OT: in and out and adoption

Just wanted to let everyone know that even though I've been in and out I'm more out than not. I've been sick for what seems like weeks now. I went back to the doctor today and my bronchitis is worse. (he of course gave me more meds) Hopefully the stuff in my chest will start to break loose.

I have been neglectful to my friends, it happens this time of the year. I had something very traumatic happen just after Christmas 13 years ago and it still haunts me to this day. I go into a depression around the holidays and since I married my wonderful DH it gets less and less every year. I am sorry I've been out of touch, literally and figuratively.

We did get some wonderful news last week. My DH has wanted to adopt my 2 DS for a long time now so we hired an adoption attorney when school got out for the summer. I had contacted my ex to get his permission. After giving him some time to think about it he agreed, "just send the papers and I'll sign". So after spending an arm and a leg, he delayed. After many phone calls to him, offering to pay the $10 for the notary, some hurtful things said DH and I decided to call it a wash. The boys were terribly upset, they had hoped to start the new school year with DH last name. DH was upset, even though he denied it I could tell he was disappointed. (though to his credit he never said anything unkind about the ex when the kids were in hearing (usually said in the car or while they were at school). ) We explained to the boys that he must have changed his mind, and that was okay, if they still wanted Alan's last name then as they turned 18 he would adopt them, it would just be 1 at a time instead of together. We were very frustrated over the fact that once again he failed to do something he agreed to and it hurt the boys so much and all the money spent on the attorney for nothing, called him many names when no one was around. DH shed a few tears (he was so upset), I shed many, how could he not sign the papers after all he'd only seen the boys 4 times in the past 13 1/2 years, paid child support when the mood struck him. DH got a phone call last Sunday @ work, it was the adoption attorney. She had been going through her mail and ex had signed the papers!!!! So on Monday (last Monday) we rounded the boys up and each of us had to sign papers agreeing to the adoption. We have to wait 10 days after the papers are signed so the earliest court date we could get is Jan. 24th!! The boys are sooooo excited!!! I've cried many times, DS#1 has ordered a new name tag for his ROTC uniform, DS #2 has told all his friends.

As M-C said to me, miracles do happen and now I'll have a very happy memory for the holidays and maybe that will help fade the bad memories. (and it has helped tremdously, thanks for the wise words M-C, hugs)

Anyway, sorry this is so long, just wanted to share my happiness with my friends here at RCS.

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As an "adopted by my step dad kid" myself I know what an exciting time this is congrats as you enjoy your new family dynamics! Barb:o)

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Barb R.

I'm sorry you're still sick Kenda. But hey, at least you're not in the hospital with it! Trust me, being in the hospital right after Christmas isn't fun...especially when you can't breathe. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Take care of yourself and get lots of rest. Well, at least try to get lots of rest.

That is such great news to hear about the adoption! What a great memory to help overcome the bad memories. And so much better since the boys are for it! I'm so happy for you guys!!!! *BIG hugs*

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Deb in AR

Never too long Kenda. Thanks for sharing your wonderful news. I love to hear about my friends getting there dearest wish for Christmas. What a special time for you all!


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King's Crown

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Lacey Mullins

I'm so happy to hear the good news of your family. Now, you just need to get well. Peggy in NJ

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I hardly ever post, but your story sounds so familiar to mine! My step-father is a wonderful man! And when I was 17 I asked him to adopt me, we actually never did it, but just this past summer my brother who is now 27 had his name legally changed to be the same as my sdad!!

My sdad handed out cigars to close friends and family and they said "It's a Boy 6'4", red hair and blue eyes!" LOL!!

Congrats! Michelle

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What a wonderful story. Thanks for chiming in. You'll have to post more often.


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King's Crown

Thank you so much for sharing your story. Like Lynne, I hope you;ll post more often.

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Wonderful people deserve wonderful things. This couldn't have happened to a nicer bumch, at a better time. You know how happy DH and I are for you all four of you!

I can't wait for the judge to legalize it all! Big hugs,

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OH Kenda!!! That is fantastic!!! Your now officially a family!!! I'm so happy for your boys. If I was local, I'd come over right now and do the "official" family picture.... man... I'm so happy.. I know how hard this can be and its fantastic news!!!

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That is wonderful news, Kenda. I am so happy for all of you!!

Hugs, Sabrina in Kentucky

a good friend is a life long treasure

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Oh Kenda!!

What a special Christas gift!!! Congrats to all of you:>)

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Alan talked to the boys about it, giving them every opturnity to back out, but they were all for it. If not it would not be happening.

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And to think that I had thought to myself that I needed to call ex up and ask him to give the kids a nice gift for the holidays for a change! lol wishes do happen!

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I'm so happy yours worked out for you Lacey, sounds as if yours was meant to be!

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I'm working on the getting well part, just need some rest and good meds!

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One of the reasons DH decided to adopt is that when they are of legal age, if DH has to have medical decisions made for him they will legally be able to do it. Of course that was the very last on the list....my DM and uncle were adopted about 5 years ago by their stepdad....(They are in their mid

50's)for that reason.

LOL @ the boy 6'4", red hair blue eyes! Think we're going to have an adoption party afterwords.

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You'll be amoung the first to know it's happened!

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You could be local! All ya gotta do is move here! LOL

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