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LOL I grab it all. Once it is accessioned they can't throw it out?????? I am doing my bit:)

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When you have a minute will you explain "accessioned?" Do you work for a museum? How do you acquire things? ETc.

Thanks, JaneB

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Yes of course. I work for a Museum Service within our local Council. People bring things to us as a donation. I accept or decline these items. Once I have accepted an item I accession it. ie I record it and give it a unique reference number which stay with it ... err.. forever:) or as long as it exists:)

I hope that helps but if you have any other questions please ask:)

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Yes, very clear now. Thanks! (What a great job, expect for the saying "no" part.)


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Yes I do love my job..not sure what you mean about no part though:)

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I meant having to decline something the givers thought was museum-quality...


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Well I sometimes have to decline when it is something we have in abundance ie Singer sewing machines or wash boards for example:)

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Hi Auntie O,

What a great job you have. When you accession a piece, it's just like what is done in a library when they receive a book, the number always stays with it so it can be tracked.



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It most certainly is Nora...... which is why I get the good stuff accessioned before someone else can say.... oh that is rubbish:))

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That is what my MIL did when she worked in a library; she was in accessions. When a book came in that she was interested in she would take it home and read it herself before making it "official." Nice privilege!

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I acquired a nice not-quite-complete set of old children's books (My Book House) that way once. I was volunteering in a small branch of the county library and the librarian, who had become one of my best friends, told me one day that she had put aside a donation for me of this set (which was, as I said, incomplete and had some crayon-&-scissors damage to the book for the youngest children). She said she knew that the main library was understaffed and oveworked and did not have the time or staff to evaluate each box of donated books, so she knew it would just go straight onto the "50-cent shelf" for people to buy. But she said she knew I would appreciate them and that Central would not mind having one more box to lug back only to set out for sale.

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Hi Spampot,

I could do that too, but I wasn't interested in science and technology books. LOL



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