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I am not understanding this hot dog bun thing. Do tell!


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Kathy N-V wrote:

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Kalera Stratton
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Hot Dog buns in most of the country look like small, oval loaves of bread, and are cut down the side. The hot dog and condiments are loaded on the side of the bun, which looks lovely in a television commercial, but spills relish down your shirt and provides a too much crust:bun ratio.

New England Style hot dog buns are cut vertically from a huge loaf with indentations in the top. They are loaded from the top, not the side, and if you put the condiments in before the hot dog, then it stays put and you don't end up wearing your mustard or relish. Nissan buns are especially reknowned because they taste wonderful and the bottom part is relatively thick (a vital thing if you don't want the bun/condiment combo to get mushy and tear).

BTW, putting ketchup on a hot dog is an abomination when practiced by anyone past the age of discretion. Children are excused because they think ketchup is a food group, probably because of the lingering ripples of Reaganomics. Cast them pitying looks as they put that red goo (or heaven forbid, purple or green goo) on a quality weiner which has been grilled to perfection. Makes you want to slaps some raw baloney between a couple of slices of bread for all those junior gourmands seem to know.

Kathy N-V

On Tue, 7 Sep 2004 1:51:53 -0400, Kalera Stratton wrote (in message ):

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Kathy N-V

Those buns sound perfect. I wonder if we could get any around here.

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I like ketchup and mayo, and nothing else, on my hotdogs. A bit on each side of the bun, and there's no goo to slip out while I'm eating :)

And fortunately, I *like* bologna. So whip me up a big ol' sammich with that while I eat my hotdog with green ketchup :)

Cheers, Carla

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I like mustard, mayo, and relish, plus fresh tomatoes and onions.


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Christina Peterson

My SIL eats hers burnt to almost a crisp smothered in peanut butter. yuck

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I like mine with real mayo and pico de gallo. That's IF I eat them at all, which is rare. Cheese hotdogs I can handle, but regular ones make me ill.

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I love my dogs burnt to a crisp too. DH hates it when I do that to a good hotdog.

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I like mine with the works and don't forget those sport peppers. Yummy

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hahahaaaa...I'm with your dh on this one.

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That sounds like such a clever idea! That is something I have never seen nor heard of out here.

OTOH, regular buns here are so cheap I buy them for the kids to put food coloring in as "science esperiments". Literally; a pack of 8 buns is two for a penny at Safeway all summer long.

(They want you to buy hot dogs to go with it, of course... but I don't.)


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Kathy N-V wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

I like ketchup, relish, mustard, onion, and mayo on my hot dogs.

There's an old joke: A Lakota was visiting his Navajo friend in New York, and the friend took him to a hot dog stand by Central Park. They got their dogs and the Navajo asked his buddy what he thought of it... and the Lakota replied, "It's pretty good, but don't they have any other parts of the dog?"

My kids won't eat bologna. I occasionally get a wild hare to have one of those sandwiches made from bologna, Wonder bread, mayonnaise, and a Kraft single, and the one time I offered one to my kids they both declared it "DISGUSTING!" and couldn't believe that I would actually eat it; they seriously think it's less gross (and far less embarrassing) that I eat boiled beef heart with mustard.


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Carla wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

That is... unusual...


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Margie wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

You call that unusual, oh eater of the beef heart? *grins*

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It's interesting.... ;=)

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On Tue, 7 Sep 2004 14:41:54 -0400, Kalera Stratton wrote (in message ):

If you kept the mushy Wonder bread and the mayonnaise, I'd be all right with it. Actually, I could be pushed to eat the Wonder Bread, but I'd starve before I ate Mayo.

and couldn't believe that I would actually eat

Under USDA regulation, hot dogs (and other meat products) cannot have "variety meats" (offal) in them unless it is clearly stated on the label. Unless you purposely buy hot dogs that are labeled "Hot Dogs with Beef Hearts," you're getting regular meat. It's not the prettiest meat in the world - lots of funny shaped, fatty or too-tough-to-eat cuts, but it's not nasty things like beef lips.

Beef hearts are used in only one food product that I know of: "potted meat food." (It's like Devilled Ham, which I won't eat either) A small amount of beef hearts is added to the mix to color the finished product a rose color instead of the natural gray of cooked meat. (Such items are cooked in the can)

I could look up the USFDA regulations if you'd like. Bob has them somewhere, because he needs them for work.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

Ah, when I'm not having them on buns, I like them burnt black on the outside, with 1000 Island dressing and celery salt. Yum!

Cheers, Carla

Margie wrote:

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Dang, ds would be in 7th heaven.. he only eats the buns. Preferably with jelly, but he'll also eat them plain. He's loved at potlucks, more meat for others... :-)

and speaking of fun food experiments... DD came home from science last week and started dropping Skittles in glasses of water. If you place them very carefully in a pattern, the dye will start to float on the surface and make lovely patterns. I would think you could swirl it around in a marbling type of pattern - now if I could just figure out how to get the skittles out without disturbing it, you could dye paper with it... :-) Karin

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Karin Cernik

Crap! I just bought some Devilled Ham--It's the one meat by product I will eat, even though I know there's offensice stuff in there. I purposely don't read the label because I won't eat it if I do (normally I won't eat anything unless i know exactly what's in it) and it happens to be a treat for me:)

Ruined, all ruined now. Maybe the cat would like it?

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