Proposition to lampworkers

No not that kind - sheesh :)

OK- so I'm new at the lampworking thing as y'all know. I'm interested in seeing how others have their "studios" set-up etc. Anyone willing to let me peek? And maybe get some tutoring/mentoring as well? I'd be happy to clean mandrels, dip mandrels, clean beads, make frit, do packaging for those that sell, etc in exchange for knowledge. I'm not employed right now so I can travel and hang out for a few days etc. You can email me off list if you prefer. My addy is not spam proofed.


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Yes. Come. I'm looking or someone.

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Here's a cyberpeek at LOTS of studio setups:

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That should give you lots of ideas. There's some very clever beadmakers out there.

-- KarenK Desert Dreamer Designs

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Thanks Karen! I've signed up on WC (KDK) but haven't done an intro yet.

Kathy K

"> Here's a cyberpeek at LOTS of studio setups:

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