OT: update on me

Before you all think I dropped off the face of the earth I thought I would pop in and post an update. Some of you have been kind enough to contact me off-list and many of you have kept me in your thoughts and prayers over the last few weeks. Thanks so much for those prayers, they are working.

As many of you know I was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. The first surgery completely removed the tumor and three lymph nodes ("sentinal node biopsy") in which one node tested positive, one negative, and one 'undetermined.' 10 days later I underwent another surgery in which a 2nd layer lymph node cluster under my arm was removed. All of those nodes tested negative (what a relief it was to hear that).

Needless to say having two major surgeries in two weeks was a bit much and with the pain meds I don't remember much of it at all (probably a good thing).

On April 30th I start chemo. I'll need between 4-6 sessions (I'll find out how many for certain next week). To make this treatment easier (on everyone especially me) last week I had yet another sergical procedure for insertion of a chemo port, which will greatly simplify getting the drug and accomodating blood draws, etc.

After that, I undergo radiation. All in all the next few months are going to be difficult emotionally and physically. I'm brused and battered, but hey, this is war :) And given the cancer is the 'most common' form of breast cancer, non-agressive and hormone receptor positive (a good thing), and was detected very early I'm actually in a pretty good place right now, especially now that I have a diagnosis and treatement plan.

I can't say enough about Guthrie/Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, PA. When I'm there, they treat me as though I am the only patient they have...like a queen. It takes me an hour to get there but it is so woth the drive. They are all so kind, caring and helpful and I feel totally secure in the quality of care I am receiving.

My husband has been a rock through all of this - he has gone with me for every appointment, surgery and procedure, and has waited on me hand and foot for the past month...feeding me, giving me my meds, not to mention doing laundry, dishes, cooking, etc. All in all, I feel truly blessed.

So...I'm stepping on the soapbox for a minute.....please, please, PLEASE....have those regular mamogram checks -- early detection makes all the difference. It's no fun dealing with cancer, but your chances of being a survivor are excellent if it's caught early on.


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Irene, I've been thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. I'm so glad to hear that you're strong and fighting. My MIL was diagnosed with breast cancer, been more than 10 years now. She's fine and dandy these days. Thank goodness for mammograms and early detection.


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IMS wrote: > Before you all think I dropped off the face of the earth I thought I > would pop in and post an update. Some of you have been kind enough to > contact me off-list and many of you have kept me in your thoughts and > prayers over the last few weeks. Thanks so much for those prayers, > they are working. >

Great to see you pop in Irene! Yes, you've been definitely been through the ringer, and there is more ahead. Oddly though, I would call you lucky. For having an illness that we all fear, it seems most everything else about it has gone just right. I feel certain you're going to come out on the other side of this just fine.

It's terrific to hear that hospital where you are receiving your care has such a fine staff. That is priceless.

Oh, and I have to comment about how blessed you are to have such a wonderful DH. :-)

Post when you can. We're always eager to hear from you. You'll remain in my thoughts, Irene.

Michelle in NV

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Michelle C

Irene, it's so good to read that things are coming along so well. :) Getting those "clean" lymph nodes is a real plus! Good luck to you and your DH (and all of your family) -- hang in there. :)

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Good to hear from you, Irene. Take care of you. I know the stress you are going thru. So glad you have a DH that is pampering you. Mine did too.

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Yay! great to hear from you, and great that you can be so positive.

Keeping you in my prayers, love...

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Mine was detected by routine mammo in Sept 2000 -- very early stage. I had a lumpectomy followed by 6 weeks of radiation & 5 years on tamoxifen.

Julia > Hello,

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Julia in MN

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