OT: was I out of line?

Sorry for another OT post -- but this is really bugging me and I need some unbiased opinions.

I'm taking a class (Master Gardener) on Thursday nights. The class runs from 6 - 10. The classroom is absurdly overcrowded with 4 rows of tables and chairs -- with the space between rows so tight that someone of my size cannot sit comfortable without moving either my table forward or the table behind me back (which then further crowds the students at those tables). All students are adults (almost everyone over 30 and more than 1/2 over 40 or so) -- so we're not talking about "kids" here. There are no assigned seats but as you would expect -- people tend to return to the same seats week after week.

Because of this -- I arrive nearly 40 minutes early to the class so that I can select a seat on the aisle for several reasons. 1) my size -- no way can I comfortably sit buried in the middle of the row. 2) I have learned that I am somewhat claustrophobic -- not horribly so -- but enough I get somewhat anxious when confined. At restaurants -- I avoid at all costs sitting on the inside of a booth. When I have to -- I notice I am terribly anxious and fidgety. 3) I battle diverticulitis -- and frequently need to excuse myself and get to the nearest restroom ASAP. I have had multiple experiences of not getting there quickly enough (TMI.. sorry but this particular health situation rules much of my life).

So last night I arrive my usual time but someone has taken the seat I usually take at the end of the table. So I take the seat at the table in front of her and place my belongings. I actually sit there through the quiz and then we are instructed to go to a room down the hall to look at some specimens of tree leaves with diseases... so I get up and leave my things (notebook, writing pad, pencil, water, cell phone on the table and my purse on my chair and coat on the back of my chair) while I proceed with the class to the adjacent room.

While I am there, the woman who routinely sits where I chose to sit -- moves all of my belongings to an inside spot on another table. She sits down and when I return she says "too bad... this is my seat". I was livid. I am a non-confrontational person usually but there was no way I would even fit where she put my things ... let alone manage it otherwise (anxiety-wise and accessibility wise). In front of the entire class, I quietly called her out and asked her to please move -- -as I was sitting there. She called me a name for making a big deal out of it... and I replied that there were no assigned seats and she needs to find a vacant seat and please relocate. She refused. I did say she was being juvenile but otherwise did not get negative or really loud... just stood over her and waited until she moved. This whole thing took 3-4 minutes and the entire class was sitting watching --- mouths open but saying nothing.

Finally she did move -- and I reclaimed my seat. Afterwards I was so upset that my system was more upset than normal. Ended up running down the hall several times. And she ended up leaving class 45 minutes early (which she does routinely).

Was I out of line making a "big deal" of this? There were no more available end seats by this time so there really was no place for me to go comfortably. The woman is 1/2 my size and could easily have sat where she put my things. She likes being on the end (I think so she can leave early).

I'm still very upset over this. I hate being perceived as a "trouble maker" -- but this just rubbed me the wrong way. That she even moved my purse to a new location blows my mind. I would **NEVER** think of touching someone else's purse unless to prevent it from being damaged somehow.

So tell me -- was I out of line? I don't know that she is -- but even if she can't handle "inside tight spaces" -- would she have the right to move me out because she has been sitting there for the past several weeks? What would you have done?

Kate in MI

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Kate in MI
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Out of line? Heck NO! Good for you for standing up for yourself. That other woman was sooo out of line even touching your belongings let alone moving them.

Don't you be feeling bad about doing something right. It's the other woman who should be having second thoughts about what she did and I hope she learned a lesson!

I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself! You are so right in what you did and in taking care of yourself.

Hugs for doing the right thing!!

Donna in WA

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I don't think you were out of line at all. And I don't think you need to justify to anyone why you chose the seat you did. You know you have your reasons and make arrangements accordingly (arriving early) to make things as comfortable as possible for yourself without inconviencing anyone. There are no assigned seats and no one should be moving anyone's belongings. Good for you for sticking up for yourself. Keep up the good work!

Kim in NJ

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Kate, you were certainly within your rights! You got there first, you claimed the seat for THAT session by placing your belongings there. No one had any right to move them. Now having said that, I wonder if in the future there is a "last row" that has clearance so that any seat along that last row would be comfortable for you and easy to get in and out of? Most people don't like the last row so you probably wouldn't have to "fight" for a spot. I share your discomfort. I have a hard time maneuvering around (have to have a seat next to the aisle in the movies) where the rows are close together. And at recent quilt guild meeting, my belongings were moved from one side and end of the table to another while I was looking at goodies. I was livid! And I have not been back. Too much of a clique for me.

KT. in MI

I don't think you were out of line at all. And I don't think you need to justify to anyone why you chose the seat you did. You know you have your reasons and make arrangements accordingly (arriving early) to make things as comfortable as possible for yourself without inconviencing anyone. There are no assigned seats and no one should be moving anyone's belongings. Good for you for sticking up for yourself. Keep up the good work!

Kim in NJ

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KT in Mich

The back row was filled... except for 4 people in... and all the other "end" spots were taken ... this was the only one remaining.

Part of the problem is -- that the room is small and full. And occasionally students who missed a given class from the last session (several months ago) will attend this one to get the required information. So frequently a "regular" seat is taken when you arrive so you just select an available seat. Had she already have been there so that seat was occupied and my "regular" seat was spoken for but the person not in the room... I would never dream of just moving her things away -- although I might have asked if she would have minded moving a few seats over and explained why.

Anyway == thanks for your responses. Glad to know I wasn't be the "B#*%&" she claimed I was being merely by standing up for what was temporarily "mine". Guess next week I need to arrive 50 minutes early! LOL

KT. in MI

I don't think you were out of line at all. And I don't think you need to justify to anyone why you chose the seat you did. You know you have your reasons and make arrangements accordingly (arriving early) to make things as comfortable as possible for yourself without inconviencing anyone. There are no assigned seats and no one should be moving anyone's belongings. Good for you for sticking up for yourself. Keep up the good work!

Kim in NJ

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Kate in MI

You weren't but she was. And I think she knew it because she waited until you weren't there to move your things. Good for you for not letting her get away with it! I hope it goes better next meeting, Allison

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You left your purse and your cell phone on the table? You WHAT ? As my precious Puerto Rican friend would scream, "Are you Cracee?". Do NOT do that again. Ever. Momma should have told you. Everybody is not nice. Even Master Gardeners. If someone had taken your purse - and - cell phone they could have made your life miserable. And that of your heirs. Probably they would have had access to your car, your home, your bank, your credit cards, your phone contacts ... just no telling what all. Don't make me come up there. Polly

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Polly Esther

Hey KAte

No way were you out of line: she was. There is nothing to justify what she did no way no how.

HAving said that, I will echo Polly: DO NOT Leave your purse and cell phone unattended ANYWEHRE EVER!!!

Yes , I'm yelling. I recently went through the "rather unpleasant" experience of having my purse stolen somewhere where I thought it would be safe: was NOT! The associated problems are monumental.

Fight for your rights!


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On Fri, 11 Mar 2011 10:39:08 -0600, Kate in MI wrote (in article ):

What a toughie. I think she was out of line to move your things without asking. Usually one's purse, coat, etc. is a signal that the seat is "taken".

Honestly, next time I'd tell her you have a medical condition that requires you to run down the hall frequently and unexpectedly and could you please sit on the aisle to avoid disrupting the class.


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Maureen Wozniak

On Fri, 11 Mar 2011 16:56:02 -0600, Gen wrote (in article ):

That's a great idea if there is space. If anyone questions you can still explain the need to leave without disturbing the whole class at times.


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Maureen Wozniak

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Kate, you were not wrong. I echo the suggestions of others here, and am shouting along with Polly to be watchful of your cell phone and purse. [Heck even in my courtroom I lock my purse in the exhibits cabinet and take the only key!].

G> Sorry for another OT post -- but this is really bugging me and I need som= e

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Ginger in CA

I hear you, Polly... but the instructor and 2 staff-volunteers are in the room at all times. Granted maybe not the smartest thing to do. But there is no one in the building at that hour except our class. My purse was on my chair -- pushed up to the table with my coat over the chair -- so while accessible -- not heavily advertised. The room was not empty -- kind of hard to explain - but as people finished their test (which they take as soon as they arrive) they were told to go down to the other room. So not everyone was out of the room. And the instructor was also in the classroom.

Regardless....advice heard! You are right -- if they were taken life would be very difficult for several days/weeks to come!

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Kate in MI

Kate, OMG! I'm with Polly on this one. It's not church for G*d's sake!! It's a public place where people are not only rude, but probably not that honest. I think I would let the teacher know of your condition and if she sees that there are no end chairs, she may be able to intervene for you if that happens again. what a rude and obnoxious woman. I may have had to punch her lights out! I don't know if I could've been that nice like you were.

amy in SoCal (LOL to the PR friend...love it)

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amy in SoCal

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