OT: growl, grumble frustration runs high!! lol really just venting

What a weekend!! Friday we were without power for 3 hours that I know of due to a thunderstorm that popped up out of no where. We had 3 inches of rain in less than 2 hours. DS#1 was out applying for jobs when this storm popped up and he headed home. I get a phone call, (on my cell) with a panicky sounding son telling me he needed my help he'd hit someone. I went flying out of the house to where he was (just 1/2 mile from home), water pouring across the highway and access road. They hadn't been able to get ahold of anyone at 9-1-1, all lines were busy. I was finally able to get through. According to the cop that did the accident report, oh I must say no one was hurt thankfully. The cop had just gone down that road and he said there had been 6 inches of water on it. DS's truck is essentially totaled. The other kid's car is pretty bad off. Thankgoodness for good insurance. Though we only had liability on the truck so Nick is going to be without a vehicle until he can get the truck repaired. I had to have it towed to my parents house, the next day I helped my Dad move it into the backyard. I think I tore something in my shoulder doing that. Sheesh, I am hoping it will get better so I don't have to go to the doctor. It is feeling a little better everyday.

My Dad and DS dismantled the truck's front end over the weekend to find out exactly what has to be replaced. Looks like it will cost around $1200 to repair. I hope DS is able to find a job for after school starts as the job he has now ends after labor day with school starting. We are going to make him pay for all the repairs and when it's drivable he will have to find an insurance policy/pay for it on his own.

DH is mad as this is just the latest problem we've had with DS #1 this summer. In fact DH is ready to kick DS#1 out. I am of the opinion that DS, in his hast and desire to be an adult (he'll be 18 at Christmas) has made poor decisions lately. Nothing illegal, some lying that goes back to before school got out of the summer, and a few other poor choices like that. I think he is just eager to be an adult and make adult decisions himself.

So needless to say that things at home haven't been all that wonderful. I'm busy trying to be peace keeper and keep DH from saying something that he and DS#1 will always regret. Trying to get DS#1 to understand where DH and I are coming from. Trying to keep him from feeling like we don't love him (I told him that we do love him, just don't like the choices and decisions he's made lately). Trying to make sure that our home is still a soft place/refuge from the rest of the world that everyone feels safe and comfortable in. That is hard with DH feelings toward DS#1. I am about to pull my hair out. I think if I sat down and had a good cry I'd feel better. My parents were great this weekend. I called my Dad from the accident scene and asked him to come and look at the truck. That's when he told me I could have it taken to their house. I asked him and Mom if DS#1 could stay with them Saturday night/Sunday/Sunday night. Just to have a chance to catch his breath and get regrouped without feeling like he was being judged. They took both the kids (I worked Sunday) and DS#1 was better this morning when I took him to work. I am also being the chauffer again. I don't mind because he needs to work to have money to buy replacement parts.

I need to take all my toys and go to a deserted island (with power, air conditioning and a chef (who can make chocolate and great mixed drinks)) and have oh, say a month to myself!

What is that???? hey, no fair laughing I can dream can't I? LOL Thanks for letting me vent and rant......

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Kenda, I'm so sorry things are going topsy turvy for you all right now. That's such bad luck with your DS's accident on top of everything else. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, I know how hard it is to try and be the peace-keeper in the home, that was my role while T was here. It's such a struggle to keep everyone happy and it wears you down also. Sending you positive energy and kindness that things will improve for you real soon.

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"kenda" wrote in message news:dtOdnbonO5xjeUrZnZ2dnUVZ snipped-for-privacy@comcast.com...

I am living the same nightmare Kenda, DS#2 is here on borrowed time. My son is over 18 but going to school and everyday that we manage to get through without my husband throwing him out is a true miracle. The only way I get through it is instead of saying you raised a lazy, disrespectful and extremely selfish young man is to tell myself this is a parenting "challenge" that I must win or he will be still be driving me totally nuts when he is 40.

We have had our share of accidents and tickets. I just went to court with him 2 weeks ago because he failed to tell us that he was given a citation and he failed to take care of it resulting in a warrant for his arrest being posted on the front door. He had to appear at 6pm the following evening at the DJ office. While we were waiting with 200 other people mostly teens and young adults with their parents, there was a man about 50 years old there with his mother. He had to pay $212 and he didn't have it and they told him he had to pay something because this has gone on long enough. His elderly mother took out her a credit card and payed off his fine. Right there I had visions of being that elderly mother someday and said to myself Oh nooooooo, there is no way in hell that I am paying his fine today. He managed to make payment arrangements of $10 a week. He missed paying last Friday although the DJ warned him that he couldn't miss payments and if he didn't have it for some "good" reason that he needed to come into the office and tell them why. He got $147 on Friday (his fine was $106) but said he couldn't pay anything because it cost $100 to upgrade his cellphone and he needed money for gas so he didn't have it. He didn't go and tell them he didn't have it because he didn't want to tell the judge that he spent his money on a better cellphone that being a necessity and all. I merely told him for the millionth time that all actions have consequences and so he better not whine when they come knocking for him.

I eagerly await the next warrant being posted on the front door. I am not going with him this time and I hope that they double his fine. I am willing to pay 5 times his fine if they would lock him up for just 24 hours....

Reply to
Scout Lady

Oh my Kenda! I am so sorry to hear that things are a little rocky right now. Hopefully once school starts DS#1 will get back in shape. I hope things get sorted out soon and that peace returns to your family. I'll pray that your shoulder feels better soon and that it's just a little sprain. I know that it's hard for you to do your job while injured. Hopefully Nick will remember where he wants to go and what it takes to get there and have a good career. Sending big hugs, your way,

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OH my teenage sons... mine is turning 15 in September and so far we just get eye squinting, snarls and the robot voice. Things I can handle. Thanks for sharing your experiences ladies I need all the tutelage I can get. That story about the 50 year old son still being bailed out just blows my mind, but I see that all the time... Mom's who wait on their kids hand and foot. It is tempting, but I'm trying to raise self sufficient human beings and that means coming across sounding mean sometimes. DD getting ready for soccer in the living room, "Mom will you get my soccer socks?" Me, in kitchen cooking dinner... "No. You're 12 years old and you still need "mommy" to get your socks?" DD "ha rumph." *gets own socks*


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King's Crown

(((BIGGG HUG!!))) for you there lady and you better take care of yourself!!

I really can understand parental love and know so many people that have no sign of it. But you know what so many kids think, "you never had to do that, go thru that or whatever!"

WHAT?! Geesh they do not often times think WE were their age at one time too. We did our stupid things, and more often than not paid the consequences. unfortunately today's society has come to be that YOU are to take care of your family or are responsible for them. Sad to say but the old saying Tough Love? well IMHO more people need to practice it and teach the younger generations responsibility and RESPECT!!!

I know that is the way I had it, you screw up, you pay up!!

Best luck to all i this boat and we are always here for the support, guidance, advice, prayers or stress relief!!!

OKC Dave

Check out my pix and crafts!

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OKC Dave

Hey Kenda! I'm sorry for the troubles you are having with DS#1. I am dreading that phone call myself, when my DS#1 is in a wreck or some emergency happens. I'm sure your son has a pretty good head on his shoulders, and surely he will come around in time. All you can do is keep loving him and doing what you have been doing in guiding him into his adult life.

I found out today that my DS#1 possibly wants to join our volunteer fire deparment! (He is 17) They have a meeting tonight, and there was a "help wanted" sign on their building today. This worries me too, but he has talked about it for awhile now. I'm proud that he wants to become involved in the community, but as a mother I worry about his safety.

BTW if and when you f> What a weekend!! Friday we were without power for 3 hours that I know of

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Linda C

Thank you Cec! I am starting to feel worn down, I make sure that I take time for me to re-energize but it's still wearing. Things will get better, just have to have DS make good decisions from now on! Thank you for your thoughts.

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OMG!! What a mess! I have to say that you have it worse than I do. DS got paid yesterday an he got on the phone and called the court clerk asked her how much the fine was going to be for the ticket he got Friday. He cashed his check today and immediately set the money aside for when he goes to court next week. He also had to pay the ticket he got last year. I must say that he is very responsible when it comes to money. Good luck with your DS. Parenting is definately a challenge!

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Lynne, you don't sound mean, we have done the same thing! LOL (Mom where is the milk? Gee I put it in the oven, you might have to move something in the fridge to find it.) They just reach an age where they want to "do it their way" because they think of themselves as grown and they aren't quite there yet. I finally broke down and told my parents what all has been going on with DS #1 Saturday (while he was at work) as I feel like I'm going to need to lean on them a bit and have them help me help him. Instead of getting a lecture about being a terrible mother (like I expected) my parents were very understanding (they had similar problems with my brother) and even made me feel better about how we've been handling things. There is a world of kids that have been handed everything and they expect to be bailed out and have everything come easy. That is not something we've done for ours. They have learned that you have to earn what you get.

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LOL Thanks Dave!! We do practice tough love here. Sometimes I think it's tougher on the parents than on the kids. I can't tell you how many times we given out punishment or told him you made this bed now you get to lay in it and it's not going to be comfortable then gone into the bedroom and cried. It just breaks my heart that they make these rash decisions thinking that we don't know what we're talking about and we don't understand! Though I think he is getting the idea now. Things will get better, eventually for those of us in the same boat.

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I know that things will get better, mostly it's just getting DH to see that he's being unreasonable about a few things. Yeah, like that's gonna happen! LOL DS is correcting his behavior. I think he's starting to get back on track. I think alot of his problem was that his plans for his future that were supposed to be started this summer derailed him and put him in a spin. He's back on track now. We just have to make sure he stays there! That's going to be the challenge.

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Thank you Linda! You are right, and that's all I can do is keep loving him and guiding him. (sometimes I want to guide his head and hold it underwater a while then ask him what he's been thinking, but then I come back to reality and realize I could get in trouble! LOL)

If your DS wants to be a volunteer that is wonderful! I am sure your department will make sure he has good training. Just remember that all departments (paid or volunteer) are required to have certain types of training and certain number of hours for that training for each member in order to qualify for grants and other types of funding so rest easy that your DS will be properly trained and will be safe. I think it's wonderful that he wants to get involved in his community. Besides, who knows it may lead to a career for him!

Also, you're hired if I find that island! LOL I'll make sure there are two seats.

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Kendra my heart goes out to you. I can't say I know what your going through or can relate because I can't. It sounds like your doing all the right things (loving him, being supportive etc). Sounds like your a wonderful mother. Hope things get better for you and DS#1. Take care of that shoulder.


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Thank you Chrissy. I hope I'm doing all the right things. Sometimes it's hard to just put one foot in front of the other and keep going. But the times with things are good and not so rough make it all worth it. Basically he's a good kid, just in too much of a hurry to be a man.

I went to the chiropractor today and he helped my shoulder. I go back on Monday and he'll work on it a bit more.

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*passes Kenda the body bags* :-) It will get better, Kenda. Hopefully DS is beginning to realize that you and DH really do know what you're talking about. My sister went through a phase at the end of highschool where Mom & Dad were the stupidest people on the face of the earth. She spent that first summer out of highschool working at a camp, away from home, the WHOLE summer. Suddenly, Mom & Dad got smart! So hopefully DS will come around, too, and soon. In the meantime, just keep loving him like you are. Know I"m here if you ever need to vent! Oh, and if the body bags don't work, ever thought about putting him in the freezer until he turned 21? Mom & Dad wanted to do that with my brother. LOL I was the good teenager in the family!
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Deb in AR

Glad to hear that your shoulder is getting better. Say hello toDr. F for me and Bobbie too. As for DS#1, I hoe he realizes that wanting tl be a man isn;t the same as cting like one. They won;t put up with any chicken-s__t where he wants to go!

I know that you are a great mom and that DS#1 is a good kid. Just growing pains and the fact that he had a big cancer scare might have something to do with his current behavior. It isn;t every kid his age that is faced with their own mortality, and it isn;t the same ashaving a friend die. I'm betting that he will straighten out soon, if not they will when he starts wearing his uniform.

Love you kiddo,

Hugs, M-C

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Deb said - ""LOL I was the good teenager in the family! ""

gulp, ppffttrttt, cough, gasp!!! And the child of a preacher - ROTFLMAO!!!!!

Oh, MC where in the devil is your alpha bag? It must have gotten left in the car or the rain- LOL!!

(humm, wondering where to hide now, APRIL?? I need a safe place to hide!!))

OKC Dave

Check out my pix and crafts!

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OKC Dave
*throws a flip-flop at Dave* Really! I really was the good teenager. According to my parents, all the rebellion you do as a teen, I did before I was 5. LOL
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Deb in AR

DS#1 is offically in the Army! He seems really pleased about it and seems more focused now. He's been offically signed for 5 days now. He better get straightened out or he won't live to see graduation much less boot camp! LOL Just kidding, more than likely it would be Christmas he won't see! LOL

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