Way OT: Having troubles with my ears! Need help!

I know this is WAY OT, but I know there are alot of people who might be able to help me.

On Saturday night/Sunday morning, I was awakened by my left ear throbbing and hurting. It just came on all of a sudden and for no apparent reason. Now, I have had many many ear infections when I was a kid, and thusly had to have tubes put into my ears every so often so that I could hear better, and also at the same time leaving me partially deaf.

It doesn't throb or hurt anymore, but is still "clogged" (I can hear myself talk inside my head), and my question is has anyone here had problems like this with their ears before, and if so what did you do for it. Did you see a doctor, did you leave it alone, and it went away on its own or what.

I need some advice here. I would rather just leave it alone and hope it goes away on its own, but I know that may not be the way it happens.

------------------------------------ Marissa Undercofler For finished jewelry and other misc. pictures,

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Marissa Undercofler
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My mother had that happen. Her ears were clogged with wax, and the doctor had to put some sort of wax softener in her ear while at her office. Dug out a whole bunch, 5 or 10 times more than I'd ever seen, but had to put more medicine in her ear and have her come back the followng week. See a doctor!


"Marissa Undercofler" wrote in message news:KYOdnQN7H snipped-for-privacy@adelphia.com...

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Christina Peterson

yeah, you probably want to see a doctor, but here is a little thing I learned about because my son was getting ear infections - my ND recommended putting garlic oil in his ears at the first sign - and she said often it would be the last of it and so far, it always has been.

Then I got this cold that has been a killer for a week - a couple days ago my ears started crackling and aching and just feeling stuffy (weird I know, but this cold is intense - this is the sickest I've been in years) - so anyway I thought, hey I'll try that garlic oil - can't hurt - and I have to say it totally worked.

So. there's something to try. and if it doesn't work, get in to see your doc!

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Marissa, My sister in law and I use tea tree oil on a piece of cotton and then inserted gently into the ear. We had that happen last year and it was irritating as heck. the tea tree oil helped after a few applications.

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Debbie B

Hey, try the garlic oil too & let us know it that works.. Sounds fairly novel to me..


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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Marissa Undercofler" :

]has anyone here had problems like ]this with their ears before, and if so what did you do for it.

sounds *to me* like wax may have built up against your eardrum. try some of the OTC wax removal stuff first.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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who might be able

ear throbbing

and hope it goes


Make an appointment for the Dr. but in the meanwhile take a Sudafed, use a nasal spray like Otrivin and use an oil or something like medicated ointment (antibiotic and/or Vicks) in your ear. The ointment helps soothe the swelling and helps loosen any wax while it's at it.

I regularly have problems with my ears and I have suffered some hearing loss because of it. Don't fool around, go to the Dr. but in the meanwhile do what you can to unblock the Eustachian tube.

Be careful about blowing your nose. Sometimes blowing too hard can be a problem (not that it stops me, being able to breath is a little bit more important than being able to hear).

Good Luck!

- Sandy

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Hi, Usually I do the home cure/herbal route, but I would see a doctor about this just to be sure. I did have a similar ear expereince years ago and found that I had a middle ear infection. Feh.

If it is just ear wax, a little warmed olive oil in the ear works well.

Good luck! Best, Deborah

"Marissa Undercofler" wrote in message news:KYOdnQN7H snipped-for-privacy@adelphia.com...

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I'd RUN not walk to my doctor, especially if you have tubes in your ears. My stepsons had them and had to have them re-done several times. You don't want to fool around with your hearing!

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Karleen/Vibrant Jewels

There are a couple of things you can try, someone else mentioned Olive oil. You can also find it in most pharmacy sections called "Sweet Oil". It's just a nice, pure form of olive oil. Warm it up before putting into the ear. You can also buy "ear candles" in most health food store. They're hollow, waxed linen or some other material that come to a point on one end. Get someone to help you with this one. Lay on your side with the problem ear up, insert the small open end of the "candle" into the ear canal (just the opening, don't stick it in too far). Light the other end. The gentle suction created by the flame at the other end pulls at the wax out of the ear as the warm smoke softens it. If you have a lot of wax, you may have to stop periodically to clean out the end of the candle if the wax clogs it. Just re-light and re-insert until you stop getting wax. I've used this one on my mother-in-law. She has a perfed ear drum. Her Dr. was going to send her to a specialist to get her ears cleaned. I candled them for her and her hearing problem cleared right up. There are also OTC drops that soften and remove wax. Ask the pharmacist. HTH

Barbara Dream Master

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Barbara Otterson

I vote for the candling! It's gentle and works wonders.

One safety note.....if you have long hair, put a damp paper towel over it to protect from any possible ash.


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Your hearing is precious. See a dr.

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Marisa Cappetta

I learnt when I had babies to teach them to blow GENTLY 5/6 times rather than a big blow twice.. I took up the practice and don't have any ear infections and my children have NEVER had an ear infection..

Works every time for clearing the nasal passages..


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My Grandma's cure:

1/2 tsp white vinegar 1/2 tsp rubbing alcohol

Place 3 drops in the affected ear before bed. My family's rule is, if it doesn't clear up in two days, we see the doctor.

Good luck!


Marissa Undercofler wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

I would think this would dry and harden the wax, which could be harmful for someone with chronic excess wax.


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Christina Peterson

Yep - I've had that happen before, too. Had to go get my ears "irrigated" at the ER because I was falling down dizzy and it hurt so bad. I had an ache from my ear all the way down to my throat. Get to a doctor - these things usually don't get better if you don't do something. They may recommend just an ear wax remover if it's not too bad yet.

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Kandice Seeber

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