VW Quilt

stash--- well, ah, emmmmmmmm, Yeah I have a bit. After all I worked at a fabric store for almost

6 1/2 years. And we got 70% off remnants for most of that time. (And a remnant could be anything that the boss decided was too small to stay on the bolt, or too small to take up the room of a bolt board on the shelf. ) I did buy some for that quilt, but a lot was scraps and actual left overs from sewing projects. I knew there was more than one reason that most of the clothes I make are "shirt weight" cottons (which=quilt weight cottons. )

I also love novelty fabrics. Used to buy a piece just because I "had" to have it. When I was working around the fabrics all the time I didn't buy as much, because I could enjoy it anyway. However, the 2 VW fabrics in that quilt, and a few other fabrics, didn't even make it to the floor. Between a couple of us on staff it got purchased before finding a place on the shelves.

On the other hand, I am short of blenders. Find that I have to buy the stuff that lets the main prints "sing". Which isn't a problem when you bought the original fabric to make clothes. Yes I have an interesting wardrobe, as does my DH, who has been known to select fabrics for his shirts too.

Pati, > Pati-

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Pati Cook
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And thank you for the compliment too. Each block sort of "happened" by itself. Then it was a matter of setting them together. Rick likes it, and that was the major point of the whole thing. I did enter it into the local guild show the year I finished it. It didn't win any prizes, nor was I expecting it to. But people still remember it, which I think is a better gauge of a "good" quilt, at least for me.

Pati,> Pati-

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Pati Cook

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