OT: Jojo's ears

My poor Jojo started digging at one ear about three weeks ago. It went on about two days before I realized he wasn't just being silly and DH took him to the vet. It was yeast in both ears. So we had a bottle of drops and instructions to put drops deep in the ear canal t wice a day.

Now Jo is a honey, but very, very touchy. And I've let him get away with it. (My bad) So I anticipated a horrible fuss with the medicine. When I shave him there is a bench downstairs that we put him on and that signals that we are in a different sort of mode. He quiets down and lets me use the clippers for however long it takes. So we leashed Jo and took him down to the bench and put him on it and DH held him while I sugar talked and tried to hit the ear with the drops. He wasn't snarly, but wriggling for all he was worth and not happy.

I couldn't see going on that way, so came time to dose him next morning, I had goodies in my pocket. At each part of the process, if he was good, he got a goodie popped into his mouth. And at the end he got two.

Again in the evening, same way.

Morning again, bless his little heart, when Jo saw me get the bottle he came on over and smiled. He couldn't help wriggling a bit when the ear hurt, but he was sooooooo good. He would let me hold his head between my thigh and arm and squeeze the drops into the ear. Lots of treats, lots of ear rubs.

By the end, I had a puppy that was loving his ear drops, LOL.

I've had a lot of dogs through the years, and generally I've been able to teach them what was needed pretty quickly. Then I got to thinking, my methods with dog training could apply to life:

A pocketful of goodies, firm resolve and sugar talk will get you just about anything you ever want!

Hope you get a smile out of this, Sunny

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I certainly did, Sunny! Thanks! :)

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Poor Jojo. My Barney dog had very long ears- it stayed moist in his ear canals and he was deviled by yeast-y ears for his entire life. I always felt so bad for him. Hope Jojo gets feeling better soon. And you did really well in training him to have his ears treated without a fuss. Life is so much easier when dogs are trusting and cooperative.

I think the vet thought Missy was about gone last week because I told her to do her 'dead dog' trick. She just flopped down on the exam table and didn't move, not even to raise her head, while he thumped on her and messed around all over her body. Then he finished and I released her and he realized she was very alert and interested in everything. It was kinda funny- he thought she was terribly sick laying there all limp without moving and she was really just doing what I asked her to do. Another thing she does- when she sees the vet's scales she will step right up on them and sit down and wait for the tech to read her weight. I don't even have to ask her to do that. She's such a sweetheart!

Leslie, Missy & The Furbabies in MO.

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

Very true Sunny, very true!

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Debi Matlack

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