Butler Dental Floss Threaders

No, this isn't off topic.

My favorite new beading tool is a Butler Dental Floss Threader -- not the white kind that looks like a teenage mutant toothpick, but the blue kind with a big loop and about a 2 inch stiff end.

My bead crochet teacher gave us all one and said they were useful in getting thread through beads when you couldn't use a needle. I threw mine in my bead box and forgot about it. Until the other day, when I needed to pull five stands of Nymo back through a bead or two to bury the ends. No way was I going to be able to do it with a needle -- it wasn't long enough. Out came the floss threader, into the beads it went, and the nymo went through the loop, disappearing nicely into the beads. I've used it several times since.

These appear to be getting hard to find, so if you run across some in you friendly local drugstore, buy a pack. I bought a pack of 50 the other day, which I expect to outlast me.


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Someone take a picture of this floss threader so I know what I'm looking in the store for. Please and thank you.


EL wrote:

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Ray DeVous

Ray, I can send you several threaders if you like. DD has braces and we have plenty of those things around. Email me at arleenb at bellsouth dot net with your addy and I'll get them right out! Arleen PS Thanks for the tip Elise, I never would have thought of that!

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Hope that helps. Cheri (Bubbee to Emily and Nathan)

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EEZ-Thru Floss Threader


search RCB

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Man! I wish they shipped to the UK, there's a bunch of things I haven't seen in ages. My husband loves Gold Bond Powder, and they don't sell it over here.

What a cool site, thanks for the link. I'm going to wax my nostalgic now, see you later.


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If you are willing to pay for global priority mail ($9 US, approx) I'd be happy to send you gold bond and floss threaders to your hearts delight.

Just let know.. Barb

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Barbara Forbes-Lyons

They look kind of like a piece of monofilament with the ends melted together. If you poked the rounded end in, it would look like a heart. And they're blue, I think.


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Christina Peterson

All of the ones I purchased were blue. I still have some from when I had braces a few years ago.

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Oooh, do you accept Paypal?

It's funny the things you miss, eh?


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On Mon, 6 Sep 2004 4:04:34 -0400, Su/Cutworks wrote (in message ):

Gold Bond Powder, huh? That cracks me up. I've never used the stuff, and it might be wonderful, but it has the most horrible radio commercials known to man.

Most of them feature some "real-life customer" who has a voice that could cut glass, saying things like "I had all kinds of chafing and odor between my rolls of fat, until my cousin Lynnette fixed me right up with that Gold Bond Power. Now I can sweat like a goat without discomfort."

Ewww. For the longest time, I thought they were joke commercials, and that Gold Bond powder didn't even exist. I was laughing like a fool the first time I saw it at the drugstore.

Fortunately, I often laugh like a fool in public places, so everyone is used to it.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

I've been working off of the same huge bottle of Baby Medicated Gold Bond Powder since Darian was 3 months old. Now I use for Tyler, and it it is heads and shoulders above any of the "baby powders" out there. (That would mean one bottle has been going strong for aout 6 years now) Not affiliated, just enjoying.

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When I got a bad rash Dan went out and got Gold Bond. Boy did that rash clear up pronto. Now I make sure we always have some. It works on dogs too!

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when i lived in europe, my mom was great about sending me packages of the things i couldn't get there. it's funny, even things that i became accustomed to getting easily in one state i couldn't get when i got to another.

there is a pizza place in my growing up neighborhood that makes the most delicious greek pizza. whenever someone came down to visit, they'd bring a dozen half cooked for me to have in the freezer.

and Kathy N-V might know about Nissan's new england style hot dog rolls...couldn't get them in NY or NJ. Every time i'd go home to Boston, I'd have a few dozen to carry back because i had intro'd them to my officemates, and they wanted them.

I still send Gulden's spicy brown mustard to a friend in Bath at Christmas. She adores it and can't get it.

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I've never heard them. Looks like I didn't miss much!

I got some years ago for a Pennsic trip. It made wearing full court Tudor a lot better, you have NO idea how much a corset can chafe.

I do that too, it's disconcerting to my very quiet husband.


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I'm going to send my sis some Rose's Lime Marmalade this week, she fell in love with it when she was here.

I miss Butterfingers, and haven't had Gulden's in years. I did find a tasty replacement from a friend in Ireland, they make mustard with Guinness there. Yummmmmmm.....


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THANK you!!! I gound one of these on the floor at our recent polymer clay retreat, and couldn't figure out what in the world someone had found to do with it---and I just knew it wasn't about teeth. now I have a clue! Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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Remember you sent me PP for Helen's stuff??

Anywho - let me know how much and what type of GB you want, and how many packages of floss threaders and I'll get them as soon as we're allowed back on the streets and send you a total. Just e-mail me offlist, ok?


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Barbara Forbes-Lyons

*pleading major brain fade" :-)

And a public thanks!


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On Mon, 6 Sep 2004 6:46:52 -0400, lgreene wrote (in message ):

The only kind of hot dog bun where you put the condiments underneath your hot dog and therefore don't get mustard on your chest. We don't buy any other kind. :-)

I send my cousin in Germany "Good Seasons" dressing mix in Cesear, because you cannot get it there, as well as Chips Ahoy cookies. Bob's brother in NC regularly asks for shipments of Marshmallow Fluff and Salada tea. I have my cousin send me oblaten (something for baking), so I can make macaroons without having them stick to the pan. Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

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