OT: Story - Hibernation

Once again, I'm having serious breathing problems, so my dose of Prednisone has again been increased. Of course, it causes ravenous hunger and wicked mood swings; but in my case it also makes me blather on about whatever crackpot idea gets into my head. Fortunately, the family knows this, and when it happens, they put me to bed and inore everything I say. When I wake up, I'm back to my regular self (note: I did not say "normal." That would be way too much to ask)

A big part of these Prednisone induced rantings involve ideas on How The World Should Be Run. Last night, the kids must have been looking for entertainment, so they turned on Spongebob Squarepants instead of telling me to go to sleep. For those that don't know, Spongebob Squarepants is a cartoon show for children written by people who must ingest very strange drugs. Last night's episode included a hibernating squirrel playing with a sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea.

"That's a great idea!" I suddenly exclaimed (or so I'm told) "People should hibernate. Imagine it -- we could eat like hogs all through the fall, sleep right through the winter, avoiding that pesky Christmas nonsense, and wake up in the spring, all skinny. We wouldn't need to heat the house either -- just pile on the blankets."

Of course, the kids were hysterical with laughter, and said that they didn't want to sleep all winter. I agreed, saying that they have to attend school, but that I fully intended to sleep through the winter and wake up when I was skinny. I bid them goodnight and left to go hibernate. (Although they did not tell me, they probably spent the whole evening laughing behind my back)

This morning of course, it was not spring, and the hibernation theory was reported to me. I reflected that being tucked in under warm blankets on a cold dark day wasn't exactly punishment, but there was no way those two would ever let me weasel out of getting them Christmas presents. They agreed to compromise: I am allowed to sleep the winter away, but I have to buy their gifts in advance.

Kathy N-V, sleepier than your average bear

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Kathy N-V
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I agreed, saying that they have to attend school, but that I fully intended to sleep through the winter and wake up when I was skinny. I bid them goodnight and left to go hibernate. (Although they did not tell me, they probably spent the whole evening laughing behind my back)>

GADS KATHY - are you lucky - when I take prednisone - -- not only do I get hyper and overly chatty --- I CANNOT SLEEP!!!! My brain is so wired .... however, I have to agree - you can come up with some amazingly complex thought processes.... LOL

Cheryl of DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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I like the idea of eating till I'm full then waking up skinnier. That works for me. Although I would have loved to be in your house last night...


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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Kathy N-V :

]When I wake ]up, I'm back to my regular self (note: I did not say "normal." That would ]be way too much to ask)

**SPLORT** keyboard!

]For those that don't know, Spongebob Squarepants is a ]cartoon show for children written by people who must ingest very strange ]drugs. Last night's episode included a hibernating squirrel playing with a ]sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea.

i just can't seem to get my mind around that program. maybe if i watched more of it???

] I am allowed to sleep the winter away, but I have to buy their ]gifts in advance.

as Christy says: "it could work!"

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- It's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you; it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 2:07:36 -0500, Diana Curtis wrote (in message ):

I usually don't/can't write while I'm like that, although I can do a lot of other things. A couple of weeks ago, I dyed my hair while I was looped out of it. I didn't remember doing it, but my grey was covered and I found the packaging the in trash. Mostly, I talk -- a lot.

It's like sleepwalking, and might even be related to it in some way. That would explain why I'm better when I wake up afterward. Unfortunately, on these high doses, I end up sleeping only every other night. Even worse, tonight is one of those waking nights. It's after one, and I'm as wide awake as I was all day.

Prednisone has an infamous reputation for causing emotional side effects. Some people end up having full blown psychotic episodes and end up needing hospitalization until they can get off the medication. Fortunately, I'm not that whacked. I'm only mostly nuts.

And I agree, as far as crackpot ideas go, hibernating the winter away isn't a bad idea. No one gets hurt or anything. It would be kind of tough to earn a living or keep the dog alive, though.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

Have you ever posted to the group during one of these episodes? That could prove to be interesting. And.. whats so weird about your theory? Ive often though the same thing and Ive never taken prednisone. What a great idea! Let me know if you figure out a way to make it happen ok? Diana

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Diana Curtis

Hehehehehe - hey, I think hibernation sounds like a fabulous idea. And Spoongebob Squarepants is completely weird. I don't get that craze at all. Of course, the Barney craze freaked me out as well.

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Kandice Seeber

cartoon show for children written by people who must ingest very strange drugs.<

Weirdly enough, this cartoon was conceived for MTV, so the creators' target audience wasn't meant to be children.

Carol in SLC

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Carol in SLC

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.comnospam (Carol in SLC) :

]Weirdly enough, this cartoon was conceived for MTV, so the creators' target ]audience wasn't meant to be children.

that information might actually make it make sense!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- It's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you; it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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Hee hee.

Prednisone only made me and my mom really hungry.

I'm not much of an eater - but the first time I took Prednisone WHILE I was eating a meal I was thinking about what can I have next to eat??? I have never done that.

We could also tell when Mom was taking it because she would actually eat! Neither one of us got goofy on it though. For her that was probably good since she was on it alot.

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LOL Please see album #7 "I'm going to be a Bear" in my picture trail. That's me too!

I always said that we were meant to hibernate. I'm more tired in the winter and eat more. I always gain weight during the winter months and start losing as soon as spring arrives. No this has nothing to do with the fact that I can't walk the neighborhood in freezing cold weather and everything to do with my theory! That little layer of fat I put on, keeps me warmer. I also let my hair grow so my neck isn't so cold. And even though this sounds crazy I noticed my husband and daughter are the same! It's innate, it is, I swear.

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I *DO*, LOL. Just ask Becki!

Carol in SLC

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Carol in SLC

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