OT:16 weeks Pregnant

I haven't been able to write in a while as my plate has been full. December

28th I had a sub chorionic bleed and now. Well, it has been a long 16 weeks and we had our amniocentesis on Friday. Which is where they detected the first signs of Placenta Previa. Yesterday, I started to bleed a little bit. So, the Dr. said to lay down and drink plenty of water. The bleeding stopped and I went to see him first thing this AM. He thinks that the Placenta Previa could have caused the bleeding and that he thinks my Placenta will move away from the cervix as the pregnancy progresses. Please say a prayer for me and my family that the rest of this pregnancy goes SMOOTHLY!! He told me to take it easy for the rest of the week (lay on the couch) LOL which should be rather interesting with a 33 month old. Who really loves attention!! This should be an interesting week.

God Bless to all, Dorothy in NY

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Hi Dorothy,

Listen to the doctor and be a couch rat with a remote control and a very large bottle of water.

I will send a prayer to your neck of the woods. I'll also send up a prayer to the "weather gods" to stop the snow/ice/sleet that seems to have parked itself over us.

Depending on where you are in NY, you are welcome to write me off-board for my telephone number and we can always chat. I'm very versital in the conversations of a 2 year old.

Hugs, Kate

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Hello Dorothy,

Hoping the best for you. It's hard to do when you have a little one at home. I had a 2 year old when the doc told me no lifting and take it easy to stop my bleeding. Yeah right! I ended up doing something I had a very hard time with. I asked for help. It made me so sad. I felt like I was pawning my 2 year old off on people, but he was happy to get to the park and I got the rest I needed. My friends and family loved spending time with my son and confided that I hogged him. But since he was my son they hadn't said anything. haha Good luck to you. My prayers are with you.

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King's Crown

Prayers are with you & yours Dorothy.

Is there nothing they can do?

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Dorothy -

Wishing you all the best and a smooth pregnancy!


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I'll be thinking of you dorothy. Make sure you get lots of rest and stay off of your feet. My sister just had a premy 2 weeks ago. I believe it was from the same thing. This was her second child. Her first one was the same. Mason was 10 weeks early and garyson was 8 weeks early. Mason is 4

1/2 now. Garyson will be in the hospital a little longer. He was 2.10 and is now 3.1 so things are going great. I'm positive they will for you also.
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Dorothy my prayers are with you! I remember you had a miscarriage before, so I know you are working extra hard on this pregnancy to get through it. Do stay down and take it VERY easy. Placenta Previa is nothing to mess with, it doesn't just go away as you probably know. See if someone can go out and pick up a new toy or something to keep your 33 month old occupied, maybe a Thomas the Train set, my 33 month old is in love with it! Also those markers and paper that only show the color of the ink on that special paper - maybe even a new video for him to watch so you can rest. My little one also loves to play with his matchbox cars in play-doh. I put plastic on the floor under his chair and give him a can of play-doh and he "drives" the cars on it and make "choo choo tracks" for them! The problem with this age is nothing keeps them busy for too long! The only other thing I can think of is this would be a good time to lean on some friends and have them take him for a few hours here and there if you know of anyone. Good thoughts for you and your baby!

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Lori K.

You're in my prayers Dorothy. Take it easy on the couch and do what the doctor says! Hopefully you'll be able to find someone who can help you with your little one.

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Deb in AR

I'm sure it will sound like there is an echo in here when I say to you, "Listen to the Dr. and stay off your feet!" I am sending prayers your way.

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Marcia Tomseth

My prayers are with you Dorothy. Take care of yourself and your little one.

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Cathy Rusk

We'll be praying for you and the little one, Dorothy.


Dorothy wrote:

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I know we never met, but if you need anything please let me know I'm only a few exits away I'd be happy to come out and do a 7-11 run for you or even a day of coloring with your little one as you watch Oprah. All you have to do is ask.


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Kate you're such a generous person. It did my heart good to read your offer to Dorothy. Being on the other coast made me feel helpless when I read about her situation and I hoped she had a good support system. Now she can add you. :)


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King's Crown

Dorothy, my heart and prayers go out to you. As everyone said listen to your doctor and stay off your feet. I don't really know you but I'm here to talk to if you need to talk. Prayers go out to you and your family.


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Hi Kate, Thank you EVER so much for the offer and I will MOST definitely keep it in mind. You are a Sweet heart!! God Bless, Dorothy in NY

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I just want to Thank EVERYONE for your prayers and well wishes!! It has been a ruff couple of days but Thank the good Lord I have Wonderful In Laws. They have been here everyday so far lending a helping hand. Tomorrow will be my first day on my own. Hopefully, it all goes well. My little one takes a nap for approx. 2 hours in the afternoon so I will be taking one also. The bleeding stopped shortly after it started and I just hope and pray that it is the last time that it will happen. The Dr. seems to think that as the baby grows and my uterus moves up it will move the Placenta away from the Cervix. I pray for this to happen. As I do not look forward to bed rest for the remainder of this pregnancy. So, I will heed all of his instructions. Thank you again Katie for your Wonderful offer and will keep it in mind.

God Bless to all, Dorothy in NY

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Thank goodness for your in-laws!

I remember when my little guy wouldn't take a nap and I needed one per doctors orders I'd put on a video and make him sit where my legs curled while I layed on my side on the couch. That way I could shut my eyes for a few and if he tried to go somewhere I'd feel him climb over my legs and could be alerted. Mine are 10 and 13 1/2 and they still refer to that spot behind my legs while laying on the couch as "the nest". My 13 year old will wedge his butt in "the nest" now and then remember how much he actually liked it. Even the dogs like to curl up there when I lay down on the couch. What started as a safety measure so I could get some rest during my pregnancy created a fun memory.

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King's Crown

I had to smile when I read your e-mail. Isn't it funny how mothers everywhere have so many of the same experiences. That's exactly how my son would lay down for his nap every afternoon. He called it his cubby. He's eight now and when he's sick he still wants me to lay with him on the couch. Sandy

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Sandy McBeth

Dorothy, be sure you follow your doctor's advice to the letter.

Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

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Dorothy Honey,

You are very welcome. I meant every "unselfish" word of it.

I'm glad your circle of family are ralling around you and your circle of friends here are ralling around a "prayer chain." Be safe, Listen to your doctor, NOW GO LAY DOWN. 0 :-)


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