OT: *($*^$%@#&* Facebook

Rant time again. So, at least half the known world is signed up with Facebook, including almost all of my family and most of my friends. I decide I should sign up too and did just that early last week. Sign up went OK and I wrote a few things to some of the people who I am now "friends" with. Next day, I go back to Facebook to see what the family & other friends have had to say. I had gotten the e-mails from FB telling me that everyone I wanted to be "friends" with had accepted. So I go to sign in and they won't accept my password. I try 3 or 4 times throughout the day but no luck. So I click the little "reset password" button and wait for the e-mail telling me what the new password is. I wait an hour & no e-mail. I wait half a day and no e-mail. I wait until the next morning and no e-mail. So over the next few days, I try 2 or 3 more times to reset the password and still don't get an e-mail from FB with the new password. VBS, I delve through the Help section and find the "Trouble signing in to FB" and fill out the form and send it off to them. Within less than 30 minutes, I have a reply asking me to verify who I am by replying to that e-mail. I do this and wait another day. STILL No Password. I wait another day. Still No Password. So the next day, I respond to the original e-mail again and ask them what's going on. No response yet so I'm not sure just what the deal is. I went back and tried to reset the password again just a few hours ago but never got the e-mail with the new password. VBS -- back to the Help page and went through the whole routine of filling out the form, yadda, yadda, yadda. I looked through the stuff at the bottom of the Home page to see if there was any way to contact them but nothing was obvious. HMMM -- maybe I need to wade further into the Help Page to see if they have listed any contact info -- like an e-mail addy. I did that the first time I couldn't log in but not with much enthusiasm. Needless to say, I am NOT impressed with Facebook! WHAT is wrong with ordinary old e-mail or IM's? Of course, the nieces and nephews are all giggling because Tia Mary is the only OLD person they know with enough chutzpah to sign up -- LOLOL! Now, if I could just get access to the *(*($*^#$^* site, I might be able to do some damage :-)! Anybody out there got any bright ideas??? CiaoMeow >^;;^<

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Tia Mary
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Jinx Minx

And bad form to follow up my own post, but...is it possible when you created the account you made an error in your email address? That would explain not getting the password reset emails. Go to the main facebook page and try creating a new account using the same email address. If it lets you, then a data entry mistake must've been made, otherwise, it gives you a little dialog box telling that there is already an account associated with that email.

HTH, Jinx

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Jinx Minx

Well, Mary, I found you on FB, so you're really there.

I'd try contacting them or otherwise digging around here

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Cheryl Isaak

I am trying to sign in on the official FB page -- when I go to the Help Page, the form I get already has my correct e-mail addy. I'm apparently not getting the "reset password" e-mail that I must assume they sent out. What has me stumped is why I got the first e-mail from FB in response to the Help Page form I filled out but nothing after that! I'll try the link Cheryl posted -- maybe I can get some help that way. CiaoMeow >^;;^<

Reply to
Tia Mary

That doesn't work either! I just went and clicked on the listed problem -- one about getting an invalid password when I know my password is correct. My 'puter went nowhere -- just sat here and thought about it (my cursor showed it's little "I'm Working" thing) but went nowhere. I waited two full minutes (yes, I have a high speed connection) and finally just got outta there. VBS -- SOMETHING is fishy with FB and I have no way to report it! Heaven forbid they give you a snail mail addy or a phone number or even an e-mail addy so you can report this kind of problem. I'll go back to the site and meander around and see if I can find some way to contact them -- AGAIN!!! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

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Tia Mary

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Cheryl Isaak

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I checked my spam and there is nothing there. The odd thing is that I DID get one e-mail from FB in response to my filling out the problem form. That's the one I had to reply to so that they would know I was the person who sent the problem report. Since then, absolutely nothing. I did meander around through the Help Page and found a spot where I could actually write and tell them what the problem was. I'm waiting to see if I get a response to that. I looked everywhere and found absolutely NOTHING that would be a generic "Contact" e-mail. If I don't hear back from this latest problem report, I'm not sure what I will do! There have to be at least a dozen people who have asked me to be a "friend" and I can't accept because I can't sign on! VBS -- what a PITA!!!! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

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Yikes - we kind of agree - though I don't think it's totally ridiculous, just completely blown out of perspective in usage.

Yesterday as we were driving home (carpool, as Nessie in the shop) NPR had a report on about social networking and Gen Yers WRT productivitiy and the "lack of etiquette" in business meetings. Someone had put together a report after studying a good amount of various corporate/businesses and the discussion was centering on the incredible amount of time the Gen Y (20 somethings) feel is just fine to be spent doing social networking during the work-day - twitter, facebook, My Space, personal e-mail, texting, etc. It's about 20-25% and more, of the day. While supposedly working - separate from breaks. And that people do not understand when they are requested not to do this during billable work time, or to respect limits of how much personal socializing is going on during the work-day. Then some woman from Deloitte Touche spoke that they feel IIRC up to about 15% of time at work could be spent on social networking - strictly personal - not business networking - as that ensured happy employess who are in touch with families, etc. Pretty amazing. Then this went on to discuss the clash at business meetings now - where the Baby Boomers - now the seniors in a meeting - are rolling their eyes, as the most junior people there are still texting, looking at their Crackberries, and opening lap-tops - even doing e-mail, FB, etc - while at a meeting.

I can understand a certain amount of social/personal e-mail happening during the day, and keeping people content, feeling valued is fine. But the non-stop if you unplug me I'll fall apart sense is just absurd. So many of these people cannot structure a coherent sentence, let alone a thought. I think if I were at a business meeting and saw the lack of attention to matters at hand, I'd speak up. If it's not worth the attention of those there, than either it's not worth my time, or they needn't be paid to be there. Even at my "stupid" Caribou job, the manager told me it's a big issue with the younger staff - texting/cell phones. The "ADHD" but very nice 21 year old - cannot put down his cell. Constantly playing with it. The guy can't stay focused long enough to remember an order from the drive

-thru for 20 sec to get it entered in the system - let alone complete a task. I am amazed - as the crew are merely texting to people they've just seen or will see wtihin minutes it seems. Oh, well.

The whole carry-over of all this shared personal information and lack of respect for business/professional versus personal space and behavior kind of astonishes me. Oh, well, I guess I'm showing my age.

Rant off.


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I also wonder if anyone has a clue how to be alone and depend on themselves for entertainment. What will happen to some of these kids when they're stuck in with a cranky baby and there's no one to annoy, or the electricity goes off because there's a storm, or (gasp) they actually have to decide all by themselves whether to buy french bread or kaiser rolls.

I often hear those moronic conversations in the supermarket about whether to get Skippy or Peter Pan and then have some young woman tell me she was talking to her 8 year old to find out which he liked better. For heaven's sake, you're the mother, you decide for him.

My last comment is a question. Does everyone really want to know every time someone goes off to the grocery, or up to bed, or all those ordinary things that one does during the day?


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They'll probably just bash the baby, or go out and leave it alone.

They don't take charge of their kids. I had an argument with a mother in a stupidmarket about just that. The kid (maybe about 6) was taking off a shelf and dropping, plastic containers of Maple Syrup. One of the other two was busy pushing the cart into my ankles.

She was unimpressed so I yelled at her, "Take charge of your kids!" Whereupon there was a silence, that had the power to embarrass the idiot.

They seem to think you do, if you don't, they'll 'poke' you! Back when I was on FB (which was sometime ago and briefly) I saw someone say "Just going to take a leak" - sigh. The only one I liked was I joined as a 'friend' of the then Premier of NS. Everytime he made moves I didn't think were correct, I wrote that on his wall. Idiot. I think that was the only real fun I had with the thing :) (rare smiley, rather more like a sneer)

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I started to respond to Lucille's earlier comment....and the g-d computer decided to ask me if a program may update...and erased the thread.

Anyway, I do have a facebook account which I used once to communicate with my long-lost niece in UK, and my second-cousin whatever also in UK. My daughter also has a page.

Mine is blank, has no picture. My second cousin posted a whole lot of family pictures she had from my aunts photo album, mostly all of me were as a kid. I had seen most of them, but at least I knew who they were. She didn't know who they all were, so I filled her in.

I can see absolutely no DAMN reason to be in touch with people 24/7. That is why I spend so much time on the computer; I play games, roam around, read Sheena's big downloads, and at the same time, I think, mull and plan.

I have a friend, five years younger than I who, on her cellphone, calls her mother (across the road in winter) her daughter, her sister, her son, her grandkids daily!! She said she wanted to die before she is 75, and I can see why!!

I love to hear from people, but don't need to hear of each fart, burp, lost sleep etc. Get a life.

Have I pi**ed anyone off yet??

BTW, I keep getting notices from Natalie for me to join her on f-b. Is that the Natalie I am thinking of from the Reading/ Maidenhead area of UK, many many years ago??

Life is strange!


Reply to
Gillian Murray

I`m with you, Gill - I have an account but don`t suppose I`ll ever use it again. Skype makes more sense to me. Facebook and Twitter are so superficial - when I reformat I don`t think I`ll even bother to put them back.


Reply to
Pat P

I keep getting those and at my 'real' addy too! I really resent that

- who the hell does she think she is ? It smells to me of a poorly kept computers (hers) and a virus that has gathered email addresses.

If she still reads rctn, the message is GET ME OFF YOUR FB ! I am not interested in joining anyones FB, and there is no likelihood I ever will be.

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I honestly DO value your opinion. I know we don't agree on lots of stuff, but this time, I FEEL THE SAME! Thing is, with most of my family and friends using Facebook, I agreed to join in. Since I haven't been able to use the durned thing, and hence don't really know what the site actually does, I'm STILL wondering why ordinary old e-mail isn't good enough! VBS -- oh well -- I'll just do my best to pester the FB folks and be patient -- LOLOL -- like THAT's gonna happen!!!!! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

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Cheryl Isaak

A valid opinion, of course. It's just that it takes another chunk of time out of the day. If I want to let several people know what's going on, I send an e-mail to all of them at once. But "the times they are a-changing" so I try to sort of go with the flow. When DD got an iPod for Christmas, the SMDGD asked if she could have DD's old MP3 player to use when helping with yard work, driving in the car, etc. DD said sure and then wondered about a society that thinks it's OK for 6 year old kids to have their own MP3 player. I told her that this is the Walkman for the SMDGDs generation. My generation had transistor radios (I was about 10 when I got mine), DD had the Walkman (her 8th b-day) then there was the Diskman and now the MP3 and iPod. I certainly wouldn't go out and spend $30 or thereabouts for a new MP3 Player for a 6 yo kid but I see nothing wrong with giving the kid Mom's old one when she upgrades. CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Reply to
Tia Mary

And, of course, IMHO, the absolute worst instance of this is "I must talk to someone about whatever date/outing I'm on or planning while in a public restroom - even in the stall" . Yikes again! As if anyone needs to hear the sounds of the restroom echoing thru their cell-phone, and the rest of the public needs to share their ablutions.


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