Amusing anger management stitching

I was rear-ended while waiting to make a left turn in 2000. I still have back pain and when we did the depositions a couple of years ago (about three years after the wreck) the woman who hit me didn't even remember having the wreck! Kim

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Kim McAnnally
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Both my mom and friend were going the speed limit.. NOT 45 or slower. They were in the right lane going 65 mph and got pulled over. No tickets, just a "talking to" about not going FASTER than the speed LIMIT by a COP.

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No tickets. Just talked to.

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Well in that case, I'd be very tempted to complain to a higher authority. Of course, as you mentioned, no ticket was issued. But to my mind, that's harrassment. Not to mention sending a very wrong-headed message. But then, I'm a rabble rouser. :-)

My friend *did* get a ticket for driving too slow (below the speed limit). That is definitely a hazard on highways. I run into it often, usually elder people who are no longer sure of themselves. They really need to travel off the highway, as they are a danger.


Theresa wrote:

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Dianne Lewandowski

The driveway one was 18 months ago and I am always wondering if a third looms over the horizon somewhere!

Reply to
Lucretia Borgia

And DO remember to have a plastic Jesus on the dashboard !

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Lucretia Borgia

Me too, unblemished record. I think that is because if you like to drive fast, you best learn how to do it safely. All speeding drivers do not equal bad drivers.

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Lucretia Borgia

I was lucky, no after effects and at least the damage was all car related and he did not try to deny he was at fault - not that it would have done him much good, but it would have probably delayed repairs.

I have such a thing about being punctual that while I sat waiting for the cops, I phoned Honda to tell them I would be late for my service and why. When I arrived there, all four in the office stood and applauded me when I walked in. They said I was the only person they knew who took their appointment time seriously, far less bothered to 'phone and say they would be late lololol

Reply to
Lucretia Borgia

I've been pulled over twice in my life and both times just warned. Once for making a left turn against the turn signal at 5 AM when there was NO traffic anywhere, and once for pulling into a turn lane too soon. I just took a CDL drivers test and part of the book says it's better to go with the flow of the traffic *as long as you don't exceed the speed limit* . Kim

Reply to
Kim McAnnally

(sigh)...I never meant to imply anything about 'you' as a person. Anything I said was referring to speedy drivers in general. I think it was your interpretation that got skewed...when I said, "I'm sure you've seen the signs that say "Speed Kills",

I still say if drivers go over the speed limit they are more at risk for an accident and a speeding ticket.


Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada See pictures of my work at:

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Recently finished UFO's are: TIAG's "The Auction", Just Nan's "Christmas Elegance", and "Jane" a bead knit bag and matching change purse, a design by Swallow Hill Creations.

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Linda D.

"Lucretia Borgia" wrote <

"Well, I don't care if it's dark and scary, I got my Magnetic Mary, sittin' on the dashboard of my car" Dawne

Reply to
Dawne Peterson

But in this story told here, the persons were pulled over DOING the speed limit, but they were slower than the rest of traffic. What kind of message is *that* sending the public. :-)


Kim McAnnally wrote:

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Dianne Lewandowski

"Dianne Lewandowski"

Most highway traffic codes have an offense along the lines of blocking the highway or impeding the flow of traffic. (Around here, that tends to be moving air seeders in the driving lane.) Pulling over a driver who is holding up traffic lets the drivers behind him or her pass, easing frustration and potential road rage, and can also let the police check for impaired drivers (who sometimes are abundantly cautious). Dawne

Reply to
Dawne Peterson

You have certainly pointed out a "position" that might be taken. But what are we teaching our citizens when the one's who are obeying the law get into hot water? If a speed limit is too slow and causes road rage and frustration, perhaps they ought to up the limit.

It's upside down logic to me. And, yes, I speed - usually about 5-7 mph over the speed limit. If that's too slow for traffic, traffic be darned. If I'm > "Dianne Lewandowski"

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Dianne Lewandowski

no because you have a different car now and it was your last car that was the accident magnet as both accidents happened to that car. Ruby

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It's not clear to me that they were obeying the law. Which lane were they in? Did the OP say? Because there are also laws in most states saying either "keep right except to pass" or "if you are moving more slowly than surrounding traffic, keep right."


Reply to
Dr. Brat

Actually, I think it was the "uh huh" that made me think you were implying something about me and about people who like to drive fast in general. I did not equate fast with reckless and it annoyed me when you did.

More at risk than what? As someone else (Dawne?) pointed out, it's also about road conditions and in most places the speed limit has little to do with the road conditions and a lot to do with fuel efficiency.

Elizabeth (not sure how much more efficient than 46mpg I can get)

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Dr. Brat

Here's hoping anyway lol

Reply to
Lucretia Borgia

The original poster reposted to say that: 1. They were driving the speed limit (not below) and 2. They were in the proper lane (the right in the U.S.). This is what has me confused. Either the people pulled over told a fib, or the police in that neck of the woods need a talking to. But that's just my opinion - since I'm not a lawyer.


Dr. Brat wrote:

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Dianne Lewandowski

Will Buddy Christ do? LOL I think I'm going to have to watch that movie again tonight...

Jenn L.


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Jenn Liace

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