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I thought one woman was going to belt me one day at a board meeting, that or stroke out. It was scary. She has alienated just about everyone and I was just one of the crowd. I have gone over to the 'friendly' guild this year though.

The local district (elementary) here used to be the second highest paid in the state and housing is about as low as you can get in CA. I sat on site councils and was pretty involved years ago. They were a wonderful district. I have no idea what is going on these days but I am in between the San Bernardino and San Gabriel mountains in the high desert. Our district is Victor Valley Elementary but Snowline is another local one. Just in case you are interested. ;) Taria

Kay Ahr wrote:

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Hit me in the chest between my shoulder and left breast. I didn't see what she hit me with (fist? book?) since I was trying to walk backwards to get away from her and I turned to look over my right should to see what I had walked into.

Hit, as in assualt and battery. I carry my copy of the police report in my purse.

Kay Ahr > Hit you?????!!!!!!

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Kay Ahr

Holy crap! A guild member? Sheesh. My meeting is tonight...now I'm going to be looking at everyone to see who might do something like that. Just kidding. I might be the one assulting people if we don't get more participation soon. I've booked a speaker and workshop for May that is very slow to fill. We may take a financial hit.

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Kay, as much as I'd love you to come live near me so you can be part of a NICE guild, all our local school districts are laying off people. Our schools are funded by property tax and developer's fees. When the housing crisis hit, developers stopped building (so no fees) and property values went down (so lower property taxes). :(

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Kathy Applebaum

This is where I'm the odd one. In a situation like that one, my first priority would certainly be safety. But after I knew that the lunatic couldn't hurt me, I'd want to know what made her like that. It's my over-the-top curiousity. Most people are boring, but a violent quilter? There's a story there.

Maybe she imagines herself a victim. Maybe she thought you were going to hurt her. Maybe she was frustrated in trying to make herself understood. Maybe she didn't understand how threatening she was coming across. Maybe she doesn't know any other way to make friends. Maybe the sort of attention she gets with violence is better than no attention at all. Maybe there's paranoia due to small strokes or the beginnings of bizarre behavior due to Alzheimer's.

I'm not suggesting that any of this excuses her. I just want to sit her down and get her side of the story. I don't want to make friends with her after that. I just want to satisfy my curiousity.


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Julia Altshuler

You get all sots of people in all sorts of organizations. Sometimes the officers can take steps to try and keep the membership a bit more stable. For example I went to exactly one meeting of the local guild. A couple of people chatted me up after and were very friendly. However the officers approached me en masse as I was waiting for kiri to pick me up, and suggested I might be more comfortable in a group composed of "my own kind". What kind that might be exactly I am not sure. I am a member of so many minorities it is hard to fill out government forms accurately.

NightMist happily not >Hit you?????!!!!!!

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Oh my! That's terrible! "own kind"????? I truly can't imagine. Well, I could imagine a very subtle message....no one talking to you, etc. But to blatently say something??

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Or maybe quilting is a gateway drug to... bridge?

==== j a c k at c a m p i n . m e . u k === ==== Jack Campin, 11 Third St, Newtongrange EH22 4PU, Scotland == mob 07800 739 557 CD-ROMs and free stuff: Scottish music, food intolerance, and Mac logic fonts

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Jack Campin - bogus address

Marie, I had the same problem. I was contacted by a couple of girls I went to high school with. I was pretty much a loner and NOT popular. Still pretty much that way but I do like people and enjoying hearing about their lives. But when I responded to the email and suggested we get together for lunch that was the last I hear from them. They were both snots in hs and probably still are. Too bad, it would be nice to see a few of them again.



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Perhaps by "own kind" the officers really meant "people who are much nicer than we are". *grin*

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Kathy Applebaum

Doesn't matter what her excuses are. She may not hit me.

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Kay Ahr

Good grief! Of course she may not hit you! The worst that's ever happened to me in our guild is dirty looks and one elderly woman telling me I should be ashamed of myself -- that, for voting against the incumbent president who was holding private board meetings (2-3 members, certainly not a quorum) and then announcing what they had voted in. I can't imagine why anyone would think it was alright to hit you!

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So just WHAT is wrong with you? Don't you QUILT like they 'do'? Isn't that WHY you went there in the first place? Did they FORGET what it's like to 'be cool'--or is that what they're afraid of? YOU would garner more attention than they would.....

Complimented a clerk today---she had more earrings than I've seen so far on one person. One set was quite unique (diamond in a black setting --not dangly--just the normal stud I think it's called)--and I told her I really liked them. She had the biggest grin--even when I looked at her from the car she was still grinning: ) Made both of our days. Told DH (he asked what was so funny)...he asked if I told her I liked her Poiple Hair....I hadn't noticed.

Butterfly (how could I have missed it---Poiple is my favoritestestest color!)

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I gave the list of likely possibilities in my response to Connie. My suspicion is it was either the lease during the panic, that still pops up to bite me now and again even after 15 years, or the fact that I look Native American but not completely. I could be completely wrong though. Maybe it was because my nose is pierced, or my dad is a Free Methodist preacher and they are Baptists! I could have told them that some of my ancestors were baptists, but since those ancestors were calamites I don't think that would have helped. (G)

That girl I liked looking at at the game store had some tiny little diamond studs she was wearing as beauty marks. One on each cheek, on the right next to her mouth and on the left by her eye. Nothing that jumped out and yelled Look at me! just a stray bit of sparkly that made you look twice. Very nice!


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Well now, Nightmist, you are here with "your own kind" and I hope you're happy with us. :) I figure that with quilters, we all pretty much are of one kind: we really dig fabric. After that, we might divide into chocolate vs. caramel vs. both. Or batiks vs. florals vs. stripes. Or Bernina vs. Janome vs. Pfaff vs. Featherweight. But in the end, we're all the same. And if they thought they could tell all about you by looking at you, well....... in our household we call those folks "that kind". We avoid them like the plague. Stick with us, we're definitely your kind and you are definitely our kind.


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OTOH .... we might, just might, divide into PREWASH vs. NOT PREWASH!!!!!

PAT, proudly prewashing in Virginia

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Pat in Virginia

That divides us, fer sure

Butterfly (GOTTA wash--no doubt about it)

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