OT problems with Internet Explorer and/or Yahoo???

For several weeks my desktop puter has been shutting down on me several times a day- when I'm using Yahoo mail. It flashes a long message on the screen that I cannot read before the screen goes black and it starts the recovery process. I've picked up the first few lines- something about Windows (Vista on the desktop) is shutting down to prevent damage to my computer and the last few lines say something about initializing a crash dump. Now my new laptop (Windows 7 starter) has started doing it- just every once in a while. I wonder if anyone else is experiencing it and if they know what to do? I get a message to search online for a solution but it doesn't find one. I have System Mechanics installed (I've used it for years and really like it) and I've done every repair and defragged and virus check and analysis they offer plus used Windows' virus check and defrag. I'm a total blonde with computers and this is both frustrating and scary for me. Sheesh!

About my laptop- I found it at WalMart about 3 weeks ago. It's an Acer brand, very small and handy (about 8X12 and 1 inch thick!) and works great with plenty of memory and only $240. And.... it comes in both pink and purple! I bought the purple one, of course! It's available in some boring neutral color, too, but why?? VBG

Does anyone have any ideas for my puter woes?

Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.
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when mine did that it was overheating. for the laptop I got a cooling "table" for it.

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I had a similar problem -- and also bought a little unit to sit the computer on. It has a built in fan that cools the lap top. Gets its energy via USB from the laptop itself. I was told I needed a new computer. A very few dollars later and haven't had a problem since!

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Kate in MI

I've had this at school with the computers when they get too hot as well. All desktops, not laptops at school, but I have heard of this on laptops and will echo the previous posts on the solution. For the desktop, it would be a good idea to check to see if the fan is working, and on top of that, to open up the computer and check on the dust level and maybe blow out with canned air and/or being careful to sweep out the inside of it. We do this on occasion, especially when we hear the computer getting a lot louder. It is working harder.

Steven Alaska

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Steven Cook

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