OT: Kenda's knee surgery

I am so glad to hear that things are better. Someone should cook Dr Duck's goose. I can't wait to hear how you feel once the swelling goes down and you start walking on it again! We (DH and I) will keep on praying over here that you have the best recovery possible!


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I agree someone should cook Dr. Duck's goose. (I LOL at that! ) I can walk better now that the swelling is down, however the pain is just as bad, if not worse; depending on how the leg is when I bring it down. (Does that make sense?) I have a follow up appt. Thursday and I'll be interested to see what the Dr.'s opinion of the knee is. I am happy that I can now bend the knee when I walk, I had gotten to where I couldn't do that before surgery. So I guess I'll just have to see.

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Unfortunately it does make sense. If you had bone on bone, then you would still feel the pain despite the cleanining. The debriding is a little like taking a door stop out, it allows the knee to swing where it might have been prevented from doing so. Ask your doctor if a "high tibial osteotomy" might not buy you a few years. If the pain and damage is mostly on one side, it might buy you some time until the other side catches up. It certainly did me when I was in your position and about your age too!

Meanwhile I hope it keeps on healing and getting better!

Big hugs,


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Well, I'm back from the doctor. He said that he wants to see me back in a month. And that he's going to talk to an orthopedic/sports medicine surgeon. He thinks I am a canidate for this procedure that you mentioned M-C. I didn't even have to mention it. He will see me again in 4 weeks, in the mean time he will talk to the sports medicine doctor that he wants to send me to; to see if he'll accept me as a patient. Then after I see him in

4 weeks he will begin the process of going through workers comp to refer me out. I have to say, I researched this procedure and it looks oh so painful! LOL Though he did say that it would buy me 5-10 years.

I have to say that inspite of the pain, I at least have more range of motion. I had gotten to where I couldn't bend the knee. So at least there is progress and a bit of movement in a solution.

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As I read about your painful knee experience I'm both empathetic for you and somewhat dreading what my knee future holds. Right now my brace has been modified and it helps some but the knee still hurts when I'm not wearing my brace it gives out on my and is really painful! Good Luck with everything! Barb:o)

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Oh Barb, I can only imagine how much pain you must be in. Any word on when you'll get to see a doctor? {HUGS}

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Hopefully WC won't fight on the procedure. If so, we storm the WC building. Charge!!! LOL It sounds like it would postpone the need for a replacement, while also taking care of pain. Hang in there until then. I'm glad you're able to get around much better though! YAY! It's good seeing you bend your knee again instead of hobbling around. Plus, DS#2 doesn't have a reason to make fun of you walking anymore! LOL

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Deb in AR

Kenda, Both of my knees are so stiff that I walk stiff legged. Plus my back is bad and my weight bares down on it too. So I can understand how it is with you and the fears of surgery. I am thinking of you. Hugs Irene

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Barb, I am wondering where you got your leg brace from. Sometimes I think if only I had a brace it would help a great deal. My Mom has the same problems as me and She is going to start getting a series of shots on monday. I pray it works for her. She is 82 and I just hate for her to be in pain all the time. I will be thinking and praying for you too. Hugs Irene

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No word yet! Barb:o)

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Kenda - I will keep my fingers crossed for a succeful knee surgery!!!


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my brace was made for me through our abilities council. I'm sure you must have something like that there. Ask your doctor if he or she knows. They aren't cheap so be prepared! Barb:o)

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I hope the sports medicine doctor can help relieve your pain and that worker's comp will make things easier for you. Good thoughts and prayers coming your way.

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