Awwww, the poor thing.....

Two points. I agree with you about population, but my approach would be a little different. I think one needs to spend *ALL* aid money educating the women; same result in the end, if only it were politically possible. For some reason the northern hemisphere is staying warmer than the southern. Argentina is having a brutal cold spell. But on the whole, world temperatures are not rising, natural causes or otherwise.

Reply to
F.James Cripwell
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If you look at Lucille's post she made a crack about "coming in two weeks late with a whine" it was directed at ME specifically. Of course, in her mind I'm now whining again rather than expressing my view of the situation.

And yes, you do get hugs each and every time you vent about your life here. Others do not, myself included. I cannot mention my migraines or other issues with my life and expect the same response you get. I get the nastiest accusations and slanders from Lucille and Sheena instead.

I'm happy for you, I'm glad you get support here. Just don't believe that everybody gets treated to the same concern, because you are one of the few chosen ones.


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Jim, let's hire you to be head of the UN or of a couple of those 3rd world countries! The world needs more men like you!!!!!


Reply to
Joan E.

Aw jeez -- Cheryl -- you whined and I missed it? I miss all the good stuff! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Reply to
Tia Mary

Caryn wrote: > ..................

IMNSHO, I would venture to say that Cheryl gets all that support because she almost never posts anything disagreeable. I don't think I have ever seen her really argue with anyone or get into flame wars, etc. This means that she hasn't accumulated a whole raft of enemies here so she gets all that support & those hugs. CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

formatting link

Reply to
Tia Mary

"Cheryl Isaak"

Oh well - maybe you`re just more huggable! ;-)


Reply to
Pat P

Exactly what I should have added - he actually SAID that all the aid stays at the top - it just doesn`t filter down to the people for whom it`s intended.


Reply to
Pat P

Ostrich!!! ;-))


Reply to
Pat P

Reply to
lucretia borgia

That is why we have a group that goes out to needing places and they DELIVER the goods Personaly ,,,,, mirjam

Reply to
Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Sorry Pat, you lost me. Can you elaborate a little?

Reply to
F.James Cripwell

Sorry to hear about your migraines, they can be very debilitating.

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I think and deeply believe she meant the thread. After all poor Paris.....

And you got plenty of hugs and long distance suggestions about your migraine. BTW - it has gone away finally? What worked?

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

Well, I am certainly fluffy! C

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

I had a rather sad conversation with a former Peace Corp worker who spent many years in Africa (5-6, various countries). They'd make it a nicer place to live, more on and the warlords (typed warlards and think that should be a new word) would move in and take over.....

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

I'm trying to be less fluffy, down 6 lbs in the last month. Slow and steady!

The migraine that lasted for months did break, but new ones come regularly....there is no relief, just have to carry on and try to keep a sense of humor about life.

Cheryl, you are one of the few good people here, and I am glad you get the hugs you need when times are hard. Raising kids and all we do is hard, and we deserve a shoulder when we need it. Glad you can come here for that shoulder.

I feel lucky to have made a few good friends here that I can contact off list when I need them. As for those who wish to delude themselves about what good people they are, I have less use for them then they have for me.


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Did you get my email?


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Only pulling you leg, Jim, but if I need to elaborate, there`s no hope!


Reply to
Pat P

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