OT - Pronunciation of words

We still have Midnight Communion at 11.30 pm Christmas Eve, preceded by half an hour of carols, so that the communion part of the service is at about midnight. The church is lit only by candles in the hanging candelabra, although the choir have electric light as the candles in the choir stalls are a bit close, and they get a bit hot and sometimes singed!! It's absolutely beautiful, and when DS and DD2 were in the choir as youngsters it just made it all that bit extra special Love Christine

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Christine in Kent, Garden of
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We immigrated to Massachusetts from Denmark when I was a child. My father, with his heavy Danish accent used to think that he spoke "the king's English" ( isn't there a queen? ;-). I have always said that he was a linquistic snob. Pronounciation is a regional thing and rich with culture. Just so with fiber arts. It seems that most folks on this list hold more than one common interest. How many of us are musicians? I play the bass!


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Why do I knit? Because I cant sing, or play any instrument, Sussi! BUT! I know there ARE quite a few who DO either PLAY something, or sing, or maybe dance *I DO DANCE* Hugs, Noreen

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The YarnWright

I'm with you, Noreen. I used to think I could sing and play guitar, 30+ years ago. I think the last thing I used to really enjoy was dancing, however, that could be comic relief nowadays, depending upon where one sits or stands! [Of course, it could be fear, if I'm exercising on the glider on a questionable floor ! ;-)) ]

-- Carey in MA

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Carey N.

Katherine I cannot understand how "midnight Mass" can start at 6pm or 8 pm which are both times we now have Mass on Christmas Eve. Midnight Mass used to always start at midnight.

Years ago we had a priest who thought it very funny to keep telling people for a week or two before Christmas that he did not want anyone calling him to find out the time of Midnight Mass. The we went to Saltsburgh for a white Christmas and just happened to pass the cathedral early in the day and saw a notice that said"Midnight Mass will commence at 11.30 pm" so we figured Fr Shannon was not so silly after all.

Another year we were at Grand Canyon and Colleen was with us and she looked up the phone book to see if the was a church in the area and having found one, phoned to see if they had midnight Mass, and the answer she got was " I'm too old for that kind on shananighan, Mass is at 8.30 and it will be so cold and so dark you will not know the difference ' which brought peals of laughter from Colleen. To this - please forgive the length of this - I will add a little story.

We went out to the car to go to this 8.30 Mass and Colleen was carrying a box about the size of a double shoe box and I asked what it was and she replied " I am taking it to have it blessed" so I figured that was funny but then one never knows just what Colleen may do. On arrival at the church we were about to leave the car and I asked why she had not taken it out of the car - and she said "Oh! semi blessed will do" When we got back to the motel she brought it in and opened it and it was two bottle of Great Western champagne ( an Australian champagne which is a family tradition after midnight Mass) which she had brought from home. The idea was that she figured the trip in the snow, to and from the church plus an hour at Mass should just about chill it to perfection !!!*** God Bless Gwen

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Gwendoline Kelly

Gemini add me to that too God Bless Gwen

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Gwendoline Kelly

Cher I am not sure what time our pubs close but I know it is quite late but neither they or the parties seem to have interfered with our midnight Masses anyway - although there may well have been people there who had had a few - or a few too many- drinks but at least they behaved themselves if they were present. God Bless Gwen

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Gwendoline Kelly

Christine, that sounds beautiful - two years ago we had Midnight Mass at Coolangatta and the church was lit entirely by candles and I thought it really lovely. Each year we seem to have to find a different church that will have midnight Mass - I guess when we run out of churches we will have to succumb to the 8 pm one God Bless Gwen

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Gwendoline Kelly

Katherine, I know she will and it will be a very special reason to keep it in Latin for her God Bless Gwen

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Gwendoline Kelly

Gemini, in this case I guess we mean "country" as in the country of Canada and "cousin" as being related to you within the Commonwealth.

However, the other version of country would sit well with me I guess as I lived out west with no neighbours within eight miles and no school and so no school friends - or friends of any sort my own age , just my two brothers , my dog and my horse for company !! My mother used to say she took great care that we did not become "country bumpkins". I like to think she succeeded !*

God Bless Gwen

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Gwendoline Kelly

I play the piano, violin, and am learning the guitar.


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Gwen What a lovely story! At my childhood home, after Midnight Mass, everybody came back for ham and mince pies. It was wonderful!

Kather> Katherine I cannot understand how "midnight Mass" can start at 6pm or

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She definitely did!


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I sing under the shower, as long as you close your ears.....LOL I used to play the recorder, but with inner ear problems, that was a bad combination. Thus it is knitting, weaving spinning felting etc etc etc. I humm along with any good concert, but have been told when other people are about that it is bad enought that they have to listen to Glen Gould humming along with Bach, they can do without my humming along as well....LOL


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Els van Dam

Gwen a great story, and a great blessing as well...Good for Colleen and Good for you as well...LOL


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Els van Dam

Wow....add to that, that Katherine also sings in a choir


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Els van Dam

That sounds beautiful, Christine! :o)


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I *can* sing (my parents and a couple of other people who have heard me said I sound like Katherine McKennan and also like Anne Murray... both Canadian singers, by the way), but I am too shy to sing in front of other people aside from a select few.... a couple of friends in my youth, my parents at times, a couple of music teachers, and my son... that's it.

I was upstairs with my friend one day.... she was playing guitar and I was singing... when I came downstairs to get us a drink of pop my Mom asked what record we were listening to. I said "None, Denise is playing guitar and I was singing along. Why?" She said "Your Dad and I were listening and it sounded like you were playing either Anne Murray or Katherine McKennan." Funny thing is.... I'm not even sure that we own a Katherine McKennan record. I was pleased to hear the compliments, but also embarrassed that they had heard me singing when I thought I had been fairly quiet.

I have a guitar (it was mine that Denise was playing) that I *started* to learn to play, and I took drum lessons for a while too. I was just always too shy to do any of it in front of other people.

We have an antique upright piano, and I can pick out a couple of bits of music... not entire songs, and definitely not with both hands.


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I agree with Katherine on this one as well. :o)


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