Somebody cut off my head?

If you thought it was migraines at all, the obvious thing to do was see a neurologist and get a proper diagnosis.

Since you didn't, I can't buy that your headaches were bad enough to seek the proper medical help. Therefore, you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to actual, neurologist diagnosed, migraines.

BTW, sinus headaches can throb too, they just hurt in a different part of your head. A typical migraine hurts only to one side of your head, lights, sounds and smells make them worse, make the nausea and vomitting worse. It's common for the vomitting to hit the dry heaves stage and still not stop for hours.

My migraine peaks once a week to the point where I can only manage to get thru the day by taking massive amounts of pharmecuticals--something I'd rather not do as they don't sit well--and some days that isn't enough and I end up at the ER to get IV drugs. You should see my bills, but sometimes that is the only relief I can get, and then only for 12 hrs or so. When the drugs wear off, the pain returns, just not as bad as it was before I got "snowed."

Why don't you go talk to yourself some more on your blog and keep out of something you have no frame of reference for.


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Have you tried the nasal imitrex? I found it worked faster than both the shot and the pills. It's easier to use then Migranol, and I found it a lot more effective as well.


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((((Hugs, Caryn)))

As I've mentioned before, I can't even imagine, as a week with a migraine makes it impossible for me to even function. Obviously, that's nothing compared to one for 6 straight months.

And this time of year doesn't make it any easier, does it? With all the committments *and* the reduced daylight hours.

Take it easy as much as you can. And I do hope this headache breaks soon.

--Mickey Edmonton, AB

to reply: mickey18385 at yahoo dot com

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Please be careful with all these drug combinations. DMIL was on neurontin and morphine, then due to various intensive care issues was taken off both cold-turkey with very, very bad effects. Apparently, neurontin and morphine interact so you need a much larger dose of each to get the desired effect (or something like that). Don't know if that's the case with any other drug combos involving neurontic, but.... The only reason I bring this up is so you can ask your doctor about any potential issues w/neurontin and whatever else you might be taking. Afterall, you definitely don't want to make the pain any worse - though if it got any worse would you even notice? (I'm no doctor, I just don't want anyone to have to go throught what DMIL did. Not fun.) I'm sure you're asking all the right questions, Caryn; I'm just probably being overly sensitive.

Doesn't a good night's sleep help a lot? I hope you get several very soon. Best of luck on getting the Botox covered!

--Mickey Edmonton, AB

to reply: mickey18385 at yahoo dot com

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Me too. (Mental note, must get script renewed for 'the pill'.) But it was completely the opposite for my mum.

--Mickey Edmonton, AB

to reply: mickey18385 at yahoo dot com

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I carry the nasal imitrex around with me, but the shots work better for me. The pills are useless. Some of the other varietals of the sumatriptin cocktails I can't take because of other drug allergies. But with my situation what it is, point blank, I try to just tough out as much as I can

- not a martyr thing. When a full blown migraine is coming I definitely try to head it off. If it's the borderline thing, I'll just let it go - as with the psuedo-tumor headaches . I'm just kind of used to it - can't take the med to prevent, so keep my Anti-Vert around for use, my regular stock of tylenol.

Anyhow - glad someone else likes the spray. It's definitely better than the pills. Though for some people the pills actually work, and they are less expensive if they work in a normal dosage.


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It`s a wonder if we are with all this talk of migraines, etc.! Mine used to start with the classic visual disturbances and nausea you describe. Walking under sparsely leaved trees, moving in the breeze under strong sunlight could start it off or past railings with the sun shining through. Or even seeing someone in a black and white swirly patterned dress!!! Jane (daughter) finds that even a herringbone pattern can trigger one for her!


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Pat P

Ain`t THAT the truth!!! It`s many years since I had a migraine, thank goodness, but you never forget a THING about them! Sheer unadulterated misery.


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Pat P

Car rides with the sunlight filtered thru trees get me, the flickering light as we go down the road will get me every time.


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I am surprised, surely to goodness Imitrex is out of its patent now ? I was using that mid to late 80s and it was new then. If it is out of it's patent and not selling for less in the US, you should order from Canada. Would you like me to check it out for you ?

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lucretia borgia

"Caryn" ,in rec.crafts.textiles.needleworkwrote: and entertained us with

Time to drop the discussion, as usual Caryn has to be poisonous, what a bitch !

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lucretia borgia

Compared to you I'm a freaking saint!


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"Caryn" ,in rec.crafts.textiles.needleworkwrote: and entertained us with

Very glad I am not religious if you're a saint.

It's always the way though, if the posts go to a general format and the sympathy is not all Caryn centred, you get in there and say something hateful. I think you should examine closely your need to be here wanting people to say over and over again 'Oh poor Caryn' - fix your life before it eats you away.

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lucretia borgia

You know the really sad part? The best you could come up with was name calling. You believe yourself to be so wonderful, try harder to fight with some substance!

I tend to vent, it's part of my charactor. If you don't like it then don't read my posts. What you suspiciously missed in your collection of my posts (BTW, how little life do you have that you bothered to do that?) were the several in the past few weeks about stitching, or other positive things.

What a pathetic life you must lead, you've completely alienated at least one old friend, you constantly attempt to bully me (what was it you said once, that bullies know the people they are bullying are better then they are? Wasn't that it?), and you generally have nothing positive to say about anything.



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A migraine type headache that lasts for six months is bound to make you spit fire! LOL! Both of you, please use your killfiles! It was all a perfectly reasonable and interesting discussion on a subject that affects so many of us.


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Pat P

For crying out loud Caryn. I really believe you're the one who needs to get a life. Or at the very least, you need to learn to appreciate the one you already have and stop looking for sympathy from strangers.

It's quite apparent to me that you don't really have it so bad. You are always telling us that you have three great kids. You're husband can't be all bad because you say he has a steady job which is obviously good enough to allow you to have an expensive hobby, a computer, a house and food on your table. Since you don't drive, I imagine he must help you to do at least the food shopping for five people, which would be difficult to do using a bike.

So you have a job that makes life a little more complicated. It seems to be your choice to work or you wouldn't be saying it will allow you to vacation. Some people weren't able to ever go on vacation and when things were bad, they were devastatingly bad. We survived.

You constantly bombard us with your trials and tribulations. So you have a headache-too bad, but constantly whining and moaning and groaning about it will not make it better and it's tiresome for us to read about it. I'm personally sick and tired of your vendetta against one particular person. So you don't like her, that's tough. It's gotten boring and no one cares. If you don't like reading about her problems, don't read them, but being downright nasty is simply stupid.

You have no idea how to act like an adult. Using foul language and bringing up what went on in someone else's life is the behaviour of an 8 year old. At least stick to your own difficulties and your own age group.

You are pathetic and I truly believe you need more help than you can get from a bunch of strangers, many of whom are sick of your me, only me attitude.

You are not the only one who had to deal with problems in their life. Either learn to cope or get professional help.


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"Caryn" ,in rec.crafts.textiles.needleworkwrote: and entertained us with

And this post of course is not name calling ?

With a newsreader like Agent it is a click to put the post in a file and then simply click to use it again - I was not interested in stitching posts, I was merely highlighting the fact you always accuse Karen of going on and on about her health and you seem totally unable to see it is exactly what you yourself do!

You better check with Pat about that !

you constantly attempt to bully me (what was it

No, it was not I who said that, though I have pointed out you endeavour to bully Karen.

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lucretia borgia

Imitrex wasn't released here until the mid-90s - the trials were still going on in the early 90's. The only reason I can remember - my friend in med school on the trial, and the first time I got it was in 93 - when it was brand new. Only the injectible. And I have an hysterical story from my SIL the hypochondriac - who likes to have dramas - and go to the ER for a demerol shot for her "migraines" . Except that for years we thought she was faking it - they always happen around some event when someone else is the center of attention. Anyhow - evidently she yelled at her doc, got an Imitrex injection kit - without doing it first at the doc's as was the protocol for first time use. And it gave her really serious palpitations, and since she must've been faking it - when the blood vessels are being constricted - well - since there was no real migraine - it was a very unpleasant experience. We were visiting in FLA, and my DB & I with then BF, her were talking about my medical issues, and that the Imitrex was really helping. I think I had a migraine while we were at the hospital for my mom, and my DA had gotten one of the anesthesiologists to give me a shot. Anyhow

- the SIL was totally flipped out that the Imitrex worked for me and went on a big rampage about it. So, with a straight face, I said, "well, everyone I know that has real migraines thinks it's a miracle drug - regardless of the initial side effects. Maybe your headaches aren't really migraines" I thought my DB would choke. She'd evidently thought it was like getting your own get a little high when you want to kit.

I'm sure it is out of patent - but still pricey. Also, for some things, I don't do generic drugs. The basic formulation has to be the same, but the processing and what is called bioavailability can vary widely. As in how much of the drug and how readily it gets into your bloodstream. Generics have a wide range of allowances. So, for something like this , I don't really do the generic - don't even think my pharmacy has offered it. Truthfully, I'm do for a new presecription, and the price may have changed significantly since my last refill over a year ago. The timing would be right.

I'll let you know - about Canada. When we're there for hockey trips I always bring back a stash of homeopathic stuff - seems a better selection.

Also, we're redoing our health insurance this week - open season for fed employees is thru Dec 11. Don't know if we're changing - but definitely adding -finally - dental and vision. And it seems that if I mail order some of my drugs it will be significantly cheaper. So, might work with the imitrex - I think it's a flat $35 for 90 days - which might be a handful of doses. With 1 of my stomach meds - it's $39 a month for 30 days worth - at the pharmacy - but the same out of pocket for 3 months if I mail order from the insurance company. Go figure.

Thanks for the offer.


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Well said Lucille. Isn't it time for jv to pop here ???

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lucretia borgia

But it makes me very sad that I got so exasperated that I sent it.

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