


D> Prayers for you and Sylvia on the way!

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On the western side, south of Seattle. It's raining here today. Whoo-hoo!! I can sew/quilt instead of run hoses around to sprinklers.

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TerriLee in WA

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