OT: thanks for prayers for Mom and Dad--keep e'm coming!

Thanks for all the prayers and keep 'em coming!

Dad's surgery has been postponed for two weeks to allow for his blood-thinning meds to clear out. The wait should not be detrimental to the surgery or the outcome. So he's "on hold."

Mom has not had surgery yet--they're watching her like a hawk, hoping the intestinal blockage will resolve on its own--as is possible if it's due to the innards' just forgetting to work (common if you've had narcotics, which--duh!--is what they hand out for gallstones.) So she's in a holding pattern, too. Keep praying it will resolve without major surgery!! Tomorrow's her birthday--surely there has to be a special blessing for that, eh?

Hugs to all and keep those beautiful thoughts coming. I've passed them on to Dad. They're working!

Monique in TX

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Holding them up in our prayers, Monique, and holding you close in our hearts. God bless you all. Polly

"monique" wrote> Thanks for all the prayers and keep 'em coming!

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Polly Esther

Hi Monique, Wanda here... Has your dad's oncologist been consulted on delaying his surgery. If it is imperitive, they can always give Vitamin K to reverse the effects of the anticoagulation therapy. Many prayers headed your way for mom and dad and YOU! As for your mom, its always best to let the gut rest as a first line of defense for obstruction. The more abdominal surgeries, the higher the incidence of adhesions... = pain and more surgery to correct later down the road! Usually a few days of nothing by mouth except air will take care of the problem. If she does require surgery its a simple fix... Best to all concerned... Wanda

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