OT Life Path Number...

Mine came up 7... and so did Matthew's. However, when I worked our numbers out before with my books, they weren't the same as each other (I'm almost positive of this). Of course the books takes your FULL name, and birthdate into account when working out your actual life path numbers.

I took a look around that website... gotta love those Mexican (and other foreign) names. If you click "back" and then re-enter, you get a different name everytime.


Who's appointment with the doctor was uneventful. He said it is the humidity (I knew that) that is making my Fibromyalgia and Arthritis scream at me since yesterday... we had a doozy of a thunder and lightning storm that split a few trees around town. I'm off now, to take more medication and lay down for a while.

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Gem, I don't know if the site that was found is the same one I was at or not, but I just want to WARN, they do it via first name and birthdate, THEN claim to do a 'fuller' report if you'll give your name at birth (as per birth certificate... DONT DO IT!!! With all the ID theft today, they would now have 2 of the only 3-4 things needed to steal ID! Just a little public service announcement! Hugs, Noreen

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Noreen's Knit*che

formatting link
the one I was at!HTH,Noreen

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Noreen's Knit*che

Thank you, Noreen! I just tried there, and got the same results (different message than the other URL though)... same for Matthew too. I had to laugh though... I put my parent's names and birthdates in just for a laugh, and my Mom's sounds pretty accurate, but my Dad's is so far off it's unreal. It says (on both sites) that he has/had an outgoing personality.... in reality he was painfully shy and rarely spoke to anyone outside the house. In fact, unless he was p*ssed off about something and telling us off, he didn't really speak a lot to us either... not that we didn't know that he loved us with all his heart... but as my Mom used to joke "He doesn't need to speak... he has me here and I do ALL the talking!" LOL

No worries, by the way... I never give out too much information online. I was doing a survey the other day and it asked for my phone number... No, thank you! I got out of that site fast.

Gemini (who still hasn't gone to rest yet.. got caught up doing something else online)

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Boy, Gem, I know how THAT goes, getting caught up doing something online.... I figured most of us were savvy, but a little reminder for all certainly couldn't hurt! OMGosh, I rotfl about your addition to the toes story, LOL Hugs, Noreen

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Noreen's Knit*che

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

hehehe I figured you'd like that one. My brother cracked up laughing when I got into his car and was finally able to tell him what had happened. He said "So, why didn't you just get off the horse the right way and give the farm-hands something to really look at you for?" yeah.... NOT!! ROTFL


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