Belinda Stanach (spelling) was mentioned tonight on the Vancouver 6 o'clock news as number 3, and one of the ministers, young one know his face well, but can't think of his name was #4, I guess in the long run it is a good and healthy thing all the way around. We do need some cleansing in the liberal party. It all became murky and messy in the end. Harper is going to have a tough job ahead if him.


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Els van Dam
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LOL But maybe they would ne too busy knitting to worry about the other garbage!

Higs, Katherine

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Socialist ideas are fine - that's what the NDP are for. The Bloc functions as a party in parliament just to make sure that whatever federal funds can be had for Quebec come back to Quebec. As for Quebec separating - it won't happen. When they found out last time that they wouldn't have the use of the Canadian passport, money and pensions, that stopped them cold. The sovereigntists seem to think they can cherry pick what they want from Canada and still be a nation unto themselves. As for passports to cross Quebec - no way. I'd rather fly over, or have a reason for a passport - drive through the U.S. I wouldn't give Quebec one dollar of my money. The separatists think we're scum and I feel the same way about them. They seem to have forgotten they lost the war way back when. They seem to forget they'd also have the natives to deal with too. Seems to me they've been around longer and if you want to talk about rights, they probably have more to talk about than the separatists.

I visited Quebec back in 1984 - driving through on the way to the East Coast, and it was wonderful. I spoke my fractured school French at every opportunity and everyone was very kind to us. I was also there in 2002 or

2003 (can't remember which) for Skate Canada in Quebec City, and had a wonderful time. Did the French speaking thing then too, and it was appreciated by those I inflicted it on. (smile)

Yeah, I'd heard that too. The leadership race for the Liberal party could become very interesting.


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Are you sure you don't mean Jean Chretien? Now THERE is arrogant and ignorant. hehehehehe


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This is going to be an interesting year, I think!

Higs, Katherine

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Let us remember that Chretien trained Tobin. And TObin learned his lessons well.

Higs, Katherine

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