OT cooking

Well I was trying to catch up on my rctq reading, I've been gone for a week. And, I burned the hard boiled eggs that were supposed to be deviled eggs for tonight's Christmas meeting. I had to drive to the store and get another dozen of eggs.

We're supposed to get rain/sleet/ice/snow today so the meeting will most likely get postponed until January. The deviled eggs will be gone by then.

The grocery store was a mob fest, lots of activity on the milk and bread aisle, I didn't check the toilet paper aisle. The weather man on the TV hasn't started using his "bread-o-meter" yet so we don't know how bad the actual storm will be.

I've got my timer here now and I won't burn this bunch.

Bonnie, in Middletown, VA

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Bonnie Patterson
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It's just too funny at the grocerystores around here when the weather is expected to turn bad. I mean, they shop like they are going to be snowed in for a week. Nobody in Oklahoma has ever been snowed in for a week! Bread-o-Meter! ha ha.


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One of local grocery stores around here is called Schnucks and whenever we are expecting a snow/ice storm one of the local radio stations plays a siren and declares that the Schnucks panic aisle is open.

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Cindy Schmidt

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What is a "Bread-o-meter"????

People around here do the same thing. Saturday was clear and cold. the calm before the Lake Effect Storm coming. The Xmas shoppers were out in full force, as well as clogging all the isles in the super market. and we DO get snowed in for weeks at a time here. i try to get everything done and get home so i can get snowed in!! Alas....my snowblower wont break down anytime soon, so i have to go to work anyways! i really dont like mondays.

amy in CNY

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Snow day for the kidlets here. Everything else was open though.

With DD3 home all day, there was no excuse for the driveway and the sidewalk to go unshoveled! (VBEG) Of course it started snowing again while she was in progress. I pointed out that it was less she has to do later. I also somewhat forcefully pointed out that she gets paid for it, and she gets free cocoa. No shoveling=no money, this inspired her.

We are due and overdue for a raging blizzard. The way some folks have been talking, if we don't get one soon we can nearly expect a glacier to come waltzing through. Like the snow gods save up to dump on us or something. I am happy with due and overdue, it can keep being that for the next half century for all of me. Not needing to go out and poke snowdrifts with sticks to find cars is a _good_ thing.


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It's a thing that measures how much snow we will have, the weather man on channel 9 in DC invented it. When ever there is going to be a storm people around here "panic", run to the grocery store and buy bread, milk, and toilet paper, the more bread they buy the worse the storm is supposed to be, sooooo, Topper Schutt uses this thermometer like "bread-o-meter" to indicate how bad he expects the storm will be.

Bonnie, in Middletown, VA

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Bonnie Patterson

That is too funny! but i've seen people here in CNY do the same. People get that "crazed" look in their eyes and buy up all the basics. Bottled water. Batteries, Milk, Bread, Rock Salt, candles, chocolate. All the essentials. I, too, believe we here in NY are in for a blizzard. i hope it happens over the holidays. i'm off from the 21st to the 26th. i could get so much done!! amy in CNY

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Another scale to judge is the French Toad method:

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Comes from Boston. Anna Belle in Palm Bay

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"Anna Belle" fladavis

I WANT A T-SHIRT!!! that is toooo funny >

amy in CNY

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I kept looking for the toad! :)

Thank you all for the posts on severe weather. I love living in a place where we gripe endlessly if the temp is below 50 or if we have a 1/2" of rain in a day. Total snowfall here in my life is < 1/4". *evil grin*

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Kathy Applebaum

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It's been raining off and on for a couple of days. I live by the airport and we've had 0.2" out there, but other areas have had a half inch, with gusts up to 25 mph. So yeah, I'm hearing a LOT of whining about this "bad storm". LOL

Until they get our levies fixed, I'm just as happy to be a bit on the dry side this year. My house is 19' above sea level -- I'd like it to stay above the water line, thank you.

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Kathy Applebaum

Well, if I make a typo, usually no one notices! Good catch, bet there won't be Toads in Boston weather this week. Supposed to be toast of course.

I live in Florida where we also complain about temps and HUMIDITY.

Sure don't miss the snow shoveling though. Anna Belle in Palm Bay

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"Anna Belle" fladavis

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