OT: Update/Prayers Request

Tried to reply to my original post, but it seems Google is not functioning today!

Appointment is done and over with, for today. Eight cultures, tons of blood work, poking and prodding, three scripts to fill and $200+ later...... we wait now.

She is scheduling me for a mammogram and an MRI of the remaining ovary. She thinks it will probably have to come out. We will wait for the results of todays tests and the MRI before she makes a determination on that. Other than that, she didn't do or say much other than to keep shaking her head and giving me "that look." Oh how dearly reassuring. And yes, the "lecture" that I knew was coming.

So Mrs. Lincoln, shall we just get back to sewing now? You know, focus, focus, focus...... while we wait, wait, wait........

Hugs all and thanks for the prayers! Tina

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Waiting with you, holding my breath and knowing in my heart that all is well. From past experience I know if they are concerned about the "c" word they don't waste any time.

I had an ovary removed after it became covered with cysts before my children were born. In 1985 when I had my hysterectomy my OB/GYN told me that it had grown back and was weird looking but functioning. They left both ovaries in order to delay menopause. Didn't work - I started the hotflashes in 1988. All that ended in 2002. Finally it was over.

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Prayers continuing for good tests results, Tina.

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Elaine Abner

Prayers continuing, Tina. Remember we're here for you!

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Carolyn McCarty

Snigs, this is so ironic. I always say that my DS is very special - this is just a small part of the reason why.

In 1992, I had major, major lung surgery - which resulted in, well, let's just say it was life altering in a major way.

In 1994, I had the ovarian tumor. I was a working mother of a 6 yo girl with an alcoholic husband who was not dependable or reliable. I didn't follow up with the doctor. I didn't have money or time. I let it go. I came home from work one evening, (this was during a period of seperation from previously stated worthless spouse) alone, at home with the 6 yo. I suddenly became violently ill and started passing out, unable to maintain conciousness for any lengthy period of time. DD thought I was just really, really tired so she fixed herself dinner, Spaghettios in the microwave, ate, covered mom in blankets (I was freezing cold, had the chills and the sweats, etc.) and when I could not control the vomiting and started spewing blood - she bravely called

911 and told them where she lived and what was happening to her mommy. Then she called her babysitter/after school care giver and told her what was happening and asked her to come over to get her. The caregiver then called my mother to come also.

I ended up in the emergency room, the tumor had twisted on its stem and had cut off blood supply and was poisoning my system. It was my second time to come very near death in an emergency situation. I had emergency surgery and days of fluids, antibiotics and chemicals to combat the poison running through my body. My mother was just sure I was a goner, again.

When all the treatments, follow-ups and such were over - the doctor told me I would never have children again. I wasn't really planning on it anyway. I had a wonderful daughter, a lousy husband and didn't see a very bright future for any children in my life. No need for birth control anymore.....I thought that might be a good plus.

Ex and I were trying to work things out. He had made all the typical alcoholic promises of getting better, changing, going to counseling, going to A.A. yada, yada, yada.... we got back together. I woke up one morning, almost a year later and told him, "I'm pregnant." He swore up and down I was just being emotional, wishful thinking, a threat, you name it.

I went to the doctor, who sure enough confirmed, I was definitely pregnant and he was stunned. Everyone was stunned.

My beautiful, wonderful, cherubic DS was born July 18, 1996. He looked like he was three months old when he was born, almost 9 pounds, a head full of white/blond hair that glowed like a halo, a tan that looked as if he had been sunning on a beach in Jamaica for the past three months and built like a football player. And needless to say, it didn't take any time at all to discover that he had the heart and soul of an angel. People were drawn to him everywhere we went. He smiled constantly and warmed the hearts of the coldest baby dislikers. He rarely if ever cried and was the most pleasant child you could imagine. People were shocked by his loving, happy nature.

Needless to say, he was truly a miracle in my life.

Before I left the hospital with him - I asked - ok, you said I would never have children again? What's up with that? And what are you going to do to make sure it doesn't happen again? I am already high risk - it was an extremely high risk pregnancy, both for my lungs and my female organs - TAKE THE DARN THINGS OUT NOW! They wouldn't. They refused because they wanted to save whatever they could to prevent early menopause and hormone therapy. yeah right. I have been Peri and then Pre menopausal ever since!

So..... to end this wonderful story - this time, when they confirm that ovary needs to come out - I am INSISTING they just take all that crap immediately! LOL

I wouldn't trade my miracle son for the world now - but I am sick to death of having female organs interrupt my livelihood!

Hugs and thanks, Tina

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Prayers continuing...Keep us posted. Michele

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Prayers and crossed fingers for you, Tina.


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Denise in NH

Tina, great to hear good things about your dad. Think maybe you better add some liquid libation to your shopping list, with all those people heading for high ground. Stay safe!

-- Carey in MA

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Carey N.

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